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Created July 25, 2012 03:38
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Save dalcib/3174225 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AngularJS directive to convert JSON-Scheme in a form
* Widget for displaying a complete form as specified by the given schema.
angular.widget('my:form', function(element) {
this.descend(true); // compiler will process children elements
this.directives(true); // compiler will process directives
return function(element) {
function processField(field, fieldKey) {
var qualifiedName = this.parentName + '.' + fieldKey,
fullyQualifiedName = this.fqName + '.' + fieldKey,
console.log("----> field: " + fullyQualifiedName + ", relative: " + qualifiedName);
// has hierarchical subforms? Must be declared in a type struct (single) or map (multi-typed)
if (field.type == 'array' && field.items && field.ui_class != 'compact') {
var childElem = fieldKey + 'Elem';
var multiTyped = true;
// if items is a singular value set it to an array to make the rest work
// expect either object with properties or type with map of different sub-types
if (field.items.type == 'object') {
multiTyped = false;
field.items.type = [ field.items ];
// ~~~~ FIXME start (init array top-level)
var contentChilds = scope.$eval(qualifiedName);
if (!contentChilds) {
var propName = fullyQualifiedName.substr('contentNode'.length + 1);
console.log("No content childs yet for " + propName);
var propNameArr = propName.split('.');
if (propNameArr.length == 1) {
console.log("... init array: " + propName);
globalContentNode[propNameArr[0]] = [{"_type":field.items.type[0].id}]; // TODO: really use first type as default?
} else {
console.log("============= WARN cannot initialize arrays: " + propNameArr);
// ~~~~ FIXME end (init array top-level)
// (A) subform header (with move up/down button)
var subform = angular.element('<ul ui:sortable class="sortable subform" ui:items="' + qualifiedName + '"></ul>');
var repeater = angular.element('<li ng:repeat="' + childElem + ' in ' + qualifiedName + '" ' +
(multiTyped ? 'jq:autoremove' : '') + ' ui:items="' + qualifiedName + '" arrfq ="' + fieldKey + '.{{$index}}"></li>');
var subfieldset = angular.element('<fieldset></fieldset>');
var legendChild = angular.element('<legend' + ' context="' + qualifiedName+'">' + field.title + '{{$index}}</legend>');
// ~~ remove (per individual child group)
var removeButton = angular.element('<a class="remove" href="#" ng:click="removeChild({' +
" parent:'" + qualifiedName + "', elem:" + childElem + '}' +
')"><i class="icon-minus" title="Remove ' + field.title + '"></i></a>');
var removeButton = angular.element('<a class="remove" href="#" ng:click="' + qualifiedName + '.$remove(' + qualifiedName +"[$index]"+
')"><i class="icon-minus" title="Remove ' + field.title + '"></i></a>');
// (B) render individual fields of subform
jQuery.each(field.items.type, function (subIdx, subfield) {
if (typeof == 'undefined') { = subfield.title;
console.log("Add sub element for type: " +;
var elGroup = angular.element('<div class="subelements ' + + '">' + subfield.title + '</div>');
var arraySuffix = "";
console.log("scope idx: " + scope.$index);
var arr_level = scope.$get('arr_level');
if (arr_level != undefined) {
arraySuffix = '.' + arr_level;
console.log("array suffix: " + arraySuffix);
angular.forEach(, processField,
{parentName: childElem, fqName: fullyQualifiedName + arraySuffix, curDOMParent: elGroup, childtype:});
// (C) bottom: place add button for all available sibling types TODO: transform into drop-downlist
var localScope = this;
var subfieldTypes = [];
jQuery.each(field.items.type, function (subIdx, subfield) {
jQuery.each(field.items.type, function (subIdx, subfield) {
// ~~ add sub-entity button (available no matter how many already exist)
var addButton = angular.element('<div class="btn_add"><a href="#" ' +
' ng:click="addChild({parent:'+ localScope.parentName +',' +
' child:' + qualifiedName + ', childname: \'' + fieldKey + '\',' +
' childtype: \'' + + '\', allChildtypes: \'' + subfieldTypes + '\'})">' +
'<i class="icon-plus" title="Add ' + subfield.title + '"></i>' + subfield.title + '</a></div>');
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start Render Field Type
if (field.ui_class != 'hidden') {
var controlGroup = angular.element('<div class="control-group"></div>');
// ~~ Label for input element
controlGroup.append(angular.element('<label class="control-label" for="' + qualifiedName + '">' + field.title + '</label>'));
var controlElem = angular.element('<div class="controls">');
var typeLength = "medium";
if (field.ui_width) {
typeLength = field.ui_width;
var lengthCssClassName = 'input-' + typeLength;
if (field.type == 'array' && field.ui_class == 'compact') {
fieldElStr = '<input type="text" class="valueArray ' + lengthCssClassName + '" ui:item="' + qualifiedName + '" ';
fieldElStr += ' ui:valueArray >';
else if (field.enum) {
fieldElStr = '<ul ui:selectable-container class="selectBox">';
fieldElStr += ' <li ui:selectable="' + qualifiedName + '" ng:repeat="i in [';
for (var idx in field.enum) {
fieldElStr += '\'' + field.enum[idx] + '\'';
if (idx < field.enum.length-1) {
fieldElStr += ',';
fieldElStr += ']" data-value="{{i}}" data-options="' + field.enum.join(',') + '">';
fieldElStr += ' <div class="name">{{i}}</div>';
fieldElStr += ' </li>';
fieldElStr += '</ul>';
// das ist provisorisch reingenommen, damit ich produktive CTs entwickeln kann und
// selectable in sortable nicht funktioniert.
