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Created April 5, 2024 16:03
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Config for using TechGuns and Immersive combat together
# Configuration file
"(advanced settings) attributes" {
# Add partial ticks to all attack swing cooldown. This defaults to 0.5, which rounds up all swing cooldowns. A swing cooldown of 12.5 ticks would instead become 13 ticks.
D:"Added Attack Speed Tick Cooldown"=0.5
# Base ATTACK_DAMAGE attribute for the player. Vanilla is 1.0F. If you want to nerf unarmed & non-weapon damage, instead adjust the setting 'Unarmed & Non-Weapon Damage'.
D:"Attribute Base Attack Damage"=1.0
# Base ATTACK_SPEED attribute for the player. Vanilla is 4.0F. This value only affects non-weapons, such as fists. An attack speed of 4.0 means 4 attacks per second. Higher values mean faster attack swing recovery. Attack speed formula --> 20 / attackSpeed. 1.6 attack speed takes 12.5 ticks to recover after an attack swing, which means 1.6 attacks per second. 0.8 means 25 ticks to recover after an attack swing. 4.0 means 5 ticks to recover after an attack. It is best if you do not adjust this value!
D:"Attribute Base Attack Speed"=4.0
# Base REACH_DISTANCE attribute for the player. Vanilla is 4.0F in singleplayer, and increased to 5.0F in multiplayer to account for latency. This reach distance config is only for attacking distance, not mining distance. Set to 0.0 to disable this setting completely and instead use the vanilla reach distance value instead.
D:"Attribute Base Reach Distance"=4.0
# Base chance of landing a critical strike with an attack. Default 0.05, meaining 5% critical strike chance. Set to a negative number to disable random crit chance and return to the vanilla ways.
D:"Base Critical Percent Chance"=0.05
# How much damage crits do (multiplier). Default 1.5F, meaning crits do 50% extra damage (150% of total damage).
D:"Base Critical Percent Damage"=1.5
# The minimum cooldown (in ticks) for an attack swing cooldown. The default for this setting is 8, which means the minimum attack speed cooldown is 8 ticks. This translates to the maximum attack speed of a weapon being 2.5 and any attack speed value higher than 2.5 will not affect how fast the weapon attacks (unless the player attack speed is slowed or affected by mining fatigue, then higher attack speed values counteract the debuff). [range: 5 ~ 20, default: 8]
I:"Minimum Attack Speed Tick Cooldown"=8
arrows {
# If set to true, this setting fixes the bug where Tipped Arrows do not have a damage source. This fix allows Tipped Arrows to have their damage increased through player enchantments that increase Magic Damage, for example. [default: true]
B:"Add Damage Source To Tipped Arrows"=true
# If set to true, flaming projectiles & arrows not set the blocker on fire when blocked (blocking flaming projectiles normally ignites the blocker). [default: true]
B:"Block Flaming Projectiles"=true
# The Dragonbone Arrows do the same damage as a normal arrows. This setting adds magic damage in the form of Wither to the arrows to compensate. Set to 0.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 12.0]
S:"Dragonbone Wither"=12.0
# How much health arrows of 'Healing' restore, per level. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 6.0]
S:"Harming Arrow Amplifier"=6.0
# Enable to have Tipped Arrows that cause 'Healing' (including the healing done from 'Harming' arrows against undead) to deal no damage. [default: true]
B:"Healing Arrows Deals No Damage"=true
# Damage multiplier for ranged silver weapons and arrows against undead. Set to 1.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 1.5]
S:"Ranged Silver Damage"=1.5
# Set to true to remove the following vanilla feature that makes 'Harming' & 'Healing' tipped arrows essentially useless: 'Arrows of Harming' (and 'Arrows of Healing' when used against undead mobs) do not add any amount of damage to the arrow. Instead, the arrow damage is first calculated, then checked to see if it is below 12 damage. If the arrow's damage is less than 12, the 'Harming' effect of the arrow makes up the difference to ensure the arrow does exactly 12 damage. Therefore, an unenchanted bow cannot deal more than 12 damage using 'Harming' (or 'Healing' to undead) arrows. However, if the arrow would deal more than 12 damage, the harming effect is entirely neutralized. This means that bows enchanted with Power I through Power III very rarely utilize the arrow at full charge, and any Power level above III never utilizes 'Arrows of Harming' effectively at full charge when against unarmored mobs/players. [default: true]
B:"Tipped Arrow Fix"=true
axes {
# Adjust the axes/weapons that have are able to disable shields.[Axe Substring=battleaxe_] [Disable Duration=90]
# The [Axe Substring] field can be simply 'battleaxe_' so that all weapons containing the word 'battleaxe_' will be affected, such as 'spartanweaponry:battleaxe_wooden' or 'spartanweaponry:battleaxe_'
