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Last active December 19, 2015 22:18
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New protocol definition for mc4p
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This source file is part of mc4p,
# the Minecraft Portable Protocol-Parsing Proxy.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Matthew J. McGill, Simon Marti
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from mc4p.parsing import *
protocol = Protocol()
### GENERIC MESSAGES - Independent of protocol version
with protocol.version(0):
class MagicConstant(ClientMessage):
id = 0x01
class Handshake(ClientMessage):
id = 0x02
version = Byte()
username = String()
host = String()
port = Int()
class PluginMessage(Message):
id = 0xfa
channel = String()
data = Data(Short())
class ServerListPing(ClientMessage):
id = 0xfe
class Diconnect(Message):
id = 0xff
reason = String()
### VERSION 61 - Corresponds to 1.5.2
with protocol.version(61):
class KeepAlive(Message):
id = 0x00
ping_id = Int()
class Login(Message):
id = 0x01
eid = Int()
level_type = String()
game_mode = Byte()
dimension = Byte()
difficulty = Byte()
unused = Byte()
max_players = Byte()
class ChatMessage(Message):
id = 0x03
message = String()
class Time(ServerMessage):
id = 0x04
time = Long()
day_time = Long()
class EntityEquipment(ServerMessage):
id = 0x05
eid = Int()
slot = Short()
item = ItemStack()
class SpawnPosition(ServerMessage):
id = 0x06
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
class UseEntity(ClientMessage):
id = 0x07
eid = Int()
target_eid = Int()
left_click = Bool()
class UpdateHealth(ServerMessage):
id = 0x08
health = Short()
food = Short()
food_saturation = Float()
class Respawn(Message):
id = 0x09
world = Int()
difficulty = Byte()
mode = Byte()
world_height = Short()
level_type = String()
class PlayerState(ClientMessage):
id = 0x0a
on_ground = Bool()
class PlayerPosition(Message):
id = 0x0b
x = Double()
y = Double()
stance = Double()
z = Double()
on_ground = Bool()
class PlayerLook(ClientMessage):
id = 0x0c
yaw = Float()
pitch = Float()
on_ground = Bool()
class PlayerPositionAndLook(Message):
id = 0x0d
x = Double()
y = Double()
stance = Double()
z = Double()
yaw = Float()
pitch = Float()
on_ground = Bool()
class Digging(Message):
id = 0x0e
status = Byte()
x = Int()
y = Byte()
z = Int()
face = Byte()
class BlockPlacement(ClientMessage):
id = 0x0f
x = Int()
y = Byte()
z = Int()
dir = Byte()
details = ItemStack()
block_x = Byte()
block_y = Byte()
block_z = Byte()
class HeldItemSelection(Message):
id = 0x10
slot_id = Short()
class UseBed(ServerMessage):
id = 0x11
eid = Int()
in_bed = Bool()
x = Int()
y = Byte()
z = Int()
class ChangeAnimation(Message):
id = 0x12
eid = Int()
animation = Byte()
class EntityAction(Message):
id = 0x13
eid = Int()
action = Byte()
class EntitySpawn(ServerMessage):
id = 0x14
eid = Int()
name = String()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
rotation = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
curr_item = Short()
class PickupSpawn(Message):
id = 0x15
eid = Int()
item = ItemStack()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
rotation = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
roll = Byte()
class CollectItem(ServerMessage):
id = 0x16
item_eid = Int()
collector_eid = Int()
class SpawnObject(ServerMessage):
id = 0x17
eid = Int()
type = Byte()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
pitch = Byte()
yaw = Byte()
data = Int()
speed_x = Conditional(Short(), lambda msg: > 0)
speed_y = Conditional(Short(), lambda msg: > 0)
speed_z = Conditional(Short(), lambda msg: > 0)
class MobSpawn(ServerMessage):
id = 0x18
eid = Int()
