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Last active November 17, 2022 15:34
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cosmwasm vm gas profiling
// let contract_1 = Contract::new("contract_1", contract_1::msg::InstantiateMsg{});
// let (gas_used, resp) = contract_1.execute(contract_1::msg::ExecuteMsg::Foo{inner_msg_data: "bar"});
// println!("computational gas used: {}", gas);
// println!("execution response: {:?}", resp);
// storage actions can also be calculated by estimating as follows:
// let data_len = storage_binary_len(&SomeStorageStruct{});
// calculate costs according to
use std::{
use cosmwasm_std::{coins, Empty, Response};
use cosmwasm_vm::testing::{
mock_backend, mock_env, mock_info, MockApi, MockStorage, MockQuerier
use cosmwasm_vm::{
call_execute, call_instantiate, Instance,
InstanceOptions, Size,
use serde::Serialize;
// set this to the path where your compiled .wasm resides
const ARTIFACTS_PATH:&str = "../artifacts";
const DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT: Size = Size::mebi(64);
const HIGH_GAS_LIMIT: u64 = 20_000_000_000_000_000; // ~20s, allows many calls on one instance
const COIN_DENOM:&str = "uwasm";
// vm gas -> sdk gas multiplier
// see
const GAS_MULTIPLIER:u64 = 140_000_000;
pub type MockInstance = Instance<MockApi, MockStorage, MockQuerier>;
pub struct Contract {
pub instance: MockInstance
impl Contract {
pub fn new(contract_name: &str, instantiate_msg: impl Serialize) -> Self {
let bytes = load_file_bytes(contract_name).unwrap();
let backend = mock_backend(&[]);
let options: InstanceOptions = InstanceOptions {
gas_limit: HIGH_GAS_LIMIT,
print_debug: true,
let mut instance =
Instance::from_code(&bytes, backend, options, Some(DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT)).unwrap();
let admin = mock_info("admin", &coins(1000, COIN_DENOM));
let msg = serde_json_wasm::to_vec(&instantiate_msg).unwrap();
call_instantiate::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut instance, &mock_env(), &admin, &msg).unwrap().unwrap();
Self {
// returns (gas_used_in_sdk_units, Response)
pub fn execute(&mut self, execute_msg: impl Serialize) -> (u64, Response) {
let user = mock_info("user", &[]);
println!("EXECUTING: [{}]", serde_json_wasm::to_string(&execute_msg).unwrap());
let msg = serde_json_wasm::to_vec(&execute_msg).unwrap();
let gas_before = self.instance.get_gas_left();
let res =
call_execute::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut self.instance, &mock_env(), &user, &msg).unwrap().unwrap();
let gas_used = gas_before - self.instance.get_gas_left();
((gas_used / CONFIG.wasm_gas_multiplier), res)
pub fn load_file_bytes(contract_name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
let path_str = format!("{}/{}.wasm", ARTIFACTS_PATH, contract_name);
let path = Path::new(&path_str);
let mut f = File::open(path.clone()).map_err(|_| format!("file not found: {:?}", path))?;
let mut contents = Vec::new();
f.read_to_end(&mut contents)
.map_err(|_| "unable to read the file")?;
fn storage_binary_len(data: &impl Serialize) -> usize {
let bytes:Vec<u8> = cosmwasm_std::to_vec(data).unwrap();
let bytes_len = bytes.len();
((bytes_len as f32 / 3.0).ceil() * 4.0) as usize
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