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Created February 23, 2023 17:13
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Animate-Job Powershell Module
# Animate Job
# Show a ticker animation on any long winded jobs to it's not just a blank screen
# Pass args to this as $ArgumentList and access them in the job via $args[]
# Robin Universe [X]
# 02 . 23 . 23
Function anim { # Run one animation cycle
param (
[String[]] $Animation,
[String] $Message = "",
[String] $FGColor = "White",
[String] $BGColor = "Black",
[String] $FGMColor = "White",
[String] $BGMColor = "Black",
[Bool] $NewLine = $false,
[Int] $Delay = 30
foreach ($Frame in $Animation){
Write-Host "`r$frame" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $FGColor -BackgroundColor $BGColor
if ($Message -ne ""){ Write-Host $Message -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $FGMColor -BackgroundColor $BGMColor }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Delay
if ($NewLine -eq $true){
Write-Host "`n" -NoNewline
$ping_anim =
" [. ] ",
" [.. ] ",
" [... ] ",
" [ ... ] ",
" [ ... ] ",
" [ ... ] ",
" [ ... ] ",
" [ ...] ",
" [ ..] "
$complete_anim =
" [ COMPLETE ] ",
" [ COMPLETE ] ",
" [ ] ",
" [ ] ",
" [ COMPLETE ] ",
" [ COMPLETE ] "
$failed_anim =
" [ XXXXXX ] ",
" [ XXXXXX ] ",
" [ ] ",
" [ ] ",
" [ XXXXXX ] ",
" [ XXXXXX ] "
function Animate-Job { # Main Function
param (
$win = $true
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $command -ArgumentList $ArgumentList # Start a background job with paramters and Script Block
while ($true) { # Wait to see if the job fails or not while running the ping animation
anim -Animation $ping_anim -FGColor Magenta -Message "Running $message..." -Delay 30
if ( $job.State -eq "Completed" ) {
$testResults = $job | Receive-Job
$win = $true
} elseif ( $job.State -eq "Failed" ) {
$testResults = $job | Receive-Job
$win = $false
if ($win = $true) {
anim -Animation $complete_anim -FGColor Green -Message "$message Completed! " -Delay 60 -NewLine $true
} else {
anim -Animation $failed_anim -FGColor Red -Message "$message Failed! " -Delay 60 -NewLine $true
return $testResults
Set-Alias anime Animate-Job
Export-ModuleMember -Function Animate-Job -Alias anime
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