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"""Tree structure and hierarchical divisive algorithm for spectral clustering
Used in the paper:
author = {Gaidon, Adrien and Harchaoui, Zaid and Schmid, Cordelia},
title = {{Activity representation with motion hierarchies}},
journal = {IJCV},
year = {2014}
Copyrights: Adrien Gaidon, 2012-2014
import sys
import heapq
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.sparsetools import cs_graph_components
import pyflann
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans, KMeans
# The fixed internal paramaters for clustering
# generic ones
min_tube_size=100, # minimum points per cluster
max_tube_size=2000, # maximum points per cluster
min_k=2, # lower limit on number of tubes per video
# build_sym_geom_adjacency
min_geom_neighbors=10, # minimum number of geometrical neighbors
# spectral_clustering_division
n_threshs=10, # number of evenly-spaced thresholds to try
max_depth=62, # maximum depth for cluster-trees (-> max nodes = 2**h - 1)
min_evect_amplitude=1e-10, # min amplitude of proj on eigenvector to split
def spectral_embedding_nystrom(AB, ridge=1e-10, nvec=2, copy=True):
"""Approximate spectral embedding using the Nystrom approximation
AB: (n, n+m) array,
similarities between n sub-sampled points and all n+m points
(AB = [A; B], where A is assumed p.d.)
ridge: float,
small offset added to the diagonal of A for numerical stability
nvec: int, optional, default: 2,
number of embedding vectors to use (output dimensionality, nvec < n)
copy: boolean, optional, default: True,
work on a copy of AB or not
E: (n+m, nvec) array,
the spectral embedding of all points
IndefiniteError: if A = AB[:n, :n] is not positive-definite
- One shot-technique from [1]: assumes A is p.d.
Note, that [1] has some mistakes that are corrected here.
- Cost in memory is at most 4 time the memory size of AB.
[1] Spectral grouping using the Nystrom method,
Fowlkes, C. and Belongie, S. and Chung, F. and Malik, J.
PAMI 2004
if copy:
AB = AB.copy() # XXX memory bottleneck
n = AB.shape[0]
#m = AB.shape[1] - n
assert nvec < n, "Too large number of embedding vectors (%d >= %d)" % (
nvec, n)
# make views of the blocks
A = AB[:, :n]
B = AB[:, n:]
# add a ridge for numerical stability as A is generally badly-conditionned
# XXX use QR decompostion of A for num stab (cf. stable GP)?
A[np.diag_indices_from(A)] += ridge
# normalize the components of AB
b_r = B.sum(axis=1)
pinvA = spd_pinv(A)
d1 = A.sum(axis=1) + b_r
d2 = np.abs(B.sum(axis=0) +, pinvA), B))
# Note: abs not required except when numerical problems
if np.any(d1 <= 0):
raise ValueError("numerical issue: negative or null d1 entries")
if np.any(d2 <= 0):
raise ValueError("numerical issue: negative or null d2 entries")
dhat = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.r_[d1, d2])[:, np.newaxis]
A *=[:n], dhat[:n].T)
B *=[:n], dhat[n:].T)
# square root of the pseudo-inverse
Asi = spd_pinv(A, square_root=True)
# compute the embedding vectors
AsiB =, B) # XXX time & memory bottleneck (20% of total)
S = A +, AsiB.T) # XXX bottleneck (20% of total)
QS, deltaS = None, None
for _i in range(4):
QS, deltaS, _ = np.linalg.svd(S)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
_qridge = ridge * 10 ** _i
S[np.diag_indices_from(S)] += _qridge
"WARNING: SVD didn't converge:"
"added ridge {0:0.1e} to weird S matrix\n".format(_qridge))
if QS is None or deltaS is None:
raise ValueError("numerical issue: ridge too low or weird S")
if np.any(deltaS <= 0):
raise ValueError("numerical issue: negative or null deltaS entry")
_VT = / np.sqrt(deltaS)),, Asi))
VT =, AB) # XXX time & memory bottleneck (20% of total)
# return the first nvec embedding vectors
if np.any(VT[0] == 0):
"WARNING: numerical issue: null first eigenvector entries\n")
# replace 0 entries by the mean
_m = np.mean(VT[0])
if _m == 0:
raise ValueError('numerical issue: first eigenvector is 0')
VT[0, VT[0] == 0] = _m
E = VT[1:nvec + 1] / VT[0][np.newaxis, :]
# small check
E = np.asarray_chkfinite(E.T)
return E
def spectral_clustering_division(E, geoms, split_type="threshold"):
"""Divisive hierarchical clustering + model selection
Recursively split in two by thresholding the eigenvectors in increasing
eigenvalue order (starting from the second smallest), until we get too small
tubes, then perform model selection to determine the optimal splits.
