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Forked from armish/basicOncoPrint.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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# This function sorts the matrix for better visualization of mutual exclusivity across genes
memoSort <- function(M) {
geneOrder <- sort(rowSums(M), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix;
scoreCol <- function(x) {
score <- 0;
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
if(x[i]) {
score <- score + 2^(length(x)-i);
scores <- apply(M[geneOrder, ], 2, scoreCol);
sampleOrder <- sort(scores, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix;
return(M[geneOrder, sampleOrder]);
# This is the plotting function
oncoPrint <- function(M, sort=TRUE) {
if(sort) {
alts <- memoSort(M);
} else {
alts <- M;
ngenes <- nrow(alts);
nsamples <- ncol(alts);
coverage <- sum(rowSums(alts) > 0);
### OncoPrint
numOfOncos <- ngenes*nsamples;
oncoCords <- matrix( rep(0, numOfOncos * 5), nrow=numOfOncos );
colnames(oncoCords) <- c("xleft", "ybottom", "xright", "ytop", "altered");
xpadding <- .01;
ypadding <- .01;
cnt <- 1;
for(i in 1:ngenes) {
for(j in 1:nsamples) {
xleft <- j-1 + xpadding;
ybottom <- ((ngenes-i+1) -1) + ypadding;
xright <- j - xpadding;
ytop <- (ngenes-i+1) -ypadding;
altered <- alts[i, j];
oncoCords[cnt, ] <- c(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, altered);
cnt <- cnt+1;
colors <- rep("lightgray", cnt);
colors[ which(oncoCords[, "altered"] == 1) ] <- "black";
plot(c(0, nsamples), c(0, ngenes), type="n", main=sprintf("Gene set altered in %.2f%%: %d of %d cases", coverage/nsamples*100, coverage, nsamples), xlab="Samples", ylab="", yaxt="n");
rect(oncoCords[, "xleft"], oncoCords[, "ybottom"],oncoCords[, "xright"], oncoCords[, "ytop"], col=colors, border="white");
axis(2, at=(ngenes:1)-.5, labels=rownames(alts), las=2);
# M is the alteration matrix with T => Altered, F => Not-altered
# Rows are genes, columns are samples
M <- matrix(rep(FALSE, 100*3), ncol=100, nrow=3);
rownames(M) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene2");
colnames(M) <- paste("Sample", 1:100, sep="");
M[1, 1:25] <- TRUE;
M[2, 26:50] <- TRUE;
M[3, 51:75] <- TRUE;
# We don't care about the order, so samples can be ordered in any way before plotting
M <- M[, sample(1:100, 100)];
# End of custom alteration matrix
# Create the plot
# You can also disable the sorting
oncoPrint(M, sort=FALSE);
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