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Created October 8, 2011 16:56
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Compute Euclidean projections on the simplex or L1-ball
""" Module to compute projections on the positive simplex or the L1-ball
A positive simplex is a set X = { \mathbf{x} | \sum_i x_i = s, x_i \geq 0 }
The (unit) L1-ball is the set X = { \mathbf{x} | || x ||_1 \leq 1 }
Adrien Gaidon - INRIA - 2011
import numpy as np
def euclidean_proj_simplex(v, s=1):
""" Compute the Euclidean projection on a positive simplex
Solves the optimisation problem (using the algorithm from [1]):
min_w 0.5 * || w - v ||_2^2 , s.t. \sum_i w_i = s, w_i >= 0
v: (n,) numpy array,
n-dimensional vector to project
s: int, optional, default: 1,
radius of the simplex
w: (n,) numpy array,
Euclidean projection of v on the simplex
The complexity of this algorithm is in O(n log(n)) as it involves sorting v.
Better alternatives exist for high-dimensional sparse vectors (cf. [1])
However, this implementation still easily scales to millions of dimensions.
[1] Efficient Projections onto the .1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions
John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008)
assert s > 0, "Radius s must be strictly positive (%d <= 0)" % s
n, = v.shape # will raise ValueError if v is not 1-D
# check if we are already on the simplex
if v.sum() == s and np.alltrue(v >= 0):
# best projection: itself!
return v
# get the array of cumulative sums of a sorted (decreasing) copy of v
u = np.sort(v)[::-1]
cssv = np.cumsum(u)
# get the number of > 0 components of the optimal solution
rho = np.nonzero(u * np.arange(1, n+1) > (cssv - s))[0][-1]
# compute the Lagrange multiplier associated to the simplex constraint
theta = (cssv[rho] - s) / (rho + 1.0)
# compute the projection by thresholding v using theta
w = (v - theta).clip(min=0)
return w
def euclidean_proj_l1ball(v, s=1):
""" Compute the Euclidean projection on a L1-ball
Solves the optimisation problem (using the algorithm from [1]):
min_w 0.5 * || w - v ||_2^2 , s.t. || w ||_1 <= s
v: (n,) numpy array,
n-dimensional vector to project
s: int, optional, default: 1,
radius of the L1-ball
w: (n,) numpy array,
Euclidean projection of v on the L1-ball of radius s
Solves the problem by a reduction to the positive simplex case
See also
assert s > 0, "Radius s must be strictly positive (%d <= 0)" % s
n, = v.shape # will raise ValueError if v is not 1-D
# compute the vector of absolute values
u = np.abs(v)
# check if v is already a solution
if u.sum() <= s:
# L1-norm is <= s
return v
# v is not already a solution: optimum lies on the boundary (norm == s)
# project *u* on the simplex
w = euclidean_proj_simplex(u, s=s)
# compute the solution to the original problem on v
w *= np.sign(v)
return w
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omarfoq commented May 5, 2021

I think there is an error on line 59, it should be
theta = float(cssv[rho] - s) / (rho+1)

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I think there is an error on line 59, it should be
theta = float(cssv[rho] - s) / (rho+1)

Thanks @omarfoq : indeed, testing on np.array([2, 2]) with the original gist returns array([0., 0.]), but with your modification, at least in this case, it returns the right result (array([0.5, 0.5]))

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