E: (n_pts, n_vec), array,
the spectral embedding of the points on the n_vec smallest eigen-vectors
(from the second smallest eigen-value)
geoms: (n_pts, 3) array,
array of global (x, y, t) positions of the point tracks
split_type: 'kmeans' or 'threshold' (default),
the bi-partitioning algorithm used to split nodes
best_labels: (n_pts, ) array,
the found cluster memberships
int_paths: (n_pts, ) array,
use np.binary_repr(int_paths[i]) to get the string path of sample i
Note: root is the left-most '1', outliers have path 0
n_pts, n_vec = E.shape
_n, _d = geoms.shape
assert _n == n_pts and _d == 3, "Invalid geoms (%s)" % (str(geoms.shape))
# limit on tube sizes
mts = int(INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['min_tube_size'])
Mts = int(INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['max_tube_size'])
# lower limit on the number of clusters
min_n_clusters = int(INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['min_k'])
# max allowed node depth
max_depth = int(INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['max_depth'])
# min eigenvector amplitude for split
min_evect_amplitude = float(INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['min_evect_amplitude'])
# number of thresholds to try when using thresholding splits
n_threshs = int(INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['n_threshs'])
# check degenerate case: just issue a warning and lower mts
if n_pts <= 2 * min_n_clusters * mts:
n_mts = int(max(1, n_pts / (2.0 * min_n_clusters)))
sys.stderr.write("WARNING: small video" +
"({} <= {}) ".format(n_pts, 2 * min_n_clusters * mts) +
": changing min_leaf_size to {}.\n".format(n_mts))
mts = n_mts
# get the normalized spatio-temporal positions
nrlz = np.array([640., 480., 1e2])
ngeoms = geoms.astype(np.float) / nrlz[np.newaxis, :]
ngeoms -= ngeoms.mean(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
# initialize the tree structure
stree = SpectralTree(
E, ngeoms, mts, Mts, min_n_clusters, max_depth, min_evect_amplitude,
split_type, n_threshs)
# recursively split the leaves in depth-first left-to-right order
return stree.labels, stree.int_paths
# ==============================================================================
# Helper functions
# ==============================================================================
def spd_pinv(a, rcond=1e-10, square_root=False, check_stability=True):
""" Pseudo-inverse of a symetric positive-definite matrix
a: array_like, shape (N, N),
Symetric (not checked) positive-definite matrix to be pseudo-inverted.
rcond: float, optional, default: 1e-10,
Cutoff for small singular values.
Singular values smaller (in modulus) than
`rcond` * largest_singular_value (again, in modulus)
are set to zero.
square_root: boolean, optional, default: False,
return the matrix square-root of the pseudo-inverse instead
res: ndarray, shape (N, M)
The pseudo-inverse of `a`
or the (matrix) square-root of the pseudo-inverse.
IndefiniteError: if a is not positive-definite.
Uses the eigen-decomposition of `a`.
