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Last active April 18, 2024 17:55
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import { Hono } from 'hono';
import type { HonoOptions } from 'hono/hono-base';
import type { Schema } from 'hono/types';
import type { Env } from './types/env.js';
import type { FrameImageAspectRatio, FrameResponse, ImageOptions } from './types/frame.js';
import type { Hub } from './types/hub.js';
import type { HandlerInterface, MiddlewareHandlerInterface } from './types/routes.js';
import type { Vars } from './ui/vars.js';
export type FrogConstructorParameters<env extends Env = Env, basePath extends string = '/', _state = env['State']> = Pick<FrameResponse, 'browserLocation'> & {
* The base path for assets.
* @example '/' (commonly for Vercel Serverless Functions)
assetsPath?: basePath | string | undefined;
* The base path for the server instance.
* @example '/api' (commonly for Vercel Serverless Functions)
basePath?: basePath | string | undefined;
* @deprecated Use `devtools` from `'frog/dev'` instead.
* Options for built-in devtools.
dev?: {
/** @deprecated */
enabled?: boolean | undefined;
/** @deprecated */
appFid?: number | undefined;
/** @deprecated */
appMnemonic?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
* HTTP response headers.
headers?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
* Options to forward to the `Hono` instance.
honoOptions?: HonoOptions<env> | undefined;
* @deprecated Use `hub` instead.
* Farcaster Hub API URL.
hubApiUrl?: string | undefined;
* Farcaster Hub API configuration.
hub?: Hub | undefined;
* Default image options.
* @see
* @see
* @example
* { width: 1200, height: 630 }
* @example
* async () => {
* const fontData = await fetch(
* new URL('./assets/inter.ttf', import.meta.url),
* ).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());
* return { fonts: [{ name: 'Inter', data: fontData, style: 'normal'}] }
* }
imageOptions?: ImageOptions | (() => Promise<ImageOptions>) | undefined;
* Default image aspect ratio.
* @default '1.91:1'
imageAspectRatio?: FrameImageAspectRatio | undefined;
* Wether to enable masking of intial frame image or not.
* If wrangler is used for deployments, this should be state to `false` as wrangler doesn't support fetching within a worker.
* @see
* @default true
initialImageMasking?: boolean | undefined;
* Initial state for the frames.
* @example
* ```ts
* initialState: {
* index: 0,
* todos: [],
* }
* ```
initialState?: _state | undefined;
* Origin URL of the server instance.
* @link
origin?: string | undefined;
* Key used to sign secret data.
* It is used for:
* - Signing frame state, and
* - Signing auth session cookies in the devtools.
* It's strongly recommended to add a strong secret key before deploying to production.
* @example
* '1zN3Uvl5QQd7OprLfp83IU96W6ip6KNPQ+l0MECPIZh8FBLYKQ+mPXE1CTxfwXGz'
secret?: string | undefined;
* FrogUI configuration.
ui?: {
vars: Vars | undefined;
} | undefined;
* Whether or not to verify frame data via the Farcaster Hub's `validateMessage` API.
* - When `true`, the frame will go through verification and throw an error if it fails.
* - When `"silent"`, the frame will go through verification, but not throw an error if it fails.
* Instead, the frame will receive `verified: false` in its context.
* - When `false`, the frame will not go through verification.
* @default true.
verify?: boolean | 'silent' | undefined;
export type RouteOptions = Pick<FrogConstructorParameters, 'verify'> & {
fonts?: ImageOptions['fonts'] | (() => Promise<ImageOptions['fonts']>);
* A Frog instance.
