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Created January 13, 2014 20:17
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Test script for Processing LWGEOM Provider issue,
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
import binascii
class GBOX(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("flags", c_ubyte),
("xmin", c_double),
("xmax", c_double),
("ymin", c_double),
("ymax", c_double),
("zmin", c_double),
("zmax", c_double),
("mmin", c_double),
("mmax", c_double)
class LWGEOM(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("type", c_ubyte),
("flags", c_ubyte),
("bbox", POINTER(GBOX)),
("srid", c_uint),
("data", c_void_p),
def combine_bytes(*args):
given the bytes of a multi byte number combine into one
pass them in least to most significant
ans = 0
for i, val in enumerate(args):
ans += (val << i*32)
return ans
lw = None
lw_path = find_library('lwgeom')
if lw_path:
lw = CDLL(lw_path)
print repr(lw)
print 'Could not find lwgeom library'
invalid_wkt = create_string_buffer(
'POLYGON((-1.19961978542487024 0.83367217371454649,'
'-1.29389587970096454 0.65017049021286311,'
'-0.94877803458311938 0.8723927124350852,'
'-0.87807096387604866 0.65353749357986657,'
'-1.21645480225988711 0.63838597842835121,'
'-1.19961978542487024 0.83367217371454649))'
invalid_wkb = create_string_buffer(binascii.a2b_hex(
invalid_wkb_size = c_size_t(sizeof(invalid_wkb))
invalid_wkb_p = cast(addressof(invalid_wkb), POINTER(c_ubyte))
# print invalid_wkb_size
# print int(valid_wkb[0:1]) # == b'\x01'
# #
# sys.exit()
LW_PARSER_CHECK_NONE = c_char(chr(0))
WKT_ISO = c_uint8(1)
WKB_HEX = c_uint8(2)
# LWGEOM *lwgeom_from_wkt(const char *wkt,
# const char check)
lw.lwgeom_from_wkt.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char]
lw.lwgeom_from_wkt.restype = POINTER(LWGEOM)
# LWGEOM* lwgeom_from_wkb(const uint8_t *wkb,
# const size_t wkb_size,
# const char check)
lw.lwgeom_from_wkb.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ubyte), c_size_t, c_char]
lw.lwgeom_from_wkb.restype = POINTER(LWGEOM)
# int lwgeom_ndims(const LWGEOM *geom)
lw.lwgeom_ndims.argtypes = [POINTER(LWGEOM)]
lw.lwgeom_ndims.restype = c_int
# LWGEOM* lwgeom_make_valid(LWGEOM* lwgeom_in)
lw.lwgeom_make_valid.argtypes = [POINTER(LWGEOM)]
lw.lwgeom_make_valid.restype = POINTER(LWGEOM)
# char* lwgeom_to_wkt(const LWGEOM *geom,
# uint8_t variant,
# int precision,
# size_t *size_out)
lw.lwgeom_to_wkt.argtypes = [POINTER(LWGEOM), c_ubyte, c_int, POINTER(c_size_t)]
lw.lwgeom_to_wkt.restype = c_char_p
# char* lwgeom_to_hexwkb(const LWGEOM *geom,
# uint8_t variant,
# size_t *size_out)
lw.lwgeom_to_hexwkb.argtypes = [POINTER(LWGEOM), c_ubyte, POINTER(c_size_t)]
lw.lwgeom_to_hexwkb.restype = c_char_p
# void lwgeom_free(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
lw.lwgeom_free.argtypes = [POINTER(LWGEOM)]
lwgi_wkt, lwgi_wkb, lwgv_wkt, lwgv_wkb = None, None, None, None
lwgi_wkt = lw.lwgeom_from_wkt(invalid_wkt, LW_PARSER_CHECK_NONE)
print 'invalid_wkt: ' + repr(invalid_wkt)
print 'lwgi_wkt: ' + repr(lwgi_wkt)
print 'lwgi_wkt dimensions: {0}'.format(lw.lwgeom_ndims(lwgi_wkt))
lwgi_wkb = lw.lwgeom_from_wkb(invalid_wkb_p, invalid_wkb_size,
print 'invalid_wkb_p: ' + repr(invalid_wkb_p)
print 'lwgi_wkb: ' + repr(lwgi_wkb)
print 'lwgi_wkb dimensions: {0}'.format(lw.lwgeom_ndims(lwgi_wkb))
lwgv_wkt = lw.lwgeom_make_valid(lwgi_wkt)
print 'lwgv_wkt: ' + repr(lwgv_wkt)
lwgv_wkb = lw.lwgeom_make_valid(lwgi_wkb)
print 'lwgv_wkb: ' + repr(lwgv_wkb)
lwgv_wkt_size_out = c_size_t()
lwgv_wkt_out = lw.lwgeom_to_wkt(lwgv_wkt, WKT_ISO, c_int(17),
print 'lwgv_wkt_out: ' + lwgv_wkt_out
lwgv_wkb_size_out = c_size_t()
lwgv_wkb_out = lw.lwgeom_to_hexwkb(lwgi_wkb, WKB_HEX,
print 'lwgv_wkb_out: ' + lwgv_wkb_out
for lwgeom_obj in [lwgi_wkt, lwgi_wkb, lwgv_wkt, lwgv_wkb]:
if lwgeom_obj is not None:
del lwgeom_obj
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