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Created November 24, 2021 04:45
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# Create an interactive map of New Zealand's main administrative
# boundaries and their overlaps.
# For #30DayMapChallenge 2021 - Day 25 - Interactive
# -- David Friggens, November 2021
# Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------
# both data sources from
meshblocks <-
read_csv("statsnz/geographic-areas-table-2021.csv") %>%
select(REGC2021_code, REGC2021_name,
TA2021_code, TA2021_name,
CB2021_code, CB2021_name,
WARD2021_code, WARD2021_name,
DHB2015_code, DHB2015_name,
GED2020_code, GED2020_name,
MED2020_code, MED2020_name,
geo_mesh <-
st_read("statsnz/meshblock-2021-clipped-generalised.gpkg") %>%
select(MB2021_code = MB2021_V1_00)
# Prepare intersections ---------------------------------------------------
admin_areas <-
geo_mesh %>%
by = "MB2021_code") %>%
group_by(REGC2021_code, REGC2021_name,
TA2021_code, TA2021_name,
CB2021_code, CB2021_name,
WARD2021_code, WARD2021_name,
DHB2015_code, DHB2015_name,
GED2020_code, GED2020_name,
MED2020_code, MED2020_name) %>%
count() %>%
small_admin <-
admin_areas %>%
ms_simplify(keep = 0.05, keep_shapes = TRUE)
small_admin <-
small_admin %>%
st_transform(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
small_admin <-
small_admin %>%
filter(TA2021_name != "Chatham Islands Territory") %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<i>{n}</i> meshblocks<br>",
"<b>Region:</b> {if_else(REGC2021_code == '99', '<i>none</i>', REGC2021_name)}<br>",
"<b>Territorial Authority:</b> {if_else(TA2021_code == '999', '<i>none</i>', TA2021_name)}<br>",
"<b>{if_else(CB2021_code %>% str_detect('^076'), 'Local', 'Community')} Board:</b> ",
"{if_else(CB2021_code %>% str_detect('99$'),
CB2021_name %>% str_replace(' Community| Local Board Area', ''))}<br>",
"<b>Ward:</b> {if_else(WARD2021_code %>% str_detect('99$'), '<i>none</i>', WARD2021_name)}<br>",
"<b>District Health Board:</b> {DHB2015_name}<br>",
"<b>General Electorate:</b> {GED2020_name}<br>",
"<b>M\u0101ori Electorate:</b> {MED2020_name}") %>% map(HTML))
# Prepare boundary layers -------------------------------------------------
small_rc <-
small_admin %>%
filter(REGC2021_code != "99") %>%
group_by(REGC2021_code, REGC2021_name) %>%
summarise(num_ta = n_distinct(TA2021_code),
num_cb = n_distinct(CB2021_code),
num_ward = n_distinct(WARD2021_code),
num_dhb = n_distinct(DHB2015_code),
num_ged = n_distinct(GED2020_code),
num_med = n_distinct(MED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{REGC2021_name}</b><br>",
"territorial authorities - {num_ta} division{if_else(num_ta == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"{if_else(REGC2021_code == '02', 'local', 'community')} boards - {num_cb} division{if_else(num_cb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"wards - {num_ward} division{if_else(num_ward == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"district health boards - {num_dhb} division{if_else(num_dhb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"general electorates - {num_ged} division{if_else(num_ged == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"M\u0101ori electorates - {num_med} division{if_else(num_med == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
small_ta <-
small_admin %>%
filter(TA2021_code != "999") %>%
group_by(TA2021_code, TA2021_name) %>%
summarise(num_rc = n_distinct(REGC2021_code),
num_cb = n_distinct(CB2021_code),
num_ward = n_distinct(WARD2021_code),
num_dhb = n_distinct(DHB2015_code),
num_ged = n_distinct(GED2020_code),
num_med = n_distinct(MED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{TA2021_name}</b><br>",
"regions - {num_rc} division{if_else(num_rc == 1, '', 's')}",
"{if_else(TA2021_code == '999', 'local', 'community')} boards - {num_cb} division{if_else(num_cb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"wards - {num_ward} division{if_else(num_ward == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"district health boards - {num_dhb} division{if_else(num_dhb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"general electorates - {num_ged} division{if_else(num_ged == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"M\u0101ori electorates - {num_med} division{if_else(num_med == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
small_cb <-
small_admin %>%
filter(CB2021_code %>% str_detect("99$", negate = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(CB2021_code, CB2021_name) %>%
summarise(num_rc = n_distinct(REGC2021_code),
num_ta = n_distinct(TA2021_code),
num_ward = n_distinct(WARD2021_code),
num_dhb = n_distinct(DHB2015_code),
num_ged = n_distinct(GED2020_code),
num_med = n_distinct(MED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{CB2021_name}</b><br>",
"regions - {num_rc} division{if_else(num_rc == 1, '', 's')}",
"territorial authorities - {num_ta} division{if_else(num_ta == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"wards - {num_ward} division{if_else(num_ward == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"district health boards - {num_dhb} division{if_else(num_dhb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"general electorates - {num_ged} division{if_else(num_ged == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"M\u0101ori electorates - {num_med} division{if_else(num_med == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
small_ward <-
small_admin %>%
filter(WARD2021_code %>% str_detect("99$", negate = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(WARD2021_code, WARD2021_name) %>%
summarise(num_rc = n_distinct(REGC2021_code),
num_ta = n_distinct(TA2021_code),
num_cb = n_distinct(CB2021_code),
num_dhb = n_distinct(DHB2015_code),
num_ged = n_distinct(GED2020_code),
num_med = n_distinct(MED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{WARD2021_name}</b><br>",