# The [Disable Duration] field is how long a shield will be disabled for if struck by this axe/weapon.'
# [default: [[Axe Substring=battleaxe_] [Disable Duration=90]], [[Axe Substring=halberd_] [Disable Duration=60]], [[Axe Substring=_axe] [Disable Duration=30]]]
S:"Axe Tweaker" <
[Axe Substring=battleaxe_] [Disable Duration=90]
[Axe Substring=halberd_] [Disable Duration=60]
[Axe Substring=_axe] [Disable Duration=30]
bows {
# Adjust the base damage and velocity of all arrows shot from specific bows, or adjust the draw speed ticks of bows. Example below:
# [Bow=minecraft:bow] [Damage Multiplier=1.00] [Velocity Multiplier=0.90] [Ticks=0]
# [Bow] must include both the resource domain and path for the bow, such as 'minecraft:bow' or 'spartanweaponry:longbow_iron'
# [Damage Multiplier] multiplies the damage of arrows.
# The base damage of an arrow is 2, and a fully charged shot deals between 8 and 10 damage.
# The formula for the final damage of a bow (using a vanilla flint arrow with 2 baseDamage) is --> (baseVelocity * baseDamage]) + random.nextInt(baseVelocity * baseDamage / 2) + 2 --> (~3 * 2) + random.nextInt(~3 * 2 / 2) + 2
# For example, if you set [Damage Multiplier] to 1.5 (meaning the damage of a vanilla flint arrow would now be 3 instead of 2) the final damage of that fully-charged shot would be 11 to 14.5 damage.
# [Velocity Multiplier] multiplies the velocity of arrows.
# The velocity of a fully-charged arrow (meaning a critical, with a trail of particles) averages 3.
# For example, if you set [Velocity] to 1.2 (meaning the velocity of all arrows shot from this bow is now 3.6 instead of 3) the final damage of that fully-charged shot (with a base damage of 2) would be 9.2 to 11.8 damage. Velocity affects damage!
# The following entry --> [Bow=spartanweaponry:crossbow_wood] [Damage Multiplier=0.80] [Velocity=1.25] [Ticks=0] --> would cut the base damage of crossbow by 20%, but increase the velocity of the arrows/bolts shot by it by 25%.
# This entry would keep the damage of a fully-charged shot roughly the same, however, the velocity would be greatly increased.
# The maximum velocity multiplier is 1.5, anything over this value will do nothing! The reason being is that the arrow travels too fast, leading to visual anomalies.
# If the arrows look like they are swerving off to the side, it means the velocity is too high and you'll have to lower it.
# Longbows from SpartanWeaponry already have a velocity multiplier of 1.2, try not to increase velocity much more.
# Crossbows from SpartanWeaponry already have a velocity multiplier of 1.5, do not increase it any further!
# SpartanWeaponry now has a config that fuctions very similar to this one, so use this bow tweaker config for other mods that add bows or for editing the vanilla bow.
# [Ticks] adds or subtracts ticks from the draw speed of bows. The draw speed in ticks of a vanilla bow is 20.
# Setting [Ticks] to 20 would Float the amount of time it takes to fully draw back a vanilla bow.
# Setting [Ticks] to -10 would reduce the amount of time it takes to fully draw back a vanilla bow by half.
# More info on bows can be found here -> [default: [[Bow=minecraft:bow] [Damage Multiplier=1.00] [Velocity=0.90] [Ticks=0]]]
S:"Bow Tweaker" <
[Bow=minecraft:bow] [Damage Multiplier=1.00] [Velocity=0.90] [Ticks=0]
"critical strikes" {
# Adds additional critical strike chance when the player is falling, like in vanilla. Set to 0.0F to disable.
D:"Add Critical Chance On Falling"=0.1
# Automatically critical strike a mob when you are not their attack target or revenge target. [default: true]
B:"Auto Critical On Sneak Attacks"=true
# Critical strikes with any weapon disable shields, similar to how axes disable shields for 100 ticks. The shield disable duration is based off of damage, for example, having this setting at 3.0, an attack dealing 7.0 damage to a blocker would disable a shield for 21 ticks. Set to 0.0 to disable this feature.
D:"Critical Strikes Disable Shields"=3.0
# This setting allows the LUCK attribute to affect critical strike chance. Formula = ( LUCK * luckCritModifier ). If luckCritModifier is 0.1 then 2 LUCK would give 20% crit chance. Set to 0.0 to disable.