* @param parameters - {@link FrogConstructorParameters}
* @returns instance. {@link Frog}
* @example
* ```
* import { Frog } from 'frog'
* const app = new Frog()
* app.frame('/', (c) => {
* const { buttonValue, inputText, status } = c
* const fruit = inputText || buttonValue
* return c.res({
* image: (
* <div style={{ fontSize: 60 }}>
* {fruit ? `You selected: ${fruit}` : 'Welcome!'}
* </div>
* ),
* intents: [
* <Button value="apples">Apples</Button>,
* <Button value="oranges">Oranges</Button>,
* <Button value="bananas">Bananas</Button>,
* ]
* })
* })
* ```
export declare class FrogBase<env extends Env = Env, schema extends Schema = {}, basePath extends string = '/', _state = env['State']> {
_initialState: env['State'];
/** Path for assets. */
assetsPath: string;
/** Base path of the server instance. */
basePath: string;
/** URL to redirect to when the user is coming to the page via a browser. */
browserLocation: string | undefined;
dev: FrogConstructorParameters['dev'] | undefined;
headers: FrogConstructorParameters['headers'] | undefined;
/** Hono instance. */
hono: Hono<env, schema, basePath>;
/** Farcaster Hub API URL. */
hubApiUrl: string | undefined;
/** Farcaster Hub API config. */
hub: Hub | undefined;
/** Initial frame image masking. */
initialImageMasking?: boolean | undefined;
/** Image aspect ratio. */
imageAspectRatio: FrameImageAspectRatio;
/** Image options. */
imageOptions: ImageOptions | (() => Promise<ImageOptions>) | undefined;
/** Origin URL of the server instance. */
origin: string | undefined;
fetch: Hono<env, schema, basePath>['fetch'];
get: Hono<env, schema, basePath>['get'];
post: Hono<env, schema, basePath>['post'];
/** Key used to sign secret data. */
secret: FrogConstructorParameters['secret'] | undefined;
/** FrogUI configuration. */
ui: {
vars: Vars | undefined;
} | undefined;
/** Whether or not frames should be verified. */
verify: FrogConstructorParameters['verify'];
_dev: string | undefined;
version: string;
constructor({ assetsPath, basePath, browserLocation, dev, headers, honoOptions, hubApiUrl, hub, initialImageMasking, imageAspectRatio, imageOptions, initialState, origin, secret, ui, verify, }?: FrogConstructorParameters<env, basePath, _state>);
castAction: HandlerInterface<env, 'cast-action', schema, basePath>;
frame: HandlerInterface<env, 'frame', schema, basePath>;
route<subPath extends string, subSchema extends Schema, subBasePath extends string>(path: subPath, frog: FrogBase<any, subSchema, subBasePath>): this;
transaction: HandlerInterface<env, 'transaction', schema, basePath>;
use: MiddlewareHandlerInterface<env, schema, basePath>;
import { jsx as _jsx, Fragment as _Fragment, jsxs as _jsxs } from "frog/jsx/jsx-runtime";
import { detect } from 'detect-browser';
import { Hono } from 'hono';
import { ImageResponse } from 'hono-og';
import { html } from 'hono/html';
import lz from 'lz-string';
// TODO: maybe write our own "modern" universal path (or resolve) module.
// We are not using `node:path` to remain compatible with Edge runtimes.
import { default as p } from 'path-browserify';
import { fromQuery } from './utils/fromQuery.js';
import { getButtonValues } from './utils/getButtonValues.js';
import { getCastActionContext } from './utils/getCastActionContext.js';
import { getFrameContext } from './utils/getFrameContext.js';
import { getFrameMetadata } from './utils/getFrameMetadata.js';
import { getImagePaths } from './utils/getImagePaths.js';
import { getRequestUrl } from './utils/getRequestUrl.js';
import { getRouteParameters } from './utils/getRouteParameters.js';
import { getTransactionContext } from './utils/getTransactionContext.js';
import * as jws from './utils/jws.js';
import { parseBrowserLocation } from './utils/parseBrowserLocation.js';
import { parseFonts } from './utils/parseFonts.js';
import { parseHonoPath } from './utils/parseHonoPath.js';
import { parseImage } from './utils/parseImage.js';
import { parseIntents } from './utils/parseIntents.js';
import { parsePath } from './utils/parsePath.js';
import { requestBodyToContext } from './utils/requestBodyToContext.js';
import { serializeJson } from './utils/serializeJson.js';
import { toSearchParams } from './utils/toSearchParams.js';
import { version } from './version.js';
* A Frog instance.
