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Created July 8, 2011 03:03
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Installing the Latest Eclipse in Ubuntu
# If you're reading this on the GitHub gist, scroll down for instructions.
# If not, go to
export ECLIPSE_HOME='/opt/eclipse'
\$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse \$*"
eclipse_desktop="[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse IDE
echo "Enter the URL for the Eclipse gzipped tarball:"
read eclipse_url
echo "Installing dependencies..."
sudo apt-get install imagemagick openjdk-6-jre
echo "Downloading Eclipse..."
wget -O eclipse.tar.gz "$eclipse_url"
echo "Downloading improved icon..."
wget -O "$icon_url"
tar xvf eclipse.tar.gz
unzip MacEclipse4/EclipseLogo512.png
convert MacEclipse4/EclipseLogo512.png eclipse/icon.xpm
sudo mv eclipse /opt/eclipse
sudo touch /usr/bin/eclipse
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
echo -e "$eclipse_bin" | sudo tee /usr/bin/eclipse
echo -e "$eclipse_desktop" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Installing the Latest Eclipse in Ubuntu

Here's a short shell script to quickly install the latest Eclipse in Ubuntu, since the one in the repositories is about two years old. As a bonus, it also replaces the ugly Eclipse icon with a nicer one by Shaun Smith. Based on these instructions.

  • Run the script, like this: bash <(wget -qO-

  • When prompted, find the URL of the Eclipse Linux gzipped tarball you want to install from the Eclipse website.

    • Note: The link that you want has text that looks like [Australia] Australian Academic Research Network (http) - right click this and choose Copy Link Address to get the URL the script wants.
  • The script will install OpenJDK [1], download Eclipse, patch the icon so it looks less ugly, and put all of the right files in the right places.

[1]In my experience, Eclipse (particularly CDT) has been more stable under OpenJDK than the Sun JRE, even though Eclipse recommends it.
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