mob_type = Byte()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
yaw = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
head_yaw = Byte()
u1 = Short()
u2 = Short()
u3 = Short()
metadata = Metadata()
class Painting(ServerMessage):
id = 0x19
eid = Int()
title = String()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
type = Int()
class ExperienceOrb(ServerMessage):
id = 0x1a
eid = Int()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
count = Short()
class EntityVelocity(Message):
id = 0x1c
eid = Int()
x = Short()
y = Short()
z = Short()
class DestroyEntity(ServerMessage):
id = 0x1d
eids = List(Int(), size=Byte())
class Entity(ServerMessage):
id = 0x1e
eid = Int()
class EntityRelativeMove(ServerMessage):
id = 0x1f
eid = Int()
x = Byte()
y = Byte()
z = Byte()
class EntityLook(ServerMessage):
id = 0x20
eid = Int()
yaw = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
class EntityLookAndRelativeMove(ServerMessage):
id = 0x21
eid = Int()
x = Byte()
y = Byte()
z = Byte()
yaw = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
class EntityTeleport(ServerMessage):
id = 0x22
eid = Int()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
yaw = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
class EntityHeadLook(ServerMessage):
id = 0x23
eid = Int()
head_yaw = Byte()
class EntityStatus(ServerMessage):
id = 0x26
eid = Int()
status = Byte()
class AttachEntity(Message):
id = 0x27
eid = Int()
vehicle_id = Int()
class EntityMetadata(Message):
id = 0x28
eid = Int()
metadata = Metadata()
class EntityEffect(Message):
id = 0x29
eid = Int()
effect_id = Byte()
amplifier = Byte()
duration = Short()
class RemoveEntityEffect(Message):
id = 0x2a
eid = Int()
effect_id = Byte()
class Experience(ServerMessage):
id = 0x2b
curr_exp = Float()
level = Short()
tot_exp = Short()
class Chunk(ServerMessage):
id = 0x33
x = Int()
z = Int()
continuous = Bool()
chunk_bitmap = Short()
add_bitmap = Short()
data = Data(Int())
class MultiBlockChange(ServerMessage):
id = 0x34
chunk_x = Int()
chunk_z = Int()
block_count = Short() # This does not get updated automatically
changes = Data(Int())
class BlockChange(ServerMessage):
id = 0x35
x = Int()
y = Byte()
z = Int()
block_type = Short()
block_metadata = Byte()
class BlockAction(ServerMessage):
id = 0x36
x = Int()
y = Short()
z = Int()
instrument_type = Byte()
pitch = Byte()
type = Short()
class BlockMining(ServerMessage):
id = 0x37
eid = Int()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
status = Byte()
class ChunkBulk(ServerMessage):
id = 0x38
chunk_count = Short()
data_length = Int()
sky_light = Bool()
data = Data("data_length")
metadata = List(Object(
), size="chunk_count")
class Explosion(ServerMessage):
id = 0x3c
x = Double()
y = Double()
z = Double()
radius = Float()
records = List(Object(
), size=Int())
push_x = Float()
push_y = Float()
push_z = Float()
class SoundEffect(ServerMessage):
id = 0x3d
effect_id = Int()
x = Int()
y = Byte()
z = Int()
data = Int()
constant_volume = Bool()
class NamedSoundEffect(ServerMessage):
id = 0x3e
sound_name = String()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
volume = Float()
pitch = Byte()
class ChangeGameState(Message):
id = 0x46
reason = Byte()
game_mode = Byte()
class SpawnGlobalEntity(ServerMessage):
id = 0x47
eid = Int()
type = Byte()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
class OpenWindow(ServerMessage):
id = 0x64
window_id = Byte()
inv_type = Byte()
window_title = String()
num_slots = Byte()
custom_title = Bool()
class CloseWindow(Message):
id = 0x65
window_id = Byte()
class WindowClick(ClientMessage):
id = 0x66
window_id = Byte()
slot = Short()
is_right_click = Byte()
action_num = Short()
shift = Byte()
details = ItemStack()