D:"Luck Affects Critical Chance"=0.1
"custom shields" {
# 2D shields list. This setting helps position 2D shields from other mods correctly. [default: [shield_basic_]]
S:"2D Shield String List" <
# Disable blocking while attacking with the mainhand. [default: true]
B:"Disable Blocking While Attacking"=true
# Disable blocking while shield bash is on cooldown. [default: false]
B:"Disable Blocking While Shield Bashing"=false
# Shield bashing an enemy taunts them, setting the attacker as the attack target. [default: true]
B:"Shield Bashing Taunts"=true
# Multiplier for silver shield bash against undead. Set to 1.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 1.5]
S:"Shield Silver Damage"=1.5
# Adjust the damage, knockback amount, and cooldown on shield bashing. Example below:
# [Shield=minecraft:shield] [Damage=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=30]
# The [Shield] field must include both the resource domain and path for the shield, such as 'minecraft:shield' or 'spartanshields:shield_basic_wood'
# The [Damage] field is clamped be between 0.0 and 326.0, and is the amount of damage bashing with a shield does to a target.
# The [Knockback] field is clamped between 0.0 and 326.0 and determines how far back the enemy is thrown when shield bashed.
# The [Cooldown] field is clamped between 0 and 255, and is how long the shield is put on cooldown after a shield bash. [default: [[Shield=minecraft:shield] [Damage=3.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=30]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_diamond] [Damage=7.0] [Knockback=2.0] [Cooldown=25]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_gold] [Damage=3.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=10]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_iron] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=20]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_obsidian] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=50]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_silver] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=20]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_stone] [Damage=2.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Cooldown=40]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_wood] [Damage=1.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Cooldown=40]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_diamond] [Damage=7.0] [Knockback=2.5] [Cooldown=35]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_gold] [Damage=3.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=20]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_iron] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=30]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_obsidian] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=2.0] [Cooldown=60]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_silver] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=30]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_stone] [Damage=2.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=50]], [[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_wood] [Damage=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=50]]]
S:"Shield Tweaker" <
[Shield=minecraft:shield] [Damage=3.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=30]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_diamond] [Damage=7.0] [Knockback=2.0] [Cooldown=25]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_gold] [Damage=3.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=10]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_iron] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=20]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_obsidian] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=50]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_silver] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=20]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_stone] [Damage=2.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Cooldown=40]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_basic_wood] [Damage=1.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Cooldown=40]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_diamond] [Damage=7.0] [Knockback=2.5] [Cooldown=35]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_gold] [Damage=3.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=20]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_iron] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=30]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_obsidian] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=2.0] [Cooldown=60]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_silver] [Damage=5.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Cooldown=30]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_stone] [Damage=2.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=50]
[Shield=spartanshields:shield_tower_wood] [Damage=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Cooldown=50]
"custom weapons" {
# Adjust the properties of melee weapons, such as animation, property, sweep, reach, critical strike chance, critical strike damage, and on-hit potion effects. The [Potion Effect] field is optional. Example below:
# [Weapon Substring=pike_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Crit Chance=10] [Additional Additional Crit Damage=0] [Potion Effect=minecraft:poison,1,60]
# The [Weapon Substring] field can be simply 'pike_' so that all weapons containing the word 'pike_' will be affected, such as 'spartanweaponry:pike_wooden' or 'spartanweaponry:pike_iron'
# If you would rather adjust properties of a specific weapon, you may put the resource path such as 'glaive_diamond' (do not include the resource domain such as 'spartanweaponry:')
# The order in this list is important, as it is greedy and will find the first string match! The instance [Weapon Substring=glaive_diamond] should be above the instance [Weapon Substring=pike_] for example.
# The [Sound Type] field takes the values BLADE, BLUNT, AXE, POLEARM and changes how the weapon sounds.
# BLADE should be assigned to bladed weapons such as swords, sabers, and rapiers.
# BLUNT should be assigned to heavy blunt weapons such as maces, warhammers, and hammers.
# AXE should be assigned to weapons such as axes, battleaxes, and pickaxes, and shovels, and hoes.
# POLEARM should be assigned to all polearms, such as spears, pikes, glaives, and staves.
# The [Animation] field takes the values SWEEP, CHOP, or STAB and changes the attack animations of weapons.
# SWEEP is an animation that sweeps across the lower screen. Additionally, it increases the width of the attack's hitbox based off the weapon's sweep level. This animation is best on weapons with [Sweep].
# CHOP is very similar to minecraft's default attack animation, and works well with weapons such as axes, hammers, or pickaxes.
# STAB is an animation that rotates the weapon and then extends it forwards. This animation is best suited for weapons such as spears, pikes, rapiers, and lances.