for (var idx in field.enum) {
fieldElStr += '<input type="radio" name="' + qualifiedName + '" value="' +field.enum[idx]+ '">' + field.enum[idx];
else if (field.ui_callout) {
fieldElStr = '<div class="reference input-append">';
fieldElStr += ' <input class="' + lengthCssClassName + '" name="' + qualifiedName + '">';
if (field.ui_callout.target_properties) {
var targetProperties = "";
for (i in field.ui_callout.target_properties) {
targetProperties += field.ui_callout.target_properties[i] + "#";
console.log("fields to update: " + targetProperties);
var srcPropNames = field.ui_callout.src_properties.join('#');
fieldElStr += ' <span class="add-on" ng:click="simple_select_value(\'' + field.ui_callout.url + '\',\'' + targetProperties +'\',\'' + srcPropNames +'\'';
} else {
// TODO: Should we require to specify: ui_update
fieldElStr += ' <span class="add-on" ng:click="simple_select_value(\'' + field.ui_callout.url + '\',\'' + fullyQualifiedName + '\'';
fieldElStr += ')"><i class="icon-edit"></i></span>';
fieldElStr += '</div>';
else if (field.format == 'date') {
fieldElStr = '<div class="reference">';
fieldElStr += '<input type="text" class="datepicker ' + lengthCssClassName + '"';
if (field.ui_class == 'readonly') {
fieldElStr += ' readonly="readonly"';
} else {
// dateFormat according to
fieldElStr += ' ui:datepicker ui:date="' + qualifiedName + '" ui:options="{dateFormat: \'yy-mm-dd\', showOn: \'both\',';
fieldElStr += ' buttonImage: \'/public/images/calendar.gif\', buttonImageOnly: true, firstDay: 1, gotoCurrent: true}"';
fieldElStr += '></div>';
else if (field.ui_editor == 'richtext') {
fieldElStr = '<textarea ui:tinymce class="mceRichText ' + lengthCssClassName + '" name="' + qualifiedName + '" ';
//angular.forEach(field, function(attribute) {
// fieldElStr += attribute + '="' + field[attribute] + '" ';
fieldElStr += ' rows="12" cols="72"></textarea>';
else if (field.ui_editor == 'textarea') {
fieldElStr = '<textarea class="' + lengthCssClassName + '" name="' + qualifiedName + '" ';
if (field.ui_class == 'readonly') {
fieldElStr += ' readonly="readonly"';
//angular.forEach(field, function(attribute) {
// fieldElStr += attribute + '="' + field[attribute] + '" ';
fieldElStr += ' rows="8" cols="72"></textarea>';
else if (field.type == 'object') {
fieldElStr = angular.element('<div class="subelements ' + fieldKey + '"></div>');
//console.log("**** Include sub-object structure for " + fieldKey);
angular.forEach(, processField,
{parentName: fullyQualifiedName, fqName: fullyQualifiedName, curDOMParent: fieldElStr});
else if (field.type == 'boolean') {
fieldElStr = '<input class="' + lengthCssClassName + '" name="' + qualifiedName + '" ';
fieldElStr += ' type="checkbox"';
// should set default value?
if (globalContentNodeId == -1 && field.default == true) {
fieldElStr += ' checked="checked"';
if (field.ui_class == 'readonly') {
fieldElStr += ' readonly="readonly"';
fieldElStr += '>';
// ~~ "normal" text input field
else {
fieldElStr = '<input class="' + lengthCssClassName + '" name="' + qualifiedName + '" ';
angular.forEach(field, function(value, attribute) {
if (attribute != 'tag') {
fieldElStr += attribute + '="' + value + '" ';
// set default value for freshly created content
if (globalContentNodeId == -1 && field.default) {
fieldElStr += ' value="' + field.default + '"';
if (field.ui_class == 'readonly') {
fieldElStr += ' readonly="readonly"';
fieldElStr += '>';
/* type == 'autoComplete':
// TODO: Under development (still hard-code to use tag search)
fieldElStr = '<input type="textbox" class="autoComplete ' + lengthClassName + '"';
fieldElStr += ' ui:autocomplete ui:options="{urls: {list: \'/tag/search?q=\'}}" ui:item="' + qualifiedName + '" />';
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Render Field Type
// ~~ optionally add help hint
if (field.description) {
controlElem.append('<p class="help-block">' + field.description + '</p>');
} // skip hidden field
var scope = this,
schema = scope.$eval(element.attr('schema')),
data = element.attr('data'),
fieldset = angular.element('<fieldset class="root"></fieldset>');
// process every field as specified in the JSON schema definition
// context object: {parentName, fqName, curDOMParent, childtype}
angular.forEach(schema, processField, {parentName: data, fqName: data, curDOMParent: fieldset});
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