Small modifications wrt numpy.linalg.pinv:
- uses the eigen-decomposition instead of the svd
- only the real part
- check for positive-definiteness and eventually numerical stability
N, _N = a.shape
assert N == _N, "Matrix is not square!"
# get the eigen-decomposition
w, v = np.linalg.eigh(a)
# check positive-definiteness
ev_min = w.min()
if ev_min <= 0:
msg = "Matrix is not positive-definite: min ev = {0}"
raise IndefiniteError(msg.format(ev_min))
# check stability of eigen-decomposition
if check_stability:
# XXX use a preconditioner?
if not np.allclose(a,, w[:, np.newaxis] * v.T)):
raise NumericalError(
"Instability in eigh (condition number={:g})".format(
(w.max() / w.min())))
# invert the "large enough" part of s
cutoff = rcond * w.max()
for i in range(N):
if w[i] > cutoff:
if square_root:
# square root of the pseudo-inverse
w[i] = np.sqrt(1. / w[i])
w[i] = 1. / w[i]
w[i] = 0.
# compute the pseudo-inverse (using broadcasting)
res = np.real(, w[:, np.newaxis] * v.T))
# check stability of pseudo-inverse
if check_stability:
if square_root:
pa =, res)
approx_a =,, a))
msg = "Instability in square-root of pseudo-inverse"
approx_a =,, a))
msg = "Instability in pseudo-inverse"
if not np.allclose(a, approx_a):
# be a bit laxist by looking at the Mean Squared Error
mse = np.mean((a - approx_a) ** 2)
if mse > 1e-16:
raise NumericalError("{} (MSE={:g})".format(msg, mse))
return res
class IndefiniteError(Exception):
"""Error raised on problematic non-positive-definiteness"""
class NumericalError(Exception):
"""Error raised on problems caused by numerical instability"""
def build_geom_neighbor_graph(geoms, n_neighbors):
""" Computes the sparse CSR geometrical adjacency matrix gadj
geoms: (n_pts, d) array,
the geometrical info
n_neighbors: int,
number of neighbors
gadj: (n_pts, n_pts) sparse CSR array,
the adjacency matrix
gadj[i,j] == 1 iff i and j are geometrical neighbors
gadj might not be symmetric!
n_pts = geoms.shape[0]
pyflann.set_distance_type('euclidean') # squared euclidean actually
fli = pyflann.FLANN()
build_params = dict(algorithm='kdtree', num_neighbors=n_neighbors)
gneighbs, _ = fli.nn(geoms, geoms, **build_params)
data = np.ones((n_pts, n_neighbors), dtype='u1')
indptr = np.arange(0, n_pts * n_neighbors + 1, n_neighbors, dtype=int)
gadj = sparse.csr_matrix(
(data.ravel(), gneighbs.ravel(), indptr), shape=(n_pts, n_pts))
return gadj
def build_sym_geom_adjacency(geoms, max_gnn=100):
""" Return the sparsest yet maximally connected symetric geometrical adjacency matrix
min_gnn = INTERNAL_PARAMETERS['min_geom_neighbors']
assert min_gnn < max_gnn, "Too high minimum number of neighbors"
n_pts = geoms.shape[0]
for n_neighbors in range(min_gnn, max_gnn + 1):
# find the lowest number of NN s.t. the graph is not too disconnected
C = build_geom_neighbor_graph(geoms, n_neighbors)
neighbs = C.indices.reshape((n_pts, n_neighbors))
C = C + C.T[:] = 1
n_comp, _ = cs_graph_components(C)
if n_comp == 1:
print "# use n_neighbors=%d" % n_neighbors
elif n_comp < 1:
raise ValueError('Bug: n_comp=%d' % n_comp)
if n_comp > 1:
print "# use maximum n_neighbors=%d (%d components)" % (
n_neighbors, n_comp)
return n_comp, C, neighbs
class SplitError(Exception):
def allclose_rows(X):
return np.sum(np.diff(X, axis=0) ** 2) < 1e-10
def get_kmeans_split(X):