# The [Sweep] field adds sweep to a weapon.
# Set [Sweep] to 0 to disable sweep on a weapon.
# Set [Sweep] to 1 to have that weapon deal 1.0 damage to sweep targets.
# Set [Sweep] to 2 to have that weapon deal 25% damage to sweep targets.
# Set [Sweep] to 3 to have that weapon deal 50% damage to sweep targets.
# Set [Sweep] to 4 to have that weapon deal 75% damage to sweep targets.
# Set [Sweep] to 5 to have that weapon deal 100% of the damage dealt to the main target to the other sweep targets.
# For each level of sweep above 1, the weapon deals 25% of the main target damage to sweep targets, with a minimum of 1.0 damage.
# A sweep level higher than 5 (through this config or through the Sweeping enchantmet) does not do any sweep damage, however, it still increases the sweep radius.
# The [Property] field takes the values ONEHAND, VERSATILE, MAINHAND, or TWOHAND.
# ONEHAND can attack in either hand and incur no fatigue penalties.
# VERSATILE can attack in either hand, however, incurs a fatigue penalty if both hands are occupied.
# MAINHAND can only attack in the main hand. This is used for weapons such as spears, where a shield/ spear combination makes sense but dual-weilding spears does not.
# TWOHAND disables the other hand when it is equipped.
# The [Additional Reach] field is the reach distance for weapons.
# Setting [Additional Reach] to 1.0 for a weapon would mean a reach distance of 5.0 (1.0 + base reach distance) blocks for that weapon.
# The [Crit Chance] field is the critical chance for weapons.
# Setting [Crit Chance] to 0.1 for a weapon would mean critical strike chance is 10%.
# The [Additional Crit Damage] field is the critical damage multiplier for weapons.
# Setting [Additional Crit Damage] to 50 for a weapon would mean critical strike damage deals an additional 50% damage.
# The [Parry] field enables or disables parrying.
# The setting 'Disable Parrying' must be set to false in the config to allow weapons to parry.
# Setting [Parry] to true allows the weapon to parry, and setting [Parry] to false disables parrying for that weapon.
# The [Potion Effect] field is optional! It gives weapons a chance to apply a potion effect when you attack an entity with a weapon.
# Only one potion effect is supported. The order goes for the potion effect -> chance, afflict/receive, resource location, power, duration.
# 'Chance on hit:' can be instead be changed to on 'Critical Strike:' if chance is set to CRIT or 0.0. This setting allows for some interesting crit builds.
# Setting afflict/receive to AFFLICT causes the victim to gain the potion effect. Setting afflict/receive to RECEIVE causes the attacker gain the potion effect.
