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Created June 29, 2018 00:10
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PowerShell script to add using System.Globalization; and using System.Text to every C# file in every ItemTemplate and ProjectTemplate
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
## Summary
# This script changes the namespace imports in your C# ItemTemplates and ProjectTemplates and improves your default AssemblyInfo.cs files.
# It is designed for Visual Studio 2017, but should work with all Visual Studio versions going back as far as Visual Studio 2002, just set $vsCommon7IDE correctly.
## Details
# This script does the following:
# 1. Copies all C# files from your Visual Studio ItemTemplates and ProjectTemplates directories in the VS installation folder.
# 2. Adds `using` namespace imports to every C# file that already has at least 1 other `using` statement:
# 1. System.Globalization
# 2. System.Text
# 3. Changes `AssemblyInfo.cs` files:
# 1. Adding `using System;`
# 2. Adding `[assembly: CLSCompliant( isCompliant: true )]`
# 3. Changes `[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]` to `[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]`
# 4. Comments-out `[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]` (the compiler uses AssemblyVersion for AssemblyFileVersion if AssemblyFileVersion is not present)
# 4. This script does not copy the files back into Program Files because it needs elevated permissions for that; but you can just cut+paste them with File Explorer.
## Instructions
$vsCommon7IDE = "auto" # Set to 'auto' to autodiscover the VS2017 installation location. Requires VS2017 15.2 or later. Otherwise set it to the "Common7\IDE" directory's absolute path.
$useGit = $false # Set this to `$true` to create a repo with the original files and then adds the changes so you can see the diffs. Ensure 'git' works in your PowerShell first.
## You don't need to edit anything below this line.
If( $vsCommon7IDE -eq "auto" ) {
$vsWherePath = "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
$vsWherePath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables( $vsWherePath )
If( -not (Test-Path $vsWherePath) ) {
Throw "Could not find vswhere.exe. Do you have Visual Studio 2017 version 15.2 or later installed? Set 'vsTemplatePath' in this script to the directory name otherwise."
$vsInstallPath = & $vsWherePath | Select-String "installationPath: (.+)" | %{ $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
If( -not (Test-Path $vsInstallPath) ) {
Throw "`"$vsInstallPath`" does not exist."
$vsCommon7IDE = (Join-Path -Path $vsInstallPath -ChildPath "Common7\IDE")
$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
$fileCount = 0
function Update-CSharpItemTemplate {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$fileInfo,
Begin { }
Process {
$encoding = Get-FileEncoding $fileInfo.FullName -DefaultEncoding $Utf8NoBomEncoding
$newFileContent = $null
$fileContent = Get-Content $fileInfo.FullName -Raw # -Raw returns a single string, not an array of lines
$newFileContent = $fileContent
$relativeFileName = $fileInfo.FullName.Substring( $workingDirectoryPath.Length )
If( $newFileContent -eq $null -or $newFileContent.Length -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host "Skipped empty file: $relativeFileName"
ElseIf( $newFileContent.Length -lt 25 ) {
Write-Host "Skipped short file: $relativeFileName, Length: $($fileContent.Length)"
If( -not $newFileContent.Trim().StartsWith("using") ) {
Write-Host "Skipped non-using file: $relativeFileName"
If( $fileInfo.Name -ieq "AssemblyInfo.cs" ) { # `-ieq` is Case-insensitive string equality
If( $newFileContent -notmatch "using System;" ) {
$newFileContent = "using System;`r`n" + $newFileContent
# these two are string-replace operations, so no need to do a match check first:
$newFileContent = $newFileContent -replace "\[assembly: AssemblyVersion\(`"1\.0\.0\.0`"\)\]", "[assembly: AssemblyVersion(`"1.0.*`")]"
$newFileContent = $newFileContent -replace "`n\[assembly: AssemblyFile", "`n//[assembly: AssemblyFile"
If( $newFileContent -notmatch "CLSCompliant" ) {
$newFileContent = $newFileContent + "`r`n[assembly: CLSCompliant( isCompliant: true )]`r`n"
Else {
If( $newFileContent -notmatch "using System.Globalization;" ) {
If( $newFileContent -match "using System\.Collections\.Generic;" ) {
$newFileContent = $newFileContent -replace "using System\.Collections\.Generic;", "using System.Collections.Generic;`r`nusing System.Globalization;"
Else {
# add it to the start of the file:
$newFileContent = $newFileContent.Replace( "using System;`r`n", "" )
$newFileContent = "using System;`r`nusing System.Globalization;`r`n" + $newFileContent
If( $newFileContent -notmatch "using System.Text;" ) {
If( $newFileContent -match "using System\.Threading\.Tasks;" ) {
$newFileContent = $newFileContent -replace "using System\.Threading\.Tasks;", "using System.Text;`r`nusing System.Threading.Tasks;"
Else {
# add it to the start of the file:
$newFileContent = $newFileContent.Replace( "using System;`r`n", "" )
$newFileContent = "using System;`r`nusing System.Text;`r`n" + $newFileContent
#$newFileContent | Out-File $fileInfo.FullName -encoding ascii # using ASCII encoding instead of UTF8 to avoid BOM. Using non-BOM UTF8 in powershell is non-trivial.
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText( $fileInfo.FullName, $newFileContent, $encoding )
$script:fileCount = $script:fileCount + 1
End { }
# from
function Get-FileEncoding {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[System.Text.Encoding]$DefaultEncoding = $null
process {
[Byte[]]$bom = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4 -Path $Path
$encoding_found = $false
foreach ($encoding in [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncodings().GetEncoding()) { # how does this work? `GetEncodings()` returns an array, so how does the subsequent `GetEncoding()` call work?
$preamble = $encoding.GetPreamble()
if ($preamble) {
foreach ($i in 0..$preamble.Length) {
if ($preamble[$i] -ne $bom[$i]) {
} elseif ($i -eq $preamble.Length) {
$encoding_found = $encoding
if (!$encoding_found) {
$encoding_found = $DefaultEncoding
# Create directory:
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "VS2017Templates"
cd "VS2017Templates"
$workingDirectoryPath = Resolve-Path "."
If( $useGit ) {
git init
$itemTemplates = Join-Path $vsCommon7IDE "ItemTemplates"
$projTemplates = Join-Path $vsCommon7IDE "ProjectTemplates"
Copy-Item -Path $itemTemplates -Filter *.cs -Destination "ItemTemplates" -Recurse
Copy-Item -Path $projTemplates -Filter *.cs -Destination "ProjectTemplates" -Recurse
If( $useGit ) {
git add *
git commit -m "Initial state of C# templates from Visual Studio."
Get-ChildItem -Path . -File -Filter *.cs -Recurse | Update-CSharpItemTemplate -workingDirectoryPath $workingDirectoryPath
If( $useGit ) {
git add *
git commit -m "After updating templates."
Write-Host "$fileCount files were updated. You need to manually (with elevated permissions) overwrite the original template files in `"$vsCommon7IDE`"."
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