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Created October 6, 2010 17:36
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;; This is proof-of-concept, it's not idiomatic and needs a lot of refactoring, take it with a block of salt.
(ns gradient-descent.core)
;; Thetas with starting values
(def theta0 (atom 1))
(def theta1 (atom 1))
(def theta2 (atom 1))
;; learning step rate
(def alpha 1e-9)
;; Dataoints gathered as example data
;; points = x0, x1, x2, y
;; x0 - constant, always 1
;; x1 - square footage of house
;; x2 - # of bedrooms
;; y - price of the house
(def points [
[1 2104 3 400000]
[1 1416 2 232000]
[1 1534 3 315000]
[1 852 2 178000]
[1 1940 4 240000]
(defn h
"Given a datapoint, return the suspected price of the house"
[[x0 x1 x2 y]]
(* @theta0 x0)
(* @theta1 x1)
(* @theta2 x2)))
(defn h?
"Attempt to calculate a price for a house using arbitrary x0, x1 and x2 values"
[x0 x1 x2]
(* @theta0 x0)
(* @theta1 x1)
(* @theta2 x2)))
(defn single-j-theta
"Calculate a single J(theta) (without the summing)"
[i theta-index]
(- (h (butlast i))
(last i))
(get i theta-index)))
(defn J-theta
"Given a theta-index to resolve, calculate J(theta)"
(reduce + (map (fn [p] (single-j-theta p theta-index)) points)))
(defn new-theta
"Given a theta and the theta-index, return a new theta value"
[theta theta-index]
(- theta (* alpha (J-theta theta-index))))
(defn set-thetas
"Update all thetas to new values"
(let [newt0 (new-theta @theta0 0)
newt1 (new-theta @theta1 1)
newt2 (new-theta @theta2 2)]
#_(println "New thetas are:")
#_(println "t0:" newt0)
#_(println "t1:" newt1)
#_(println "t2:" newt2)
(reset! theta0 newt0)
(reset! theta1 newt1)
(reset! theta2 newt2)))
;;; Using this:
; user=> (use 'gradient-descent.core)
; nil
; user=> (dotimes [_ 100000] (set-thetas))
; nil
;; A 1400 sq. foot house with 2 bedrooms should be priced what?
; user=> (h? 1 1400 2)
; 239468.77647838247
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aria42 commented Oct 6, 2010

Someone is taking CS229 Machine Learning with Andrew Ng! Recognize the example from years ago when I took it.

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dakrone commented Oct 6, 2010

@aria42: I am! Aspiring to be able to understand your blog posts :)

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aria42 commented Oct 8, 2010

Awesome best of luck! Make sure to also take CS228 with Daphne, that class taught me all I know.

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