# Duration is in ticks. There are 20 ticks per second. A duration of 100 would apply the potion effect for 5 seconds.
# [Potion Effect=1.0,AFFLICT,minecraft:poison,2,600] -> 100% Chance on hit: Afflict Poison II for 30 seconds.
# [Potion Effect=0.5,AFFLICT,minecraft:instant_damage,3,0] -> 50% Chance on hit: Afflict Harming III.
# [Potion Effect=0.1,AFFLICT,minecraft:slowness,1,100] -> 10% Chance on hit: Afflict Slowness I for 5 seconds.
# [Potion Effect=0.2,RECEIVE,minecraft:swiftness,2,160] -> 20% Chance on hit: Receive Swiftness II for 8 seconds.
# [Potion Effect=0.01,RECEIVE,minecraft:instant_health,2,0] -> 1% Chance on hit: Receive Instant Health II.
# [Potion Effect=CRIT,AFFLICT,bettercombat:bleeding,1,100] -> Critical strike: Afflict Bleeding I for 5 seconds.
# [Potion Effect=CRIT,RECEIVE,bettercombat:brutality,1,200] -> Critical strike: Receive Brutality I for 10 seconds.
# [default: [[Weapon Substring=pike_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=2.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=glaive_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=2] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=spear_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=MAINHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=lance_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=MAINHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=halberd_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.25] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=staff] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=2] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.5] [Parry=true] [Potion Effect=CRIT,RECEIVE,minecraft:speed,2,160]], [[Weapon Substring=warhammer_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=1.0][Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=hammer_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true] [Potion Effect=CRIT,AFFLICT,minecraft:nausea,1,100]], [[Weapon Substring=mace_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=club_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=caestus] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=STAB] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=greatsword_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=3] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.5][Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=katana_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.5] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=longsword_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=1] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=saber_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=1] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=rapier_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=STAB] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.0] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true] [Potion Effect=CRIT,AFFLICT,bettercombat:bleeding,1,100]], [[Weapon Substring=battleaxe_] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.25] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=_shovel] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.05] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=_sword] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=1] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=_pickaxe] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.05] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=_axe] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.25] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]], [[Weapon Substring=_hoe] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.05] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]]]
S:"Custom Weapon Tweaker" <
[Weapon Substring=pike_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=2.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=glaive_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=2] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=spear_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=MAINHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=lance_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=STAB] [Property=MAINHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=halberd_] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.25] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=staff] [Sound Type=POLEARM] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=2] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=1.0] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.5] [Parry=true] [Potion Effect=CRIT,RECEIVE,minecraft:speed,2,160]
[Weapon Substring=warhammer_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=1.0][Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=hammer_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=1.5] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true] [Potion Effect=CRIT,AFFLICT,minecraft:nausea,1,100]
[Weapon Substring=mace_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=club_] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=caestus] [Sound Type=BLUNT] [Animation=STAB] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=greatsword_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=TWOHAND] [Sweep=3] [Additional Reach=1.0] [Knockback=0.5][Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=katana_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.5] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=longsword_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=1] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=saber_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=1] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=rapier_] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=STAB] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.0] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true] [Potion Effect=CRIT,AFFLICT,bettercombat:bleeding,1,100]
[Weapon Substring=battleaxe_] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=VERSATILE] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.25] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=_shovel] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.05] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=_sword] [Sound Type=BLADE] [Animation=SWEEP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=1] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.1] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=_pickaxe] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.5] [Crit Chance=0.05] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=_axe] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.8] [Crit Chance=0.25] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
[Weapon Substring=_hoe] [Sound Type=AXE] [Animation=CHOP] [Property=ONEHAND] [Sweep=0] [Additional Reach=0.0] [Knockback=0.2] [Crit Chance=0.05] [Additional Crit Damage=0.0] [Parry=true]
dual-wielding {
# Reduces the damage dealt of an attack per level of Mining Fatigue. For example, if this setting is set to 0.25, then Mining Fatigue II reduces player damage by 50%. Set 0.0 to disable.
D:"Mining Fatigue Damage Reduction"=0.0
# The percent efficiency of an attack with offhanded weapon --> damage * efficiency.
D:"Offhand Efficiency"=0.75
# If set to true, attacking with your offhand is disabled while sneaking. The purpose of this is to add compatibility to mods such as 'CarryOn' or 'Effortless Building' where you need to use certian right-click functionality. [default: true]
B:"Sneaking Disables Offhand Attack"=true
# How much of a slow to attack speed is applied when dual-wielding with one VERSATILE weapon. Default 0.3, which translates to a 30% slower attack speed. Dual-weilding with two VERSATILE weapons will slow attack speed by 45%.
D:"Versatile Fatigue Amount"=0.3
enchantments {
# Set to true to enable the Gourmand enchantment. [default: true]
B:"Gourmand Enchantment Enabled"=true
# Lightning enchantment base damage. A base of 3 and 2 per level means Lightning I deals 5 damage. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 3.0]
S:"Lightning Enchantment Base Damage"=3.0
# Lightning enchantment damage per level. A base of 3 and 2 per level means Lightning V deals 13 damage. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 2.0]
S:"Lightning Enchantment Damage Per Level"=2.0
# Set to true to enable the Lightning enchantment. [default: true]
B:"Lightning Enchantment Enabled"=true
# This number is multiplied by the total lightning damage when targets are wet. 1.5F means 50% more damage. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 1.5]
S:"Lightning Enchantment Wet Modifier"=1.5
# Set to true to enable the Revitalize enchantment. [default: true]
B:"Revitalize Enchantment Enabled"=true
# The damage multipler for the Revitalize enchantment, per level. 0.2F means a 20% increase in healing received per level. [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 0.2]
S:"Revitalize Healing Percentage Per Level"=0.2
# The damage multipler for the Sorcery enchantment, per level. 0.1F means a 10% increase in magic damage per level. [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 0.1]
S:"Sorcery Damage Percentage Per Level"=0.1
# Set to true to enable the Sorcery enchantment. [default: true]
B:"Sorcery Enchantment Enabled"=true
# Set to true to enable the Webbing enchantment. [default: true]
B:"Webbing Enchantment Enabled"=true
knockback {
# Enable have the KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE attribute instead reduce the strength of knockback effects, rather than reducing the chance to not be knocked back. (By default in Minecraft, a knockback_resistance of 0.6 means a 60% chance for that entity to NOT be knocked back from an attack. However, if this setting is true, a knockback_resistance of 0.6 instead means the distance/effect of being knocked back are 60% less far/powerful for that entity. [default: true]
B:"Better Knockback"=true
# Increases the knockback of an attack when sprinting. For example, setting this to 2.0F is the same knockback amount as Knockback II.
D:"Sprinting Knockback Amount"=0.5
# Multiply the motionY amount of knockback by this amount. Set to 0.5 by default to reduce the motionY by 50%. Does nothing if betterKnockback is disabled.