""" Returns the list of row labels obtained by k-means with k == 2
n_pts, n_dims = X.shape
# special case: all rows are the same: k-means will hold forever...
if allclose_rows(X):
# all vectors are equal: cannot split
sys.stderr.write('# WARNING: all rows are close\n')
return None
if n_pts > 1e3:
model = MiniBatchKMeans(
n_clusters=2, init="k-means++", max_iter=30, batch_size=1000,
compute_labels=True, max_no_improvement=None, n_init=5)
model = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init="k-means++", n_init=5, max_iter=100)
labels = model.labels_
return labels
class PriorityQueue(object):
""" Simple priority queue class on objects
Compares objects based on their "minus_priority" property (must have this attribute)
Implemented with a heap
def __init__(self):
self._heap = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self._heap)
def push(self, obj):
""" Insert obj in the queue according to obj.minus_priority
# wrap the object to allow for correct pop operation
# remember that in python it's a min-heap (not max!)
wrap_obj = (obj.minus_priority, len(self), obj)
# use insertion number to ensure we never compare based on obj itself!
# additionally resolves ties by popping earliest-inserted object
heapq.heappush(self._heap, wrap_obj)
def pop(self):
""" Returns the highest priority object in the queue
Ties are resolved by popping the object inserted first (FIFO).
_, _, obj = heapq.heappop(self._heap)
return obj
class SpectralNode(object):
""" A node used to split points by thresholding a single eigen-vector
ids: (n, ) array,
the (integer) indexes of points affected by this split
vec: int,
the eigen-vector number (dimension in the embedding) used for the split
score: float,
score of the node (reflects quality in terms of consistency and density)
name: string,
path of the node in string format
(e.g. root is '1', left child of root is '10')
has_children: boolean,
whether the node has children or not
(i.e. if it's a leaf or if it wasn't split yet)
thresh: float,
the threshold used to split along the projection on the selected eigen-vector
def __init__(self, ids, vec, score=None, name=""):
""" A node corresponds to a split of points indexed by `ids`.
self.size = len(ids)
self.ids = ids
self.vec = vec
self.score = 0. if score is None else score = name # binary string path: 0 for left, 1 for right
self.has_children = False
self.thresh = None
def minus_priority(self):
""" Defines lexical order on nodes used to decide splits
In order of decreasing importance:
1) nodes where the split is on smaller eigen-vectors (more reliable)
2) nodes with the lowest parent score (highest gain expected),
3) bigger nodes first
Note that this property is the *opposite* of a priority
#return (-self.size, self.vec, self.score) # kinda "depth-first"
#return (self.vec, self.score, -self.size) # kinda "breadth-first"
return (self.score, -self.size, self.vec) # kinda "depth-first with back-tracking"
def _ps(score):
""" Convenience function for score printing
#s = "({0[0]:.3f}, {0[1]:.3f})".format(score)
s = "{0:.3f}".format(score)
return s
class SpectralTree(object):
""" Binary tree used for hierarchical divisive clustering of a spectral embedding
labels: (n_pts, ) array,
the cluster memberships according to the split up to the root (included)
n_clusters: int,
the number of clusters up to now
The tree is only implicit.