class SetSlot(ServerMessage):
id = 0x67
window_id = Byte()
slot = Short()
slot_update = ItemStack()
class WindowItems(ServerMessage):
id = 0x68
window_id = Byte()
inventory = List(ItemStack(), Short())
class UpdateProgressBar(ServerMessage):
id = 0x69
window_id = Byte()
progress_bar = Short()
value = Short()
class Transaction(Message):
id = 0x6a
window_id = Byte()
action_num = Short()
accepted = Bool()
class CreativeInventoryAction(Message):
id = 0x6b
slot = Short()
details = ItemStack()
class EnchantItem(ClientMessage):
id = 0x6c
window_id = Byte()
enchantment = Byte()
class UpdateSign(Message):
id = 0x82
x = Int()
y = Short()
z = Int()
text1 = String()
text2 = String()
text3 = String()
text4 = String()
class ItemData(Message):
id = 0x83
item_type = Short()
item_id = Short()
data = Data(Short())
class UpdateTileEntity(ServerMessage):
id = 0x84
x = Int()
y = Short()
z = Int()
action = Byte()
data = Data(Short())
class IncrementStatistic(ServerMessage):
id = 0xc8
stat_id = Int()
amount = Byte()
class PlayerListItem(ServerMessage):
id = 0xc9
name = String()
online = Bool()
ping = Short()
class Abilities(Message):
id = 0xca
abilities = Byte()
flying_speed = Byte()
walking_speed = Byte()
class TabCompletion(Message):
id = 0xcb
text = String()
class Settings(ClientMessage):
id = 0xcc
locale = String()
view_distance = Byte()
chat_flags = Byte()
difficulty = Byte()
show_cape = Bool()
class Respawn(Message):
id = 0xcd
payload = Byte()
class CreateScoreboard(ServerMessage):
id = 0xce
name = String()
display_text = String()
remove = Byte()
class UpdateScore(ServerMessage):
id = 0xcf
item_name = String()
remove = Byte()
score_name = String()
value = Int()
class DisplayScoreboard(ServerMessage):
id = 0xd0
position = Byte()
score_name = String()
class Teams(ServerMessage):
id = 0xd1
name = String()
mode = Byte()
display_name = Conditional(String(), lambda msg: msg.mode in (0, 2))
prefix = Conditional(String(), lambda msg: msg.mode in (0, 2))
suffix = Conditional(String(), lambda msg: msg.mode in (0, 2))
friendly_fire = Conditional(Bool(), lambda msg: msg.mode in (0, 2))
players = Conditional(List(String(), size=Short()),
lambda msg: msg.mode in (0, 3, 4))
class EncryptionKeyResponse(Message):
id = 0xfc
shared_secret = Data(Short())
challenge_token = Data(Short())
class EncryptionKeyRequest(ServerMessage):
id = 0xfd
server_id = String()
public_key = Data(Short())
challenge_token = Data(Short())
### VERSION 72 - Corresponds to 1.6
with protocol.version(72):
class UpdateHealth(ServerMessage):
id = 0x08
health = Float()
food = Short()
food_saturation = Float()
class EntityAction(Message):
id = 0x13
eid = Int()
action = Byte()
unknown = Int()
class SteerVehicle(Message):
id = 0x1b
sideways = Float()
forward = Float()
jump = Bool()
unmount = Bool()
class AttachEntity(Message):
id = 0x27
eid = Int()
vehicle_id = Int()
leash = Bool()
class EntityProperties(ServerMessage):
id = 0x2c
eid = Int()
properties = Dict(String(), Double(), size=Int())
class OpenWindow(ServerMessage):
id = 0x64
window_id = Byte()
inv_type = Byte()
window_title = String()
num_slots = Byte()
custom_title = Byte()
eid = Conditional(Int(), lambda msg: msg.inv_type == 11)
class IncrementStatistic(ServerMessage):
id = 0xc8
stat_id = Int()
amount = Int()
class Abilities(Message):
id = 0xca
abilities = Byte()
flying_speed = Float()
walking_speed = Float()
### VERSION 74 - Corresponds to 1.6.2
with protocol.version(74):
class EntityProperties(ServerMessage):
id = 0x2c
eid = Int()
properties = Dict(String(), Object(
), size=Short())
), size=Int())
class OpenTileEditor(ServerMessage):
id = 0x85
unknown = Byte()
x = Int()
y = Int()
z = Int()
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