##Monticello Package Structure
The basic idea is to store individual methods in files so that git can manage method-level history. The split between classes and extensions in the snapshot directory is differentiate between classes defined in a package and extension methods defined in the package:
| +-classes\
| | +-SampleCore.class\
| | +-SampleCore.st
| | +-instance\
| | +-author.st
| +-extensions\
| +-Object.class\
| +-instance\
| +-isSample.st
##Repository Structure
The classic Monticello style is to store all packages in a single directory. The actual name of the directory doesn't matter. The specs in the metacello.st file contains the classic Metacello spec information:
| +-metacello.st
| +-Sample-Core.pkg\
| +-Sample-Platform.gemstone.pkg\
| +-Sample-Platform.pharo.pkg\
| +-Sample-Platform.squeak.pkg\
| +-Sample-Tests.pkg\
##Alternate Project Structure
Packages are distributed across the core, platform, and tests directories. The package structure is the same, but the Metacello spec information is different so that packages can be referenced in the different directories:
| +-metacello.st
| +-Sample-Core.pkg\
| +-metacello.st
| +-Sample-Platform.gemstone.pkg\
| +-Sample-Platform.pharo.pkg\
| +-Sample-Platform.squeak.pkg\
| +-metacello.st
| +-Sample-Tests.pkg\
yes, i agree. The snapshot of a mc package with classes and extensions. it sounds good to me