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Created April 27, 2018 18:43
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Delay and transition lights off after motion is no longer detected
## Packages / Motion Lights Off
## @description Delay and transition lights off after motion is no longer detected
## @component automation, binary_sensor, input_number, light, sensor
## @license MIT
## @author @Vasiley, Dale Higgs <@dale3h>
# Number of seconds the motion sensor stays `on` after last motion detected
stays_on: 60
# Entity ID(s) of light(s) to turn off with this motion sensor
light_entity:, light.sink
# Number of seconds the motion sensor stays `on` after last motion detected
stays_on: 10
# Entity ID(s) of light(s) to turn off with this motion sensor
light_entity: light.living_room
- alias: "Motion Off"
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.kitchen_motion
- binary_sensor.living_room_motion
to: 'off'
- wait_template: >-
{% set default_time_off_min = 5 %}
{# Generate time off entity ID #}
{% set time_off_entity = 'input_number.' ~ states('sensor.house_mode_state')|lower|replace(' ', '_') ~ '_off' %}
{# Calculate the time off #}
{% set time_off = (states(time_off_entity)|int(default_time_off_min) * 60) - trigger.to_state.attributes.stays_on|default|int %}
{# Calculate how many seconds ago the sensor last changed #}
{% set last_changed = as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(trigger.to_state.last_changed) %}
{# Bail out if the motion sensor is tripped during the delay #}
{{ is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'on') or last_changed >= time_off }}
# Make sure the motion sensor is still off
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'off') }}"
- service: light.turn_off
entity_id: >-
{% if trigger.to_state.attributes.light_entity is defined %}
{# Use `light_entity` attribute of the binary sensor #}
{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.light_entity }}
{% else %}
{# Try to detect light entity ID #}
light.{{ trigger.entity_id|regex_replace('binary_sensor\.(.+)_motion', '\\1') }}
{% endif %}
transition: >-
{% set default_transition = 15 %}
{# Generate transition entity ID #}
{% set transition_entity = 'input_number.' ~ states('sensor.house_mode_state')|lower|replace(' ', '_') ~ '_mode_transition_value' %}
{# Output the transition time, or the default in case of conversion failure #}
{{ states(transition_entity)|int(default_transition) }}
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