"regions - {num_rc} division{if_else(num_rc == 1, '', 's')}",
"territorial authorities - {num_ta} division{if_else(num_ta == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"{if_else(WARD2021_code %>% str_detect('^076'), 'local', 'community')} boards - {num_cb} division{if_else(num_cb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"district health boards - {num_dhb} division{if_else(num_dhb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"general electorates - {num_ged} division{if_else(num_ged == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"M\u0101ori electorates - {num_med} division{if_else(num_med == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
small_dhb <-
small_admin %>%
group_by(DHB2015_code, DHB2015_name) %>%
summarise(num_rc = n_distinct(REGC2021_code),
num_ta = n_distinct(TA2021_code),
num_cb = n_distinct(CB2021_code),
num_ward = n_distinct(WARD2021_code),
num_ged = n_distinct(GED2020_code),
num_med = n_distinct(MED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{DHB2015_name}</b><br>",
"regions - {num_rc} division{if_else(num_rc == 1, '', 's')}",
"territorial authorities - {num_ta} division{if_else(num_ta == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"{if_else(DHB2015_code %in% c('02','03','04'), 'local', 'community')} boards - {num_cb} division{if_else(num_cb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"wards - {num_ward} division{if_else(num_ward == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"general electorates - {num_ged} division{if_else(num_ged == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"M\u0101ori electorates - {num_med} division{if_else(num_med == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
small_ged <-
small_admin %>%
group_by(GED2020_code, GED2020_name) %>%
summarise(num_rc = n_distinct(REGC2021_code),
num_ta = n_distinct(TA2021_code),
num_cb = n_distinct(CB2021_code),
num_ward = n_distinct(WARD2021_code),
num_dhb = n_distinct(DHB2015_code),
num_med = n_distinct(MED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{GED2020_name}</b><br>",
"regions - {num_rc} division{if_else(num_rc == 1, '', 's')}",
"territorial authorities - {num_ta} division{if_else(num_ta == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"local/community boards - {num_cb} division{if_else(num_cb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"wards - {num_ward} division{if_else(num_ward == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"district health boards - {num_dhb} division{if_else(num_dhb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"M\u0101ori electorates - {num_med} division{if_else(num_med == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
small_med <-
small_admin %>%
group_by(MED2020_code, MED2020_name) %>%
summarise(num_rc = n_distinct(REGC2021_code),
num_ta = n_distinct(TA2021_code),
num_cb = n_distinct(CB2021_code),
num_ward = n_distinct(WARD2021_code),
num_dhb = n_distinct(DHB2015_code),
num_ged = n_distinct(GED2020_code)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label_text = glue("<b>{MED2020_name}</b><br>",
"regions - {num_rc} division{if_else(num_rc == 1, '', 's')}",
"territorial authorities - {num_ta} division{if_else(num_ta == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"local/community boards - {num_cb} division{if_else(num_cb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"wards - {num_ward} division{if_else(num_ward == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"district health boards - {num_dhb} division{if_else(num_dhb == 1, '', 's')}<br>",
"general electorates - {num_ged} division{if_else(num_ged == 1, '', 's')}") %>% map(HTML))
# Leaflet -----------------------------------------------------------------
nz_map <-
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMapPane("borders", zIndex = 400) %>%
addMapPane("intersections", zIndex = 500) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_rc,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "Regions", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_ta,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "Territorial Authorities", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_cb,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "Local/Community Boards", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_ward,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "Wards", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_dhb,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "District Health Boards", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_ged,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "General Electorates", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_med,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 4,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "blue",
group = "M\u0101ori Electorates", options = pathOptions(pane = "borders"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
addPolygons(data = small_admin,
label = ~label_text,
opacity = 0.8, color = "black", weight = 2,
fillOpacity = 0.1, fillColor = "white",
group = "Intersections", options = pathOptions(pane = "intersections"),
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 3, color = "white", opacity = 1,
fillColor = "black", fillOpacity = 0.8
)) %>%
hideGroup("Territorial Authorities") %>%
hideGroup("Local/Community Boards") %>%
hideGroup("Wards") %>%
hideGroup("District Health Boards") %>%
hideGroup("General Electorates") %>%
hideGroup("M\u0101ori Electorates") %>%
baseGroups = c("Regions",
"Territorial Authorities",
"Local/Community Boards",
"District Health Boards",
"General Electorates",
"M\u0101ori Electorates"),
overlayGroups = "Intersections",
position = "topleft",
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
selfcontained = TRUE,
title = "#30DayMapChallenge 2021 - Day 25 - Interactive - David Friggens @dakvid")
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