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Last active May 14, 2024 19:31
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Start an anvil and otterscan with bun
import { createAnvil } from "@viem/anvil";
// import fs from "fs";
import "dotenv/config";
import { $ } from "bun";
import path from "path";
import z from "zod";
import { fromError } from "zod-validation-error";
// Env validation
const envSchema = z.object({
ANVIL_FORK_URL: z.string().url(),
export const envParseResult = envSchema.safeParse({
if (!envParseResult.success) throw fromError(envParseResult.error).toString();
const env =;
const statePath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/" + ".anvil.state.json");
// Bootstrap Anvil
const anvil = createAnvil({
dumpState: statePath,
// Not loading state because of this issue
// loadState: fs.existsSync(statePath) ? statePath : undefined,
forkUrl: env.ANVIL_FORK_URL,
// forkBlockNumber: 13846757,
// forkChainId: 31337,
// test mnemonic
"middle social float point stock tank blouse boy clever impose depth session tip deal catch",
anvil.on("message", (message) => console.log(`Anvil: ${message}`));
await anvil.start();
// Bootstrap Otterscan
const id =
await $`docker run --rm -p 5100:80 --name otterscan -d otterscan/otterscan:latest`.quiet();
`Otterscan listening at "http://localhost:5100", container ${id.text()}`,
// Exit handling
// do something when app is closing
process.on("exit", async () => {
await anvil.stop();
await $`docker stop otterscan`;
console.warn("Anvil stopped! – Cleanup");
// catches ctrl+c event
process.on("SIGINT", async () => {
await anvil.stop();
await $`docker stop otterscan`;
console.warn("Anvil stopped! – SIGINT");
// catches "kill pid" (for example: nodemon restart)
process.on("SIGUSR1", async () => {
await anvil.stop();
await $`docker stop otterscan`;
console.warn("Anvil stopped! – SIGUSR1 (killed pid)");
process.on("SIGUSR2", async () => {
await anvil.stop();
await $`docker stop otterscan`;
console.warn("Anvil stopped! – SIGUSR2 (killed pid)");
// catches uncaught exceptions
process.on("uncaughtException", async () => {
await anvil.stop();
await $`docker stop otterscan`;
console.warn("Anvil stopped! – Uncaught exception");
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