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Created July 21, 2015 07:24
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#device = DMX512SerialDevice
#device = EnttecDMXProDevice
#device = VirtualOutputDevice
#port = COM1
## Virtual output device, for debugging. Will show up as white squares on the screen.
#device = VirtualOutputDevice
# Arduino Mega 2560 with an ATMega8U2 is idenfied with \Device\USBSER@@@ on windows.
# Use the DMX512SerialDevice which can be used to talk to firmware with the driver from: directly without extra hardware.
device = DMX512SerialDevice
port = \Device\USBSER@@@
channels = 32
MainCabinLights = 0
WarningLights = 1
condition = Always
target = MainCabinLights
value = 1.0
condition = HasShip == 0
target = MainCabinLights
effect = Glow
min_value = 0.0
max_value = 0.5
time = 1.0
condition = Hull < 50
target = WarningLights
effect = Blink
on_time = 0.05
off_time = 0.05
condition = HasShip == 0
target = WarningLights
value = 0.0
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