def __init__(self, E, ngeoms, min_leaf_size, max_leaf_size, min_leaves,
max_depth, min_evect_amplitude, split_type, n_threshs):
""" Initialize with empty tree
E: (n_pts, n_vec) array,
the spectral embedding of the points on n_vec eigen-vectors,
ngeoms: (n_pts, 3) array,
the spatio-temporal information of each point
(assumed to be normalized)
min_leaf_size: int,
the minimum size of a leaf
(don't split smaller nodes than this)
max_leaf_size: int,
the maximum size of a leaf
(always split for nodes bigger than this)
min_leaves: int,
minimum number of leaves for the full tree
(always split if less)
max_depth: int,
don't split nodes deeper than this (< 63)
min_evect_amplitude: float,
only used when thresholding to split
don't split a set of points along an eigenvector
with an amplitude (max-min) smaller than this
(e.g. 1e-10)
split_type: str,
"threshold": threshold individual eigenvectors to split a node
"kmeans": use k-means to bi-partition a node
n_threshs: int,
number of evenly-spaced in (0, 1) thresholds to try for splitting
self.E = E
self.n_pts, self.n_vec = E.shape
self.ngeoms = ngeoms
self.min_leaf_size = min_leaf_size
self.max_leaf_size = max_leaf_size
self.min_leaves = min_leaves
self.max_depth = max(1, min(max_depth, 62))
self.min_evect_amplitude = float(min_evect_amplitude)
self.split_type = split_type
self.n_threshs = n_threshs
# checks
assert self.n_pts == self.ngeoms.shape[0], "Invalid geoms dimension"
assert self.split_type in ("threshold", "kmeans"), "Unknown split_type"
assert self.max_leaf_size >= self.min_leaf_size, "max_leaf_size < min_leaf_size"
assert min_evect_amplitude > 0, \
"min_evect_amplitude == {} <= 0".format(min_evect_amplitude)
# split-type specific treatments
if self.split_type == "kmeans":
# l2-normalize E
nrlz = np.sqrt((self.E ** 2).sum(axis=1))
mask = nrlz > 0
self.E[mask] /= nrlz[mask][:, np.newaxis]
elif self.split_type == "threshold":
# rescale projections to be between 0 and 1
self.E -= self.E.min(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
nrlz = self.E.max(axis=0)
mask = nrlz != 0
self.E[:, mask] /= nrlz[mask][np.newaxis, :]
# relative per-dim thresholds (min 10% - 90% split imbalance)
self.percentiles = np.linspace(0.10, 0.90, num=self.n_threshs)
# build the geom adjacency matrix (used for scoring)
_, self._gadj, self._gneighbs = build_sym_geom_adjacency(ngeoms)
def _get_tube_connectedness(self, tube_idxs):
""" Return the connectedness measure of the tube
tube_idxs: (tube_size, ) array,
the ids of the points in the tube we're interested in
connectedness: float in [0, 1],
1/#connected components
# extract the rows of self._gadj which are in the tube
ids = self._gadj.indices
iptr = self._gadj.indptr
sub_indices = np.hstack(
[ids[iptr[i]:iptr[i + 1]] for i in tube_idxs]).astype(ids.dtype)
sub_indptr = np.zeros_like(iptr)
sub_indptr[tube_idxs + 1] = iptr[tube_idxs + 1] - iptr[tube_idxs]
sub_indptr = np.cumsum(sub_indptr, dtype=iptr.dtype)
_conn_labs = np.empty((self.n_pts,), dtype=iptr.dtype)
num_conn = cs_graph_components(
self.n_pts, sub_indptr, sub_indices, _conn_labs)
assert num_conn > 0, "BUG: negative or null num_conn %d" % num_conn
connectedness = 1. / num_conn
return connectedness
def _get_tube_label_density(self, tube_idxs):
""" Return the average local label agreement of the tube
tube_idxs: (tube_size, ) array,
the ids of the points in the tube we're interested in
density: float in [0, 1],
average ratio of geometrical neighbors in the tube
# get the indexes of the nearest neighbors of all tube points
gneighbs = self._gneighbs[tube_idxs]
# count the number of neighbors in the tube
fbl = np.zeros((self.n_pts, ), dtype=bool)
fbl[tube_idxs] = True
nnt = fbl[gneighbs].sum()
assert nnt > len(
tube_idxs), "BUG: at least the points are in the tube!"
