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Last active April 17, 2020 07:46
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Conky configuration file (Xfce 4.14.1)


  alignment = 'bottom_right',
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conky.text = [[

${alignc}Workspace: ${font :bold:size=8}${color gold}${if_match ${desktop}==1}1${endif}${if_match ${desktop}==2}2${endif}${font}
${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=12}${color gold}${alignc}${time %Y.%m.%d} ~ ${time %H:%M}${font}
${color lemonchiffon}${alignc}Linux Mint 19.3 "Tricia" Xfce
${color lightsteelblue}${alignc}$kernel on $machine
${color lightsteelblue}${alignc}CPU: ${color lightsteelblue}$cpu%  ${color lightsteelblue}CPU Temp: ${acpitemp}C
${color slategrey} ${cpugraph 24,200 708090 FFFACD -t}
${color lightsteelblue}${alignc}RAM Used:$mem ${color lightsteelblue}of $memmax
${color lightslategrey} ${membar 12,200}
${color lightsteelblue}${alignc}Processes:$color$processes ${color lightsteelblue}Running:$color$running_processes

${color lightsteelblue} Cpu usage         CPU   PID
${color darkgrey} ${top name 1}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 1} ${top pid 1}
${color darkgrey} ${top name 2}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 2} ${top pid 2}
${color darkgrey} ${top name 3}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 3} ${top pid 3}
${color darkgrey} ${top name 4}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 4} ${top pid 4}
${color darkgrey} ${top name 5}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 5} ${top pid 5}
${color darkgrey} ${top name 6}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 5} ${top pid 6}
# ${color darkgrey} ${top name 7}      ${offset -50} ${top cpu 5} ${top pid 7}

${color lightsteelblue} Mem usage   
${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 1}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 1} ${top pid 1}
${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 2}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 2} ${top pid 2}
${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 3}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 3} ${top pid 3}
${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 4}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 4} ${top pid 4}
${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 5}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 5} ${top pid 5}
${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 6}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 6} ${top pid 6}
# ${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 7}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 7} ${top pid 7}
# ${color darkgrey} ${top_mem name 8}      ${offset -50} ${top_mem mem 8} ${top pid 8}
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