* @param parameters - {@link FrogConstructorParameters}
* @returns instance. {@link Frog}
* @example
* ```
* import { Frog } from 'frog'
* const app = new Frog()
* app.frame('/', (c) => {
* const { buttonValue, inputText, status } = c
* const fruit = inputText || buttonValue
* return c.res({
* image: (
* <div style={{ fontSize: 60 }}>
* {fruit ? `You selected: ${fruit}` : 'Welcome!'}
* </div>
* ),
* intents: [
* <Button value="apples">Apples</Button>,
* <Button value="oranges">Oranges</Button>,
* <Button value="bananas">Bananas</Button>,
* ]
* })
* })
* ```
export class FrogBase {
constructor({ assetsPath, basePath, browserLocation, dev, headers, honoOptions, hubApiUrl, hub, initialImageMasking, imageAspectRatio, imageOptions, initialState, origin, secret, ui, verify, } = {}) {
// Note: not using native `private` fields to avoid tslib being injected
// into bundled code.
Object.defineProperty(this, "_initialState", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: undefined
/** Path for assets. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "assetsPath", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Base path of the server instance. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "basePath", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** URL to redirect to when the user is coming to the page via a browser. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "browserLocation", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "dev", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "headers", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Hono instance. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "hono", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Farcaster Hub API URL. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "hubApiUrl", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Farcaster Hub API config. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "hub", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Initial frame image masking. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "initialImageMasking", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Image aspect ratio. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "imageAspectRatio", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: '1.91:1'
/** Image options. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "imageOptions", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Origin URL of the server instance. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "origin", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "fetch", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "get", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "post", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Key used to sign secret data. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "secret", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** FrogUI configuration. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "ui", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
/** Whether or not frames should be verified. */
Object.defineProperty(this, "verify", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: true
Object.defineProperty(this, "_dev", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: void 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "version", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: version
Object.defineProperty(this, "castAction", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: (...parameters) => {
const [path, middlewares, handler, options = {}] = getRouteParameters(...parameters);
const { verify = this.verify } = options;
// Cast Action Route (implements POST)., ...middlewares, async (c) => {
const { context } = getCastActionContext({
context: await requestBodyToContext(c, {
hub: this.hub ||
(this.hubApiUrl ? { apiUrl: this.hubApiUrl } : undefined),
secret: this.secret,
const response = await handler(context);
if (response instanceof Response)
return response;
if (response.status === 'error') {
c.status(response.error.statusCode ?? 400);
return c.json({ message: response.error.message });
const { headers = this.headers, message } =;
// Set response headers provided by consumer.
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(headers ?? {}))
c.header(key, value);
return c.json({ message });
return this;
Object.defineProperty(this, "frame", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: (...parameters) => {
const [path, middlewares, handler, options = {}] = getRouteParameters(...parameters);
const { verify = this.verify } = options;
// OG Image Route
const imagePaths = getImagePaths(parseHonoPath(path));
for (const imagePath of imagePaths) {
this.hono.get(imagePath, async (c) => {
const url = getRequestUrl(c.req);
const query = c.req.query();
if (!query.image && this.initialImageMasking) {
// If the query is doesn't have an image, it is an initial request to a frame.
// Therefore we need to get the link to fetch the original image and jump once again in this method to resolve the options,
// but now with query params set.
const metadata = await getFrameMetadata(url.href.slice(0, -6)); // Stripping `/image` (6 characters) from the end of the url.
