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Created December 2, 2019 09:32
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Visualization of some big-O notation
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, FFMpegWriter
from math import sin,sqrt,exp
func1Label = r'$2^x+5x^7$'
def funcOne( x ):
return 2**x + 5*x**7
func2Label = r'$4\cdot 2^x$'
def funcTwo( x ):
return 4*(2**x)
def data_gen():
t = data_gen.t
cnt = 0
while cnt < 500:
alpha = cnt / 300
t += 0.2
yield t, funcOne(t), funcTwo(t)
data_gen.t = 1
data_list = list(data_gen())
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
initial_limit = 10
xdata = [ x for x,y1,y2 in data_list[:initial_limit] ]
y1data = [ y1 for x,y1,y2 in data_list[:initial_limit] ]
y2data = [ y2 for x,y1,y2 in data_list[:initial_limit] ]
y3data = [ 0.1*y2 for x,y1,y2 in data_list[:initial_limit] ]
ax.set_xlim(xdata[0], xdata[-1])
ax.set_ylim(1.0, 1.2 * max([y1data[-1],y2data[-1]]))
line1, = ax.plot(xdata, y1data, 'b', lw=2, label = func1Label )
line2, = ax.plot(xdata, y2data, 'g', lw=2, label = func2Label )
line3, = ax.plot(xdata, y3data, 'g:', lw=2, label = r'$\frac{1}{10}\cdot(4\cdot 2^x)$' )
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left')
def run(data):
x,y1,y2 = data
xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
if x >= xmax:
ax.set_xlim(xdata[0], xdata[-1])
ax.set_ylim(1.0, 1.2 * max([y1data[-1],y2data[-1]]))
line1.set_data(xdata, y1data)
line2.set_data(xdata, y2data)
line3.set_data(xdata, y3data)
return line1,line2,line3
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, run, data_list[initial_limit:], blit=True, repeat=False, interval = 40)'C:\Users\Alex\Videos\matplotlib\mymovie.mp4', writer=FFMpegWriter(fps=15,bitrate=500000), dpi=300)
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