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Created January 15, 2011 16:46
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Pytables demo to store tracks of a video database
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import tables
# class containing infos to identify a track
class Track(tables.IsDescription):
id = tables.IntCol() # track ID (should be unique)
frame = tables.IntCol() # frame where the current track bounding box was found
ulx = tables.IntCol() # upper left corner's x coordinate of the bbox (upper left is origin (0,0) of frame)
uly = tables.IntCol() # upper left corner's y coordinate of the bbox
width = tables.IntCol() # width of the bbox
height = tables.IntCol() # height of the bbox
score = tables.FloatCol() # detector score of the bbox (if not found manually)
# create dummy data
movies = {}
movies['train'] = [ 'tr_movie%d' % i for i in range(1000) ]
movies['test'] = [ 'te_movie%d' % i for i in range(1000) ]
sids = {}
for s in "train test".split():
sids[s] = {}
for m in movies[s]:
sids[s][m] = ( '%s-frames-%d-%d' % \
(m, np.random.randint(100), np.random.randint(100, 200))
for i in range(10) )
print "beginning writing .h5 file"
filename = 'test.h5'
# Open a file in "w"rite mode
h5file = tables.openFile(filename, mode = "w", title = "hollywood2 dataset")
# Create the tracks group at the root
tracks_g = h5file.createGroup(h5file.root, 'tracks', 'Tracks for the dataset')
# Create the training and test groups
trt_g = h5file.createGroup(tracks_g, 'train', 'Tracks for the training samples')
tet_g = h5file.createGroup(tracks_g, 'test', 'Tracks for the test samples')
# Create the automatic and ground truth groups of tracks in each case
gnames = ['autom', 'gt']
gtitles = ['Automatically detected tracks', 'Ground truth tracks']
for s in "train test".split():
for gname, gtitle in zip(gnames, gtitles):
ttr = h5file.createGroup("/tracks/%s" % s, gname, gtitle)
# Create the per-movie tables of tracks
tid = -1
for s in "train test".split():
for t in "autom gt".split():
for m in movies[s]:
pg = "/tracks/%s/%s" % (s,t)
table = h5file.createTable(pg, m, Track, "Movie %s" % m)
trow = table.row
# add the sample tracks
for sid in sids[s][m]:
# add multiple tracks
for atn in range(10):
tid += 1
trow['id'] = tid
trow['frame'] = np.random.randint(100)
trow['ulx'] = np.random.randint(200)
trow['uly'] = np.random.randint(100)
trow['width'] = np.random.randint(120)
trow['height'] = np.random.randint(140)
trow['score'] = np.random.random()
# Close (and flush) the file
print ".h5 written"
# open the file and display its contents
ff = tables.openFile("test.h5")
#ff # prints all infos in interactive session
print ff.root
print ff.root.tracks
print ff.root.tracks.train
print ff.root.tracks.train.autom
print ff.root.tracks.train.getattr('autom')
mv1 = ff.root.tracks.train.autom.tr_movie1
print mv1
print mv1[:3]
print mv1.cols.frame[:3]
print [ row['frame'] for row in mv1.where('(score >= 0.5) & (width > 25)') ]
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