D:"knock Up Strength Multiplier"=0.5
# Multiply the motionXZ amount of knockback by this amount. This setting is pretty sensitive, and values below 0.5 have almost no visible knockback.
D:"knockback Strength Multiplier"=1.0
other {
# Attacking an enemy while sprinting will no longer interrupt your sprint. [default: true]
B:"Attack & Sprint"=true
# Set to true to disable weapon fatigue from Spartan Weaponry, this mod instead handles two-handed and versatile weapons. [default: true]
B:"Cancel Spartan Weaponry Fatigue"=true
# If set to true, shoveling grass paths requires an animation. Shovels with a faster attack speed will path land faster. [default: true]
B:"Digging Grass Paths Requires Animation"=true
# How high, in blocks, the hitbox will be extended for melee attacks. Increase the value of this setting to make the Y-accuracy of attacks more forgiving. 1.0 is equal to an additional block height above the entity.
D:"Extra Attack Height"=1.0
# How wide, in blocks, the hitbox will be extended for melee attacks. Increase the value of this setting to make the XZ-accuracy of attacks more forgiving. 1.0 is equal to an additional block width on XZ sides.
D:"Extra Attack Width"=0.5
# Set to true to have Fast Equip use only items in the hotbar instead of the entire inventory. The Fast Equip keybind is set to X, check the minecraft keybind settings to change this. [default: false]
B:"Fast Equip Hotbar Only"=false
# Set to true to have Fast Equip only find weapons or shields, and not tools, for the offhand. Tools will still be found and equipped in the mainhand if no weapons are found. The Fast Equip keybind is set to X, check the minecraft keybind settings to change this. [default: false]
B:"Fast Equip Offhand Weapons Or Shields Only"=false
# Multiplies the player speed by this amount when they swing a weapon. Set to 1.0 to disable.
D:"Intertia on Attack"=0.5
# Setting to have Nausea & Blindness affect mobs. If a mob has a height equal to or less than this value, it will be affected by Blindess and Nausea potion effects, which causes them to often lose their target and stumble around. Set to 0.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 2.2]
S:"Nausea Affects Mobs"=2.2
# Thorns, but for undead. How much damage undead attackers will take against an entity wearing Silver armor per piece of Silver armor. Setting this to 1.5F and wearing 2 pieces of Silver armor deals 3.0F damage to undead attackers. Silver weapons get a damage bonus, so why not add a special interaction with Silver armor? Set to 0.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 1.5]
S:"Silver Armor Damage"=1.5
# CURRENTLY NOT WORKING. If set to true, stripping bark requires an animation. Axes with a faster attack speed strip bark faster. Enable this setting if you have future MC installed which allows stripping of bark. [default: false]
B:"Stripping Bark Requires Animation"=false
# If set to true, tilling land requires an animation. Hoes with a faster attack speed till land faster. [default: true]
B:"Tilling Land Requires Animation"=true
parrying {
# Set to false to disable all parrying mechanics from this mod. If enabled, you must specify which weapons can and can not parry in the Custom Weapon Tweaker config. [default: true]
B:"Enable Parrying"=true
# The attack damage of a weapon is used to calculate the chance of parrying an attack. This setting counts as a multiplier to attack damage for determining the chance to parry an attack. The higher the attack damage of the parry weapon, the higher chances of parrying. This increases the effectivness of parrying with two-handed weapons, which often have higher attack damage. This method also lets weapon material tiers scale to difficulty. Higher damage incoming attacks have a lower the chance of parried. For example, if this setting is set at 3 and the parrying weapon has 5 attack damage, an incoming attack of 9 damage has a 9/(3*5) or 60% chance of NOT being parried.
D:"Parry Chance Effectivness"=3.0
# How far both the attacker and victim are knockbacked after a parry. Setting this to 2.0F is the same knockback amount as Knockback II. This value is affected by knockbackStrengthMultiplier and knockUptrengthMultiplier when betterKnockback is enabled. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5]
S:"Parry Knockback Amount"=0.5
potions {
# The percentage of your physical damage that is converted to magical by the Aetherealized potion, per level. 0.2 means 20% of your physical damage (per level) is converted to magic damage. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]
S:"Aetherealized Potion Damage"=0.2
# The amount of damage bleeding does, per level, per second. [range: 0.0 ~ 256.0, default: 0.5]
S:"Bleeding Damage Per Tick"=0.5
# The additive percent increase to your critical strike damage that the Brutality potion adds, per level. 0.1 means add 10% critical strike damage (per level) to your base critical strike damage.
D:"Brutality Potion Damage"=0.1
# Additional splash potion height.
D:"Extra Splash Potion Height"=0.2
# Additional splash potion width.
D:"Extra Splash Potion Width"=0.0
# The additive percent increase to your critical strike chance that the Percision potion adds, per level. 0.1 means add 10% critical strike chance (per level) to your base critical strike chance.