# get the overall ratio
density = float(nnt) / (gneighbs.shape[0] * gneighbs.shape[1])
return density
# XXX use numexpr and (x-y)**2 instead?
def _get_tube_inertia(self, tube_idxs):
""" Return the within-cluster variance (like in k-means)
tube_idxs: (tube_size, ) array,
the ids of the points in the tube we're interested in
inertia: float,
the sum of square differences from the mean
# get the features of the in-cluster points
X = self.E[tube_idxs]
# get the centroid
centroid = np.mean(X, axis=0)
# compute the sum of the squared norms
inertia = np.sum(X * X)
inertia += len(tube_idxs) * np.sum(centroid * centroid)
# compute the inner-products with the centroid
inertia -= 2 * np.sum(, centroid))
return inertia
# XXX critical part: find good scoring!
def get_tube_score(self, tube_idxs):
""" Return the score of a single cluster
tube_idxs: (tube_size, ) array,
the ids of the points in the tube we're interested in
score: float,
the quality score (the higher the better) of the cluster
we use as score, the inverse of the number of connected components
assert len(
tube_idxs) > 0, "BUG: #tube_idxs == {0}".format(len(tube_idxs))
# get the connectedness
tc = np.sqrt(self._get_tube_connectedness(tube_idxs))
return tc
def _get_candidate_thresholds(self, node, vec):
""" Return a list of pairs (n_vec, thresh) of a threshold applicable to
the n_vec'th dimension of the spectral embedding (eigenvector n_vec)
if vec >= self.n_vec:
msg = "BUG: try to split on {0} which is after max_n_vec ({1})"
raise SplitError(msg.format(vec, self.n_vec))
# the projections on the selected eigen-vector
evs = self.E[node.ids, vec]
# get the thresholds
_scale = evs.max() - evs.min()
if _scale < self.min_evect_amplitude:
# not enough amplitude to split
used_threshs = []
# get quantiles as thresholds
_threshs = evs[(self.percentiles * (len(evs) - 1)).astype(int)]
# discard thresholds very close to each other
# (unstable: small change yields very different split)
used_threshs = [_threshs[0]] # always use the first one
for _t in _threshs[1:]:
if (_t - used_threshs[-1]) > 1e-2 * _scale:
# keep: gap between thresholds is more than 1% of total scale
if len(used_threshs) == 0:
msg = "WARNING: too small amplitude ({0:0.1e})"
msg += " or too close thresholds to split node {1} at vec {2}\n"
sys.stderr.write(msg.format(_scale,, vec))
return used_threshs
def _split_threshold(self, node):
"""Find the best split of a node by thresholding the corresponding eigen-vector
# define the score to improve upon
if self.n_clusters >= self.min_leaves and node.size <= self.max_leaf_size:
# split only if min(children scores) > node.score
force_split = False
best_score = node.score
# force split: just take the best (even if children are worse)
force_split = True
best_score = None
left, right = None, None
# iterate over embedding dimensions (first ones are more reliable)
# up to max_n_vec (included), until we found an improving split
for _vec in range(self.n_vec):
# get the candidate thresholds along this dimension
threshs = self._get_candidate_thresholds(node, _vec)
# look for an improving best split along this eigenvector
for _t in threshs:
# compute the split
below_thresh = self.E[node.ids, _vec] < _t
_lids = node.ids[below_thresh]
_rids = node.ids[np.logical_not(below_thresh)]
# check if the tubes are not too small
_nl, _nr = len(_lids), len(_rids)
is_valid = _nl >= self.min_leaf_size and _nr >= self.min_leaf_size
if is_valid:
# compute the score of the new tubes only
_sl = self.get_tube_score(_lids)
_sr = self.get_tube_score(_rids)
# get the score of this split
split_score = min(_sl, _sr)
if best_score is None or split_score > best_score:
# better split
best_score = split_score
node.has_children = True
node.thresh = _t
left = SpectralNode(
_lids, _vec, score=_sl, + "0")
