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Last active January 11, 2021 02:17
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Convert literate agda markdown to literate agda tex and buildable latex for darkmode
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Some useful commands when doing highlighting of Agda code in LaTeX.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{ifxetex, ifluatex, xifthen, xcolor, polytable, etoolbox,
calc, environ, xparse, xkeyval}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Options
\DeclareOption{bw} {\newcommand{\AgdaColourScheme}{bw}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Font setup
\tracinglostchars=2 % If the font is missing some symbol, then say
% so in the compilation output.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Colour schemes.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% References to code (needs additional post-processing of tex files to
% work, see wiki for details).
\RequirePackage{catchfilebetweentags, xstring}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Links (only done if the option is passed and the user has loaded the
% hyperref package).
% List that holds added targets.
{\PackageError{agda}{``#1'' used as target more than once}%
{Overloaded identifiers and links do not%
work well, consider using unique%
\MessageBreak identifiers instead.}%
}{\PackageError{agda}{Load the hyperref package before the agda package}{}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Font styles.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Colours.
% ----------------------------------
% The black and white colour scheme.
% Aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaComment} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaPragma} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaKeyword} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaString} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaNumber} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaSymbol} {HTML}{000000}
% NameKind colours.
\definecolor{AgdaBound} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaGeneralizable} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaInductiveConstructor} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaDatatype} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaField} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaFunction} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaMacro} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaModule} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaPostulate} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaPrimitive} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaRecord} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaArgument} {HTML}{000000}
% Other aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaDottedPattern} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaUnsolvedMeta} {HTML}{D3D3D3}
\definecolor{AgdaIncompletePattern} {HTML}{D3D3D3}
\definecolor{AgdaErrorWarning} {HTML}{BEBEBE}
\definecolor{AgdaError} {HTML}{696969}
% Misc.
\definecolor{AgdaHole} {HTML}{BEBEBE}
% ----------------------------------
% Conor McBride's colour scheme.
}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{\AgdaColourScheme}{conor}}{
% Aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaComment} {HTML}{B22222}
\definecolor{AgdaPragma} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaKeyword} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaString} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaNumber} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaSymbol} {HTML}{000000}
% NameKind colours.
\definecolor{AgdaBound} {HTML}{A020F0}
\definecolor{AgdaGeneralizable} {HTML}{A020F0}
\definecolor{AgdaInductiveConstructor} {HTML}{8B0000}
\definecolor{AgdaDatatype} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaField} {HTML}{8B0000}
\definecolor{AgdaFunction} {HTML}{006400}
\definecolor{AgdaMacro} {HTML}{006400}
\definecolor{AgdaModule} {HTML}{006400}
\definecolor{AgdaPostulate} {HTML}{006400}
\definecolor{AgdaPrimitive} {HTML}{006400}
\definecolor{AgdaRecord} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaArgument} {HTML}{404040}
% Other aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaDottedPattern} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaUnsolvedMeta} {HTML}{FFD700}
\definecolor{AgdaIncompletePattern} {HTML}{A020F0}
\definecolor{AgdaErrorWarning} {HTML}{FF0000}
\definecolor{AgdaError} {HTML}{F4A460}
% Misc.
\definecolor{AgdaHole} {HTML}{9DFF9D}
% ----------------------------------
% dark colour scheme.
}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{\AgdaColourScheme}{dark}}{
% Aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaComment} {HTML}{7D7D7D} %ggrey
\definecolor{AgdaPragma} {HTML}{EAEAEA} %darkwhite
\definecolor{AgdaKeyword} {HTML}{E6DB74} %myellow
\definecolor{AgdaString} {HTML}{E6DB74} %myellow
\definecolor{AgdaNumber} {HTML}{AB9DF2} %mpurple
\definecolor{AgdaSymbol} {HTML}{7D7D7D} %mgrey
\definecolor{AgdaPrimitiveType}{HTML}{AB9DF2} %mpurple
% NameKind colours.
