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Last active February 18, 2022 10:47
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The FX Standard Outline

FX Standard

A basic outline of my proposal for the FX Standard

0. FX Sites fix embeds from one platform to one or more platforms

This can be seen with my other projects, fxdeviantart, and fxtwitter they try to, as simply as possible, fix or try to greatly improve the quality of embeds from one site (DeviantArt and Twitter) to Discord clients, along with any other platform I can extend that support to.

1. FX Sites should operate via a simple appendation of the source URL

When possible, using these sites should only require the user to type the fewest characters possible to convert a link to an embed.

2. FX Sites should not operate in any commercial capacity, meaning no ads, no premium accounts, and no user data tracking

Logging your usage is fine, but creating logs that can track any specific users, and especially selling that data, is forbidden.

If these are to operate, they are to operate in good faith, both from the community and host platforms, and survive off the donations of those who use the service.

3. FX Sites should be open source ( as much as is practical & secure ) and available to be instanced

One day my servers may stop operating, but just because I'm dead doesn't mean my services need to die with me.

Projects can use whatever license they like, as long as it can be considered open source (as opposed to "source-available" or "closed source").

4. FX Sites must never be used for Cypto or NFT services

Doing so would make the service lose status as an officially sanctioned FX service, As defined by the FX Specification's license.

I will begin compiling any and all services that comply to this standard to a website that will be announced in the coming days.

Anyone is free to act on these very vague standards and create their own implementations, and once they do they are eligible to be added to my site.

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