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Created May 1, 2014 05:32
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Save dakcarto/3411ba0cc4a53a9951cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SSE fix for Qt 4.8.6
require 'formula'
class Qt < Formula
homepage ''
url ""
sha1 "ddf9c20ca8309a116e0466c42984238009525da6"
head 'git://', :branch => '4.8'
bottle do
sha1 "114242a849d7ade7d55d46097b1f7790b871df8f" => :mavericks
sha1 "5e022a402437b0a1bf5bf2d2d67491280f73a7a8" => :mountain_lion
sha1 "212fce47b1f2f2d3bf4397db7d5967fb59223cec" => :lion
option :universal
option 'with-qt3support', 'Build with deprecated Qt3Support module support'
option 'with-docs', 'Build documentation'
option 'developer', 'Build and link with developer options'
depends_on "d-bus" => :optional
depends_on "mysql" => :optional
odie 'qt: --with-qtdbus has been renamed to --with-d-bus' if build.with? "qtdbus"
odie 'qt: --with-demos-examples is no longer supported' if build.with? "demos-examples"
odie 'qt: --with-debug-and-release is no longer supported' if build.with? "debug-and-release"
patch :DATA
def install
ENV.universal_binary if build.universal?
args = ["-prefix", prefix,
"-qt-libtiff", "-qt-libpng", "-qt-libjpeg",
"-confirm-license", "-opensource",
"-nomake", "demos", "-nomake", "examples",
"-cocoa", "-fast", "-release"]
# we have to disable these to avoid triggering optimization code
# that will fail in superenv (in --env=std, Qt seems aware of this)
args << "-no-3dnow" << "-no-ssse3" if superenv?
args << "-L#{MacOS::X11.lib}" << "-I#{MacOS::X11.include}" if MacOS::X11.installed?
if ENV.compiler == :clang
args << "-platform"
if MacOS.version >= :mavericks
args << "unsupported/macx-clang-libc++"
args << "unsupported/macx-clang"
args << "-plugin-sql-mysql" if build.with? 'mysql'
if build.with? 'd-bus'
dbus_opt = Formula["d-bus"].opt_prefix
args << "-I#{dbus_opt}/lib/dbus-1.0/include"
args << "-I#{dbus_opt}/include/dbus-1.0"
args << "-L#{dbus_opt}/lib"
args << "-ldbus-1"
args << "-dbus-linked"
if build.with? 'qt3support'
args << "-qt3support"
args << "-no-qt3support"
args << "-nomake" << "docs" if build.without? 'docs'
if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? or build.universal?
args << '-arch' << 'x86_64'
if !MacOS.prefer_64_bit? or build.universal?
args << '-arch' << 'x86'
args << '-developer-build' if build.include? 'developer'
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
system "make install"
# what are these anyway?
# remove porting file for non-humans
(prefix+'q3porting.xml').unlink if build.without? 'qt3support'
# Some config scripts will only find Qt in a "Frameworks" folder
frameworks.install_symlink Dir["#{lib}/*.framework"]
# The pkg-config files installed suggest that headers can be found in the
# `include` directory. Make this so by creating symlinks from `include` to
# the Frameworks' Headers folders.
Pathname.glob("#{lib}/*.framework/Headers") do |path|
include.install_symlink path => path.parent.basename(".framework")
Pathname.glob("#{bin}/*.app") { |app| mv app, prefix }
test do
system "#{bin}/qmake", '-project'
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
We agreed to the Qt opensource license for you.
If this is unacceptable you should uninstall.
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp
index 7c8986f..b48c081 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp
@@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@ static inline __m128i mergeQuestionMarks(__m128i chunk)
const __m128i questionMark = _mm_set1_epi16('?');
-# ifdef __SSE4_2__
+# if defined(QT_HAVE_SSE4_2) && defined(__SSE4_2__)
// compare the unsigned shorts for the range 0x0100-0xFFFF
// note on the use of _mm_cmpestrm:
// The MSDN documentation online (
@@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@ static inline __m128i mergeQuestionMarks(__m128i chunk)
const __m128i signedChunk = _mm_add_epi16(chunk, signedBitOffset);
const __m128i offLimitMask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(signedChunk, thresholdMask);
-# ifdef __SSE4_1__
+# if defined(QT_HAVE_SSE4_1) && defined(__SSE4_1__)
// replace the non-Latin 1 characters in the chunk with question marks
chunk = _mm_blendv_epi8(chunk, questionMark, offLimitMask);
# else
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