\definecolor{AgdaBound} {HTML}{EAEAEA} %darkwhite
\definecolor{AgdaGeneralizable} {HTML}{EAEAEA} %darkwhite
\definecolor{AgdaInductiveConstructor} {HTML}{A6E22E} %mgreen
\definecolor{AgdaCoinductiveConstructor}{HTML}{000000} %mmgreen
\definecolor{AgdaDatatype} {HTML}{AB9DF2} %mpurple
\definecolor{AgdaField} {HTML}{FD971F} %mmorange
\definecolor{AgdaFunction} {HTML}{AB9DF2} %mpurple
\definecolor{AgdaMacro} {HTML}{FF6188} %mpink
\definecolor{AgdaModule} {HTML}{FF6188} %mpink
\definecolor{AgdaPostulate} {HTML}{FF6188} %mpink
\definecolor{AgdaPrimitive} {HTML}{AB9DF2} %mpurple
\definecolor{AgdaRecord} {HTML}{AB9DF2} %mpurple
\definecolor{AgdaArgument} {HTML}{EAEAEA} %darkwhite
% Other aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaDottedPattern} {HTML}{000000} %
\definecolor{AgdaUnsolvedMeta} {HTML}{FFD700} %
\definecolor{AgdaUnsolvedConstraint}{HTML}{FFD700} %
\definecolor{AgdaTerminationProblem}{HTML}{FF0000} %
\definecolor{AgdaIncompletePattern} {HTML}{A020F0} %
\definecolor{AgdaErrorWarning} {HTML}{FF0000} %
\definecolor{AgdaError} {HTML}{F4A460} %
% Misc.
\definecolor{AgdaHole} {HTML}{9DFF9D} %
colorlinks = true,
% ----------------------------------
% The standard colour scheme.
% Aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaComment} {HTML}{B22222}
\definecolor{AgdaPragma} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaKeyword} {HTML}{CD6600}
\definecolor{AgdaString} {HTML}{B22222}
\definecolor{AgdaNumber} {HTML}{A020F0}
\definecolor{AgdaSymbol} {HTML}{404040}
% NameKind colours.
\definecolor{AgdaBound} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaGeneralizable} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaInductiveConstructor} {HTML}{008B00}
\definecolor{AgdaDatatype} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaField} {HTML}{EE1289}
\definecolor{AgdaFunction} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaMacro} {HTML}{458B74}
\definecolor{AgdaModule} {HTML}{A020F0}
\definecolor{AgdaPostulate} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaPrimitive} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaRecord} {HTML}{0000CD}
\definecolor{AgdaArgument} {HTML}{404040}
% Other aspect colours.
\definecolor{AgdaDottedPattern} {HTML}{000000}
\definecolor{AgdaUnsolvedMeta} {HTML}{FFFF00}
\definecolor{AgdaIncompletePattern} {HTML}{F5DEB3}
\definecolor{AgdaErrorWarning} {HTML}{FFA07A}
\definecolor{AgdaError} {HTML}{FF0000}
% Misc.
\definecolor{AgdaHole} {HTML}{9DFF9D}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Commands.
% Aspect commands.
\newcommand{\AgdaComment} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaPragma} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaKeyword} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaString} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaNumber} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaSymbol} [1]
% Note that, in code generated by the LaTeX backend, \AgdaOperator is
% always applied to a NameKind command.
\newcommand{\AgdaOperator} [1]{#1}
% NameKind commands.
% The user can control the typesetting of (certain) individual tokens
% by redefining the following command. The first argument is the token
% and the second argument the thing to be typeset (sometimes just the
% token, sometimes \AgdaLink{<the token>}). Example:
% \usepackage{ifthen}
% % Insert extra space before some tokens.
% \DeclareRobustCommand{\AgdaFormat}[2]{%
% \ifthenelse{
% \equal{#1}{≡⟨} \OR
% \equal{#1}{≡⟨⟩} \OR
% \equal{#1}{∎}
% }{\ }{}#2}
% Note the use of \DeclareRobustCommand.
% Other aspect commands.
