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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Distance calculation based on latitude and longitude
# Here are codes to calculate distance of points based on their lat and long coordinations.
# The Python version is faster than R version.
# Data are presented within R code. For 9 points, in my old laptop,
# R took 0.011 seconds while Python used 0.00595 seconds.
# For a dataset with 1,000 million points, Python version finished in 20 mins,
# but R needs ~62 hours!
## R version. ============================================================
pp = read.csv("~/Documents/points.csv")
# pts pickup_longitude pickup_latitude dropoff_longitude dropoff_latitude
# 1 -73.97349 40.77980 -73.97342 40.75856
# 2 -73.97534 40.75577 -73.95689 40.77539
# 3 -73.95567 40.77672 -73.98109 40.78081
# 4 -73.98205 40.77904 -73.95519 40.77434
# 5 -73.97197 40.76250 -73.97358 40.79469
# 6 -73.98004 40.78619 -73.97630 40.79461
# 7 -73.99150 40.76628 -73.98544 40.76862
# 8 -73.98467 40.76813 -73.99794 40.74097
# 9 -73.99796 40.74096 -73.99930 40.74418
get_dist = function(x) data.frame(actual_dist = spDistsN1(
matrix(c(x$pickup_longitude, x$pickup_latitude), ncol = 2),
c(x$dropoff_longitude, x$dropoff_latitude), longlat = TRUE) * 0.621)
# in miles
pp$act_dist <-
pp %>%
rowwise() %>%
# user system elapsed
# 0.011 0.000 0.011
# pts pickup_longitude pickup_latitude dropoff_longitude dropoff_latitude actual_dist
# 1 -73.97349 40.77980 -73.97342 40.75856 1.4628708
# 2 -73.97534 40.75577 -73.95689 40.77539 1.6619633
# 3 -73.95567 40.77672 -73.98109 40.78081 1.3621336
# 4 -73.98205 40.77904 -73.95519 40.77434 1.4445393
# 5 -73.97197 40.76250 -73.97358 40.79469 2.2189531
# 6 -73.98004 40.78619 -73.97630 40.79461 0.6119867
# 7 -73.99150 40.76628 -73.98544 40.76862 0.3563861
# 8 -73.98467 40.76813 -73.99794 40.74097 1.9960550
# 9 -73.99796 40.74096 -73.99930 40.74418 0.2327583
## Python version =============================================================
import geopy
from geopy.distance import vincenty
## function to get distance in miles for one point
def get_dist_mile(x):
p1 = (x[2], x[1])
p2 = (x[4], x[3])
return vincenty(p1, p2).miles
# read data
import pandas as pd
pp = pd.read_csv("/home/dli/Documents/points.csv", sep = ",")
# calculate distance for all points.
import timeit
timeit.Timer("pp.loc[:,'adist'] = pp.apply(get_dist_mile, axis = 1)","from __main__ import pp, get_dist_mile").timeit(1)
# 0.0059549808502197266
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  actual_dist = pointDistance(pp[,2:3], pp[, 4:5], lonlat= TRUE) * .621 / 1000

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