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curl -F "token=[my_token]" -F "cert=@[path_to_letsencrypt_live_dir]/fullchain.pem" -F "key=@[path_to_letsencrypt_live_dir]/privkey.pem" -F "submit=Upload" >[path_to_letsencrypt_log_dir]/wiuwiu-certupload-log.html
dakloifarwa /
Last active March 24, 2021 23:16 — forked from buchnema/
Creating German diceware wordlist from Open Thesaurus for six-sided dice
This script takes the dataset from the Open Thesaurus project and
transforms it to a wordlist comparable to the original diceware list.
I thought the original list contains too much lines which just don't
make any sense and/or are hard to memorize. So my goal was to
automatically generate a list containing only memorable words, which
can then be used to add your own special characters or variations.