\newcommand{\AgdaFixityOp} [1]{\AgdaNoSpaceMath{$#1$}}
\newcommand{\AgdaDottedPattern} [1]{\textcolor{AgdaDottedPattern}{#1}}
\newcommand{\AgdaUnsolvedMeta} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaIncompletePattern} [1]{\colorbox{AgdaIncompletePattern}{#1}}
\newcommand{\AgdaErrorWarning} [1]{\colorbox{AgdaErrorWarning}{#1}}
\newcommand{\AgdaError} [1]
\newcommand{\AgdaCatchallClause} [1]{#1} % feel free to change this
% Used to hide code from LaTeX.
% Note that this macro has been deprecated in favour of giving the
% hide argument to the code environment.
% Misc.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The code environment.
% \newcommand{\AgdaCodeStyle}{\tiny}
% Adds the given amount of vertical space and starts a new line.
% The implementation comes from lhs2TeX's polycode.fmt, written by
% Andres Löh.
{\parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt\par\vskip #1\noindent}}
% Should there be space around code?
% Use this command to avoid extra space around code blocks.
% Use this command to include extra space around code blocks.
% By default space is inserted around code blocks.
% Sometimes one might want to break up a code block into multiple
% pieces, but keep code in different blocks aligned with respect to
% each other. Then one can use the AgdaAlign environment. Example
% usage:
% \begin{AgdaAlign}
% \begin{code}
% code
% code (more code)
% \end{code}
% Explanation...
% \begin{code}
% aligned with "code"
% code (aligned with (more code))
% \end{code}
% \end{AgdaAlign}
% Note that AgdaAlign environments should not be nested.
% Sometimes one might also want to hide code in the middle of a code
% block. This can be accomplished in the following way:
% \begin{AgdaAlign}
% \begin{code}
% visible
% \end{code}
% \begin{code}[hide]
% hidden
% \end{code}
% \begin{code}
% visible
% \end{code}
% \end{AgdaAlign}
% However, the result may be ugly: extra space is perhaps inserted
% around the code blocks.
% The AgdaSuppressSpace environment ensures that extra space is only
% inserted before the first code block, and after the last one (but
% not if \AgdaNoSpaceAroundCode{} is used). Example usage:
% \begin{AgdaAlign}
% \begin{code}
% code
% more code
% \end{code}
% Explanation...
% \begin{AgdaSuppressSpace}
% \begin{code}
% aligned with "code"
% aligned with "more code"
% \end{code}
% \begin{code}[hide]
% hidden code
% \end{code}
% \begin{code}
% also aligned with "more code"
% \end{code}
% \end{AgdaSuppressSpace}
% \end{AgdaAlign}
% Note that AgdaSuppressSpace environments should not be nested.
% There is also a combined environment, AgdaMultiCode, that combines
% the effects of AgdaAlign and AgdaSuppressSpace.
% The number of the current/next code block (excluding hidden ones).
% The number of the previous code block (excluding hidden ones), used
% locally in \Agda@SuppressEnd.
% Is AgdaAlign active?
% The number of the first code block (if any) in a given AgdaAlign
% environment.
\PackageError{agda}{Nested AgdaAlign environments}{%
AgdaAlign and AgdaMultiCode environments must not be
% Is AgdaSuppressSpace active?
% The number of the first code block (if any) in a given
% AgdaSuppressSpace environment.
% Does a "do not suppress space after" label exist for the current
% code block? (This boolean is used locally in the code environment's
% implementation.)
\PackageError{agda}{Nested AgdaSuppressSpace environments}{%
AgdaSuppressSpace and AgdaMultiCode environments must not be
% Marks the given code block as one that space should not be
% suppressed after (if AgdaSpaceAroundCode and AgdaSuppressSpace are
% both active).
% The use of labels is intended to ensure that LaTeX will provide a
% warning if the document needs to be recompiled.
\ifthenelse{\value{Agda@SuppressStart} = \value{Agda@Current}}{}{%
% Mark the previous code block in the .aux file.
% Vertical space used for empty lines. By default \abovedisplayskip.
% Extra space to be inserted for empty lines (the difference between
% \AgdaEmptySkip and \baselineskip). Used internally.
% Counter used for code numbers.
% Formats a code number.
% A boolean used to handle the option number.
% A boolean used to handle the option inline*. (For some reason the
% approach used for hide and inline does not work for inline*.)