right = SpectralNode(
_rids, _vec, score=_sr, + "1")
# check stopping criterion
if node.has_children:
# we found an improving split
if _vec > 0 or not force_split:
# found an improving non-forced split: stop here
return left, right
def _split_kmeans(self, node):
"""Find the best split of a node by using k-means with k=2 on the full embedding
# bi-partition with k-means until children have enough samples or max outliers is reached
n_outliers = 0
ids = node.ids
left, right = None, None
# define the score to improve upon
if self.n_clusters >= self.min_leaves and node.size <= self.max_leaf_size:
# require an improvement of children
best_score = node.score
# limit outliers to smallest cluster possible
max_outliers = self.min_leaf_size
# just take the best split (even if children are worse)
best_score = None
# no limit on outliers: always split
max_outliers = np.inf
# iterate until valid split or reached max outliers
while n_outliers < max_outliers:
labels = get_kmeans_split(self.E[ids])
if labels is None:
# could not split
# compute the split
_lids = ids[labels == 0]
_rids = ids[labels == 1]
# check if the tubes are not too small
_nl, _nr = len(_lids), len(_rids)
if _nl + _nr != len(ids):
raise SplitError("BUG in kmeans")
if _nl >= self.min_leaf_size and _nr >= self.min_leaf_size:
# both children are large enough
_sl = self.get_tube_score(_lids)
_sr = self.get_tube_score(_rids)
# get the score of this split
score = min(_sl, _sr)
# check if the split improves (each child has better score than the parent)
if best_score is None or score > best_score:
# register the split (vec is used to store depth in the tree)
node.has_children = True
best_score = score
left = SpectralNode(
_lids, node.vec + 1, score=_sl, + "0")
right = SpectralNode(
_rids, node.vec + 1, score=_sr, + "1")
elif _nl < self.min_leaf_size and _nr >= self.min_leaf_size:
# left children is too small: add as outlier
self.labels[_lids] = -1
n_outliers += _nl
# carry on with this subset
ids = _rids
elif _nr < self.min_leaf_size and _nl >= self.min_leaf_size:
# right children is too small: add as outlier
self.labels[_rids] = -1
n_outliers += _nr
# carry on with this subset
ids = _lids
# both too small: node is a leaf
#msg = 'Both children are too small:'
#msg+= ' too many outliers ({0} >= max_outliers={1})'.format(n_outliers, max_outliers)
#msg+= ' or too small node size ({0})'.format(node.size)
#raise SplitError(msg)
return left, right
def _split_forced(self, node):
"""Force the split of a node, disregarding node size constraints
The split is not random but is obtained by cutting in 2 equally-sized
children sorted according of the projection along the first eigenvector.
The use of this function is only as a last resort to force a mandatory
split if normal splitting strategies have failed.
# compute the split
_vec = 0
sorted_idxs = np.argsort(self.E[node.ids, _vec]).squeeze()
n = len(sorted_idxs) // 2
_lids = node.ids[sorted_idxs[:n]]
_rids = node.ids[sorted_idxs[n:]]
# compute the score of the new tubes only
_sl = self.get_tube_score(_lids)
_sr = self.get_tube_score(_rids)
# register the split
node.has_children = True
node.thresh = np.median(self.E[node.ids, _vec]) # arbitrary
# Note: median would not ensure equal size (because of duplicate values)
left = SpectralNode(_lids, _vec, score=_sl, + "0")
right = SpectralNode(_rids, _vec, score=_sr, + "1")
return left, right
def split(self, node):
"""Split a tree in two
node: SpectralNode object,
the node of the subtree we want to split
(contains the eigen-vector along which we split)
left: SpectralNode object,
the root of the left subtree (None for leaves)
right: SpectralNode object,
the root of the right subtree (None for leaves)
Additionally updates the labels and number of clusters.