D:"Percision Potion Chance"=0.1
# Changes the Strength potion to be a percentage damage increase instead of a flat increase. If set to 0.05, then a Potion of Strength (+3 Attack Damage) will instead increase damage dealt by 15%. Set to 0.0 to disable.
D:"Strength Potion Damage"=0.05
# Changes the Weakness potion to be a percentage damage decrease instead of a flat decrease. If set to 0.1, then a Potion of Weakness (-4 Attack Damage) will instead decrease damage dealt by 40%. Set to 0.0 to disable.
D:"Weakness Potion Damage"=0.1
# Enable have custom Potion Effects from custom weapons work with Sweep and apply on swept targets. [default: true]
B:"Weapon Potion Effects Work With Sweep"=true
sound {
# Arrows will make an impact sound when they hit an entity, regardless of range. [default: true]
B:"Arrow Impact Sound"=true
# The volume of the 'strike' sound that plays when you land a hit. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Bow Strike Sound Volume"=1.0
# The volume of the 'thud' sound that plays when you land a fully-charged hit. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Bow Thud Sound Volume"=1.0
# Weapons that are considered non-metal for swinging and hitting sound purposes. If the weapon contains the string, such as 'wood' or 'stone' it will not make a metal sound. [default: [wood], [stone], [bone], [staff], [club], [caestus]]
S:"Non Metal List" <
# The volume of the sound that plays when you shield bash. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Shield Bash Sound Volume"=1.0
# The volume of the sound that plays when block with a shield. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Shield Block Sound Volume"=1.0
# The volume of the sound that plays when you equip or sheathe a weapon. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Weapon Equip and Sheate Sound Volume"=1.0
# The volume of the sound that plays when you land a weapon hit. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Weapon Hit Sound Volume"=1.0
# The volume of the sound when you swing your weapon. [range: 0.0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Weapon Swing Sound Volume"=1.0
swords {
# Adjust the Attack Speed of vanilla swords.
# This is setting only for vanilla swords! The mod 'Material Changer' allows you change the Attack Speed on all weapons (except swords).
# If a mod does not allow you to adjust the Attack Speed on their custom modded swords, you may use this config to do so.
# The [Sword Substring] field can be simply '_sword' so that all weapons containing the word '_sword' will be affected, such as 'minecraft:diamond_sword' or 'minecraft:iron_sword'
# If you would rather adjust properties of a specific sword, you may put the resource path such as 'diamond_sword' (do not include the resource domain such as 'minecraft:')
# The order in this list is important, as it is greedy and will find the first string match! The instance [Sword Substring=diamond_sword] should be above the instance [Sword Substring=_sword] for example.
# The [Additional Attack Speed=0.2] field is a value added to the sword Attack Speed.
# For example, if this field is set to 0.2, a matched sword would have the Attack Speed value increased by 0.2.
# If that sword had an Attack Speed of 1.6, it would become 1.8. This field can also accept negative values, such as -0.6. [default: [[Sword Substring=golden_sword] [Additional Attack Speed=0.2]], [[Sword Substring=wooden_sword] [Additional Attack Speed=0.1]]]
S:"Sword Tweaker" <
[Sword Substring=golden_sword] [Additional Attack Speed=0.2]
[Sword Substring=wooden_sword] [Additional Attack Speed=0.1]
tooltips {
# If set to true, display Critical Chance on weapon tooltips. [default: true]
B:"Show Crit Chance Tooltip"=true
# If set to true, display Critical Chance as the total weapon Critical Chance (25% Critical Chance), instead of additional Critical Chance (+15% Critical Chance). [default: true]
B:"Show Crit Chance Tooltip As Total"=true
# If set to true, display Critical Damage on weapon tooltips. [default: true]
B:"Show Crit Damage Tooltip"=true
# If set to true, display Critical Chance as the total weapon Critical Damage (200% Critical Damage), instead of additional Critical Damage (+50% Critical Damage). [default: false]
B:"Show Crit Damage Tooltip As Total"=false
# If set to true, display Knockback amount on weapon tooltips. [default: true]
B:"Show Knockback Tooltip"=true
# If set to true, display Knockback as the total weapon Knockback (1.5 Knockback), instead of additional Reach Distance (+0.5 Knockback). [default: true]
B:"Show Knockback Tooltip As Total"=true
# If set to true, display custom Potion Effects on weapon tooltips. [default: true]
B:"Show Potion Effect Tooltip"=true
# If set to true, display Reach Distance on weapon tooltips. For advanced modpack makers, if another mod is adding Reach Distance on a weapon, I recommend blanking out the fields you want gone in the lang file of that mod using Resource Loader. [default: true]
B:"Show Reach Tooltip"=true
# If set to true, display Reach Distance as the total weapon Reach Distance (5.0 Reach Distance), instead of additional Reach Distance (+1.0 Reach Distance). [default: false]
B:"Show Reach Tooltip As Total"=false
# If set to true, display the Sweep tooltip. For advanced modpack makers, if another mod is adding Reach Distance on a weapon, I recommend blanking out the fields you want gone in the lang file of that mod using Resource Loader. [default: true]
B:"Show Sweep Tooltip"=true
unarmed {
# Reduce damage from unarmed and non-weapon attacks. The damage of unarmed and non-weapons is reduced by this amount. The reason for this, is that unarmed and non-weapon attacks technically have a higher DPS than wooden tools when 'Hurt Resistant Time' is removed, so unarmed and non-weapon damage should be lowered.