const frogImage = metadata.find(({ property }) => property === 'frog:image');
if (!frogImage)
throw new Error('Unexpected error: frog:image meta tag is not present in the frame.');
// Redirect to this route but now with search params and return the response
return c.redirect(frogImage.content);
const defaultImageOptions = await (async () => {
if (typeof this.imageOptions === 'function')
return await this.imageOptions();
return this.imageOptions;
const fonts = await (async () => {
if (this.ui?.vars?.fonts)
return Object.values(this.ui?.vars.fonts).flat();
if (typeof options?.fonts === 'function')
return await options.fonts();
if (options?.fonts)
return options.fonts;
return defaultImageOptions?.fonts;
const { headers = this.headers, image, imageOptions = defaultImageOptions, } = fromQuery(query);
const image_ = JSON.parse(lz.decompressFromEncodedURIComponent(image));
return new ImageResponse(image_, {
width: 1200,
height: 630,
format: imageOptions?.format ?? 'png',
fonts: await parseFonts(fonts),
headers: imageOptions?.headers ?? headers,
// Frame Route (implements GET & POST).
this.hono.use(parseHonoPath(path), ...middlewares, async (c) => {
const url = getRequestUrl(c.req);
const origin = this.origin ?? url.origin;
const assetsUrl = origin + parsePath(this.assetsPath);
const baseUrl = origin + parsePath(this.basePath);
const { context, getState } = getFrameContext({
context: await requestBodyToContext(c, {
hub: this.hub ||
(this.hubApiUrl ? { apiUrl: this.hubApiUrl } : undefined),
secret: this.secret,
initialState: this._initialState,
if (context.url !== parsePath(url.href))
return c.redirect(context.url);
const response = await handler(context);
if (response instanceof Response)
return response;
if (response.status === 'error') {
c.status(response.error.statusCode ?? 400);
return c.json({ message: response.error.message });
const { action, browserLocation = this.browserLocation, headers = this.headers, imageAspectRatio = this.imageAspectRatio, image, imageOptions: imageOptions_ = this.imageOptions, intents, ogImage, title = 'Frog Frame', } =;
const buttonValues = getButtonValues(parseIntents(intents));
if (context.status === 'redirect' && context.buttonIndex) {
const buttonValue = buttonValues[context.buttonIndex - 1];
const location = buttonValue?.replace(/^_r:/, '');
if (!location)
throw new Error('location required to redirect');
return c.redirect(location, 302);
const renderAsHTML = c.req.header('Accept') === 'text/html' ||
c.req.query('accept') === 'text/html';
// If the user is coming from a browser, and a `browserLocation` is set,
// then we will redirect the user to that location.
const browser = detect(c.req.header('user-agent'));
const browserLocation_ = parseBrowserLocation(c, browserLocation, {
basePath: this.basePath,
if (!renderAsHTML && browser?.name && browserLocation_)
return c.redirect(browserLocation_.startsWith('http')
? browserLocation_
: `${origin + p.resolve(this.basePath, browserLocation_)}`, 302);
// Derive the previous state, and sign it if a secret is provided.
const previousState = await (async () => {
const state = await context.deriveState();
if (!this.secret)
return state;
if (!state)
return state;
return jws.sign(JSON.stringify(state), this.secret);
// We need to pass some context to the next frame to derive button values, state, etc.
// Here, we are deriving two sets of "next frame state".
// 1. For the INITIAL FRAME, we need to pass through the state as a search parameter
// due to Farcaster's constraints with the `fc:frame:state` tag. It must be empty
// for the initial frame.
// 2. For SUBSEQUENT FRAMES, we can pass through the state as a serialized JSON object
// to the next frame via the `fc:frame:state` tag.
const nextFrameStateSearch = toSearchParams({
initialPath: context.initialPath,
previousButtonValues: buttonValues,
const nextFrameStateMeta = serializeJson({
initialPath: context.initialPath,
previousButtonValues: buttonValues,
const imageOptions = await (async () => {
if (typeof imageOptions_ === 'function')
return await imageOptions_();
return imageOptions_;
const imageUrl = await (async () => {
if (typeof image !== 'string') {
const compressedImage = lz.compressToEncodedURIComponent(JSON.stringify(await parseImage(_jsx("div", { style: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
}, children: await image }), {
ui: {
vars: {
frame: {
height: imageOptions?.height,
width: imageOptions?.width,
const imageParams = toSearchParams({
image: compressedImage,
imageOptions: imageOptions
? {
// TODO: Remove once `fonts` is removed from `imageOptions`.