# check node was not already split
if node.has_children:
raise SplitError("BUG: node was already split")
# early stopping (only if enough nodes already)
if self.n_clusters >= self.min_leaves:
# make a leaf if too small to split
if node.size <= 2 * self.min_leaf_size:
return None, None
# special case: make a leaf if too deep already
if len( > self.max_depth:
# int(, 2) is too big to be represented as a long (int64)
# if len( > 62)
sys.stderr.write('# WARNING: early stopping too deep branch'
' {}\n'.format(
return None, None
# bi-partition the node's samples
if self.split_type == "kmeans":
left, right = self._split_kmeans(node)
left, right = self._split_threshold(node)
# check if we have two leaves or none
if (left is None and right is not None) or (left is not None and right is None):
raise SplitError(
"BUG: both children should be simultaneously"
"either None or not")
# check the post-conditions
if left is None or right is None:
# node is a leaf
if node.has_children:
raise SplitError("BUG: leaf node marked with (empty) children")
# check if it must have been split instead of being a leaf
if node.size > self.max_leaf_size:
# force the split
left, right = self._split_forced(node)
msg = 'WARNING: forced to split a must-split node that was'
msg += ' too big to be a leaf ({0} > max_leaf_size={1})\n'
sys.stderr.write(msg.format(node.size, self.max_leaf_size))
if self.n_clusters < self.min_leaves:
# force the split
left, right = self._split_forced(node)
msg = 'WARNING: forced to split a must-split node that had'
msg += ' not enough clusters ({0} < min_leaves={1})\n'
sys.stderr.write(msg.format(self.n_clusters, self.min_leaves))
# finalize the split
if node.has_children:
# update the labels of right child only (left keeps the same)
self.labels[right.ids] = self.n_clusters
self.n_clusters += 1
return left, right
def build(self, verbose=True):
"""Recursively split in two, starting from a cluster containing all points
The nodes to split are decided based on a priority queue (cf. SpectralNode).
# initially: one cluster
self.labels = np.zeros((self.n_pts, ), dtype=int)
self.int_paths = np.zeros((self.n_pts, ), dtype=int)
self.n_clusters = 1
# create the root and add it to a FIFO queue of nodes to process
root = SpectralNode(
np.arange(self.n_pts), 0, name="1") # '1' by convention
to_split = PriorityQueue()
# recursively split
#nrecs = 0
while len(to_split) > 0:
# get the node with highest priority
node = to_split.pop()
left, right = self.split(node)
# push to the priority queue
if node.has_children:
# node was split: push the children
# node is a leaf: update the cluster tree paths for the concerned points
self.int_paths[node.ids] = int(, 2)
# Note: outliers (not in node.ids) have default '0' path
# to save all partial labelings, do
#nrecs += 1'labels_%04d_split_%s.npy' % (nrecs,, self.labels)
if verbose:
self._print_split_infos(node, left, right, len(to_split))
# check we don't have a too small number of leaves
assert self.n_clusters >= self.min_leaves, \
"BUG: not enough clusters {0}".format(self.n_clusters)
def _print_split_infos(self, node, left, right, left_to_split):
""" Print DEBUG infos about the split of 'node' in 'left' and 'right'
DEBUG_info = "#DEBUG n_clusters={n_clusters:04d} to_split={to_split:04d}"
infos = dict(n_clusters=self.n_clusters, to_split=left_to_split)
DEBUG_info += " score={score}"
infos['score'] = _ps(node.score)
if node.has_children:
# node was split
DEBUG_info += " vec={vec:04d} sl={sl} nl={nl:06d} sr={sr} nr={nr:06d}"
infos['vec'] = left.vec
infos['sl'] = _ps(left.score)
infos['nl'] = left.size
infos['sr'] = _ps(right.score)
infos['nr'] = right.size
# node is a leaf
DEBUG_info += " LEAF" + ' ' * 42
DEBUG_info += " size={size:06d} path={path}"
infos['size'] = node.size
infos['path'] =
print DEBUG_info.format(**infos)
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