% Keys used by the code environment.
% Increase the counter if this has not already been done.
% If the label is non-empty, set it. Note that it is possible to
% give several labels for a single code listing.
% The code environment.
% Options:
% * hide: The code is hidden. Other options are ignored.
% * number: Give the code an equation number.
% * number=l: Give the code an equation number and the label l. It is
% possible to use this option several times with different labels.
% * inline/inline*: The code is inlined. In this case most of the
% discussion above does not apply, alignment is not respected, and so
% on. It is recommended to only use this option for a single line of
% code, and to not use two consecutive spaces in this piece of code.
% Note that this environment ignores spaces after its end. If a space
% (\AgdaSpace{}) should be inserted after the inline code, use
% inline*, otherwise use inline.
% When this option is used number is ignored.
% The implementation is based on plainhscode in lhs2TeX's
% polycode.fmt, written by Andres Löh.
% Process the options. Complain about unknown options.
% Hide the code.
% Inline code.
% Make the polytable primitives emitted by the LaTeX backend
% do nothing.
% Inline code with space at the end.
% Displayed code.
% Conditionally emit space before the code block. Unconditionally
% switch to a new line.
\ifthenelse{\boolean{Agda@SpaceAroundCode} \and%
\(\not \boolean{Agda@Suppress} \or%
\value{Agda@SuppressStart} = \value{Agda@Current}\)}{%
% Check if numbers have been requested. If they have, then a side
% effect of this call is that Agda@Number is set to true, the code
% number counter is increased, and the label (if any) is set.
% Equation numbers have been requested. Use a minipage, so that
% there is room for the code number to the right, and the code
% number becomes centered vertically.
% Indent the entire code block.
% The code's style can be customised.
% Used to control the height of empty lines.
\setlength{\AgdaEmptyExtraSkip}{\AgdaEmptySkip - \baselineskip}%
% The environment used to handle indentation (of individual lines)
% and alignment.
% Conditionally preserve alignment between code blocks.
\ifthenelse{\value{Agda@AlignStart} = \value{Agda@Current}}{%
% The code.
% Equation numbers have been requested.
% Insert the code number to the right.
\hfill \AgdaFormatCodeNumber{\theAgdaCodeNumber}}{}%
% Does the label Agda@DoNotSuppressAfter@<current code block
% number> exist?
% Conditionally emit space after the code block. Unconditionally
% switch to a new line.
\ifthenelse{\boolean{Agda@SpaceAroundCode} \and%
\(\not \boolean{Agda@Suppress} \or%
% Step the code block counter, but only for non-hidden code.
% Reset Agda@Number and Agda@InlineStar.
% Space inserted after tokens.
\newcommand{\AgdaSpace}{ }
% Space inserted to indent something.
% Default column for polytable.
% \AgdaIndent expects a non-negative integer as its only argument.
% This integer should be the distance, in code blocks, to the thing
% relative to which the text is indented.
% The default implementation only indents if the thing that the text
% is indented relative to exists in the same code block or is wrapped
% in the same AgdaAlign or AgdaMultiCode environment.
\ifthenelse{#1 = 0
\( \boolean{Agda@Align}
\cnttest{\value{Agda@Current} - #1}{>=}{
% Underscores are typeset using \AgdaUnderscore{}.
\usepackage{ amssymb } % for \blacksquare
\usepackage{mathbbol} % for lowercase mathbb
\usepackage{dutchcal} % for lowercase mathcal
\newunicodechar{ℕ}{\ensuremath{\mathbb N}}
\newunicodechar{𝕗}{\ensuremath{\mathbb f}}
\newunicodechar{𝕥}{\ensuremath{\mathbb t}}
pandoc -s --from markdown --lua-filter pass_agda.lua --to latex $ > $1.lagda.tex && \
sed -i '' 's/\\\begin{document}/\\usepackage{agda}\n\n\\begin{document}/' $1.lagda.tex && \
mv $ $ && \
agda --latex --only-scope-checking $1.lagda.tex
function CodeBlock(elem)
return pandoc.RawBlock("latex","\\begin{code}\n" .. elem.text .. "\n\\end{code}")
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