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Created March 23, 2016 14:15
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OCaml various snippets
#use "";;
(* Type def *)
type json =
| Object of (string * json) list
| Bool of bool
| Float of float
| Int of int
| Null
| String of string
| List of json list
let config =
Object [
("gianni", Int 12);
("destination", String "/dev");
List [
String "target1";
String "target2";
String "target3";
let rec print_list l =
match l with
| a::l' -> printf "%d " a; print_list l'
| [] -> printf "\n"
let rec json_print js t =
let rec print_tab i =
match i with
| i when (i<1) -> ()
| 0 -> ()
| i -> printf "\t"; print_tab (i-1)
match js with
| Object ([]) ->
printf "\n";
print_tab (t-1);
printf "}"
| Object ((n,v)::l') ->
printf "\"%s\": {" n;
json_print v (t+1);
printf "},\n";
json_print (Object (l')) t
| String s -> printf "\"%s\"" s
| Int i -> printf "%d" i
| Float f -> printf "%f" f
| Null -> printf "null"
| Bool b -> printf "%b" b
| List ([]) -> ()
| List (a::l) ->
json_print a t;
printf ", ";
json_print (List (l)) t
json_print config 0;;
let rec json_field_by_path js path =
let rec field l name =
match js with
| Object ((n,v)::l') -> if n=name then v else field l' name
| Object ([]) -> Null
match path with
| a::l' -> json_field_by_path (field js a) l'
| [] -> js
(* Map, filter and fold *) (fun x -> x*2) [1;2;3];;
List.filter (fun x -> x < 2) [1;4;0];;
List.fold_left (+) 0 [1;2;3];;
(* Recursive functions *)
let rec fact n =
match n with
| 1 -> 1
| _ -> n * fact (n-1)
(* Console output *)
printf "%d\n" (fact 60);;
(* Binary Tree *)
type 'a btree =
| BLeaf of 'a
| BNode of 'a btree * 'a btree
let rec btree_lf root =
match root with
| BLeaf a -> [a]
| BNode (a, b) -> (btree_lf a)@(btree_lf b)
let rec btree_rf root =
match root with
| BLeaf a -> [a]
| BNode (a, b) -> (btree_rf b)@(btree_rf a)
let t =
BNode (
BNode (
BLeaf 1,
BLeaf 2
BNode (
BLeaf 3,
BNode (
BLeaf 4,
BLeaf 5
print_list (btree_lf t);;
print_list (btree_rf t);;
(* Tree *)
type 'a tree =
| Node of 'a tree list
| Leaf of 'a
let t =
Node [
Node [
Leaf 1;
Leaf 2;
Leaf 3;
Leaf 4
Node [
Leaf 5;
Node [
Leaf 6;
Leaf 7;
Leaf 8
Leaf 9
let rec tree_lf root =
match root with
| Node (a::l) -> (tree_lf a)@(tree_lf (Node (l)))
| Node [] -> []
| Leaf a -> [a]
print_list (tree_lf t);;
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