fonts: undefined,
: undefined,
return `${parsePath(context.url)}/image?${imageParams}`;
if (image.startsWith('http') || image.startsWith('data'))
return image;
return `${assetsUrl + parsePath(image)}`;
const ogImageUrl = (() => {
if (!ogImage)
return undefined;
if (ogImage.startsWith('http'))
return ogImage;
return baseUrl + parsePath(ogImage);
const postUrl = (() => {
if (!action)
return context.url;
if (action.startsWith('http'))
return action;
return baseUrl + parsePath(action);
const parsedIntents = parseIntents(intents, {
search: context.status === 'initial'
? nextFrameStateSearch.toString()
: undefined,
// Set response headers provided by consumer.
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(headers ?? {}))
c.header(key, value);
if (renderAsHTML) {
const height = imageOptions?.height ?? 630;
const width = imageOptions?.width ?? 1200;
// Convert `tw` to `class`
const __html = image.toString().replace(/tw=/g, 'class=');
const fonts = await (async () => {
if (this.ui?.vars?.fonts)
return Object.values(this.ui.vars.fonts).flat();
if (typeof options?.fonts === 'function')
return await options.fonts();
if (options?.fonts)
return options.fonts;
return imageOptions?.fonts;
const groupedFonts = new Map();
if (fonts)
for (const font of fonts) {
const key = `${font.source ? `${font.source}:` : ''}${}`;
if (groupedFonts.has(key))
groupedFonts.set(key, [font]);
const googleFonts = [];
for (const item of groupedFonts) {
const [, fonts] = item;
const font = fonts[0];
if (font?.source === 'google') {
const name =' ', '+');
const hasItalic = fonts.some((x) => === 'italic');
const attributeKeys = hasItalic ? 'ital,wght' : 'wght';
const attributeValues = fonts
.map((x) => {
if (hasItalic) {
if ( === 'italic')
return `1,${x.weight}`;
return `0,${x.weight}`;
return x.weight;
const url = `${name}${attributeValues ? `:${attributeKeys}@${attributeValues}` : ''}&display=swap`;
return c.html(_jsxs(_Fragment, { children: [_jsx("script", { src: "" }), _jsx("script", { children: html `
tailwind.config = {
plugins: [{
handler({ addBase }) {
addBase({ 'html': { 'line-height': 1.2 } })
` }), _jsx("style", {
// biome-ignore lint/security/noDangerouslySetInnerHtml: <explanation>
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: `@import url(';700&family=Material+Icons');body{display:flex;height:100%;margin:0;tab-size:8;font-family:Inter,sans-serif;overflow:hidden}body>div,body>div *{box-sizing:border-box;display:flex}body{background:#1A1A19;}link,script,style{position: absolute;width: 1px;height: 1px;padding: 0;margin: -1px;overflow: hidden;clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);white-space: nowrap;border-width: 0;}`,
} }), Boolean(googleFonts.length) && (_jsxs(_Fragment, { children: [_jsx("link", { rel: "preconnect", href: "" }), _jsx("link", { rel: "preconnect", href: "", crossOrigin: true }), => (_jsx("link", { href: url, rel: "stylesheet" })))] })), _jsx("div", { className: "bg-black",
// biome-ignore lint/security/noDangerouslySetInnerHtml: <explanation>
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html }, style: { height, width } })] }));
return c.render(_jsxs(_Fragment, { children: [html `<!DOCTYPE html>`, _jsxs("html", { lang: "en", children: [_jsxs("head", { children: [_jsx("meta", { property: "fc:frame", content: "vNext" }), _jsx("meta", { property: "fc:frame:image:aspect_ratio", content: imageAspectRatio }), _jsx("meta", { property: "fc:frame:image", content: context.status === 'initial' && this.initialImageMasking
? `${context.url}/image`
: imageUrl }), _jsx("meta", { property: "og:image", content: ogImageUrl ??