D:"Unarmed & Non-Weapon Damage Reduction"=0.5
# Reduce the knockback from unarmed and non-weapon attacks. The knockback of unarmed and non-weapons is reduced by this amount.
D:"Unarmed & Non-Weapon Knockback Reduction"=0.5
# Reduce the attack range from fists and non-weapon attacks. The range of unarmed and non-weapons is reduced by this amount.
D:"Unarmed & Non-Weapon Reach Reduction"=0.5
visual {
# Display 2D attack lines across the screen when you swing a weapon. [default: true]
B:"2D Attack Sweep Overlay"=true
# Display 3D sweep particles on a successful attack. [default: true]
B:"3D Attack Sweep Particles"=true
# Display heart damage particles (this is a vanilla feature, this option is here for those who wish to disable it). [default: true]
B:"3D Damage Particles"=true
# Enable to have the Aetherealized potion create a ring of particles around the target when struck. [default: true]
B:"Aetherealized Damage Particles"=true
# How fast items move up and down for the breathing animation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.02]
S:"Breathing Animation Intensity"=0.02
# How far items move up and down for the breathing animation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.08]
S:"Breathing Animation Speed"=0.08
# How much your camera pitch moves when you swing a weapon. May cause slight motion sickness if set too high. Set to 0.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.09]
S:"Camera Pitch Swing"=0.09
# How much your camera yaw moves when you swing a weapon. May cause slight motion sickness if set too high. Set to 0.0F to disable. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.18]
S:"Rotation Yaw Swing"=0.18
# Set to true to completely disable the new crosshair, and show the default crosshair. The attack energy/cooldown indicator can also be enabled/disabled in the Minecraft settings. [default: false]
B:"Show Default Crosshair"=false
# Set to true to show the shield cooldown/energy indicator. This setting does nothing when showDefaultCrosshair is set to true. [default: true]
B:"Show Shield Cooldown on Crosshair"=true
"white/black lists" {
# Entity Class Blacklist.
# Blacklisted entity classes for attacking with offhand or sweep. You will not be able to attack any entity that extends this class with your offhand, and they will not be hit by sweep! This is to prevent you from accidentally attacking or killing certain entities. Please note that entities extending IEntityOwnable are by default blacklisted, when the entity is owned by the attacker. [default: [net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse], [net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand], [net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager], [net.torocraft.toroquest.entities.creatures.ICitizen]]
S:"(Class) Entity Blacklist" <
# (Class) Item Blacklist.
# Blacklisted item classes. This is an advanced setting, as it requires you to look through the source code of the mod that you are trying to add the class from. If an item is added to this list, it will have the default left-click and right-click behavior. This setting is useful for gun mods, or items that need to have their default left-click and right-click functionality. Example config value: com.flansmod.common.guns.ItemGun com.mrcrayfish.guns.item.ItemGun techguns.items.guns.GenericGun com.paneedah.weaponlib.Weapon com.jozufozu.yoyos.common.ItemYoyo [default: ]
S:"(Class) Item Blacklist" <
# (Class) Item Whitelist.
# Whitelisted item classes for attacking. If an item is added to this list, it will function as an Immersive Combat weapon. The Custom Weapons config is for editing the values and attributes of weapons. The class net.minecraft.item.ItemSword and anything that extends it is added by default. [default: [net.minecraft.item.ItemSword], [net.minecraft.item.ItemTool], [net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe], [com.oblivioussp.spartanweaponry.item.ItemThrowingWeapon]]
S:"(Class) Item Whitelist" <
# (Resource Location) Item Blacklist.
# Blacklisted items, use CraftTweaker to get the syntax of the item in your hand. The command is /ct hand). This is similar to Item Class Blacklist, however, it instead uses a resource location for specific items, such as: mrcrayfish:gun [default: ]
S:"(Resource Location) Item Blacklist" <
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