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Created August 12, 2023 14:34
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for blog
<script setup>
const promptText = ref('')
const generateText = ref('')
const inProgress = ref(false)
const askChatGPT = async () => {
inProgress.value = true
generateText.value = 'loading...'
try {
const prompt = `${promptText.value}`
const { data } = await useFetch('/api/chatgpt', {
method: 'POST',
body: { prompt }
const content = data.value.choices[0].message.content
generateText.value = content
} catch (e) {
generateText.value = 'error'
} finally {
inProgress.value = false
<!-- prompt -->
<div class="m-4">
<label for="message" class="">プロンプト</label>
<textarea v-model="promptText" :disabled="inProgress" rows="8"
class="mt-2 p-2 w-full text-sm rounded-lg border border-gray-300" placeholder="XXX について教えてください"></textarea>
<!-- ChatGPT -->
<div class="m-4">
<button type="button" @click="askChatGPT" :disabled="inProgress || !promptText"
class="rounded text-white px-2 py-2 bg-blue-600 disabled:border-gray-300 disabled:bg-gray-300 disabled:text-gray-100">
ChatGPT に聞く
<div class="m-4"> {{ generateText }}</div>
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