(context.status === 'initial' && this.initialImageMasking)
? `${context.url}/image`
: imageUrl }), _jsx("meta", { property: "og:title", content: title }), _jsx("meta", { property: "fc:frame:post_url", content: context.status === 'initial'
? `${postUrl}?${nextFrameStateSearch.toString()}`
: postUrl }), context.status !== 'initial' && (_jsx("meta", { property: "fc:frame:state", content: nextFrameStateMeta })), parsedIntents, _jsx("meta", { property: "frog:version", content: version }), c.req.header('x-frog-dev') !== undefined && (_jsx("meta", { property: "frog:context", content: serializeJson({
// note: unserializable entities are undefined.
env: context.env
? Object.assign(context.env, {
incoming: undefined,
outgoing: undefined,
: undefined,
req: undefined,
state: getState(),
}) })), this.initialImageMasking && (_jsx("meta", { property: "frog:image", content: imageUrl }))] }), _jsx("body", {})] })] }));
return this;
Object.defineProperty(this, "transaction", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: (...parameters) => {
const [path, middlewares, handler, options = {}] = getRouteParameters(...parameters);
const { verify = this.verify } = options;, ...middlewares, async (c) => {
const { context } = getTransactionContext({
context: await requestBodyToContext(c, {
hub: this.hub ||
(this.hubApiUrl ? { apiUrl: this.hubApiUrl } : undefined),
secret: this.secret,
req: c.req,
const response = await handler(context);
if (response instanceof Response)
return response;
if (response.status === 'error') {
c.status(response.error.statusCode ?? 400);
return c.json({ message: response.error.message });
return c.json(;
return this;
Object.defineProperty(this, "use", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: (...args) => {
return this;
this.hono = new Hono(honoOptions);
if (basePath)
this.hono = this.hono.basePath(basePath);
if (browserLocation)
this.browserLocation = browserLocation;
if (headers)
this.headers = headers;
if (hubApiUrl)
this.hubApiUrl = hubApiUrl;
if (hub)
this.hub = hub;
if (imageAspectRatio)
this.imageAspectRatio = imageAspectRatio;
if (imageOptions)
this.imageOptions = imageOptions;
if (origin)
this.origin = origin;
if (secret)
this.secret = secret;
if (ui)
this.ui = ui;
if (typeof verify !== 'undefined')
this.verify = verify;
this.basePath = basePath ?? '/';
this.assetsPath = assetsPath ?? this.basePath;
this.fetch = this.hono.fetch.bind(this.hono);
this.get = this.hono.get.bind(this.hono);
this.initialImageMasking = initialImageMasking ?? true; =;
if (initialState)
this._initialState = initialState;
if (dev) = { enabled: true, ...(dev ?? {}) };
this._dev = undefined; // this is set `true` by `devtools` helper
// allow devtools to work with dynamic params off base path
this.hono.all('*', async (c, next) => {
if (this._dev)
for (const { handler, path } of c.req.matchedRoutes)
if (path === this._dev)
return handler(c, next);
await next();
route(path, frog) {
if (frog.assetsPath === '/')
frog.assetsPath = this.assetsPath;
if (frog.basePath === '/')
frog.basePath = parsePath(this.basePath) + parsePath(path);
if (!frog.browserLocation)
frog.browserLocation = this.browserLocation;
if (! =;
if (!frog.headers)
frog.headers = this.headers;
if (!frog.hubApiUrl)
frog.hubApiUrl = this.hubApiUrl;
if (!frog.hub)
frog.hub = this.hub;
if (!frog.imageOptions)
frog.imageOptions = this.imageOptions;
if (!frog.origin)
frog.origin = this.origin;
if (!frog.secret)
frog.secret = this.secret;
if (!frog.ui)
frog.ui = this.ui;
if (!frog.verify)
frog.verify = this.verify;
this.hono.route(path, frog.hono);
return this;
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