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Last active November 4, 2015 02:00
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The Light At The End Of The Tunnel: Announcing the release of GsDevKit_home and tODE


  1. GsDevKit_home development kit for GemStone/S 64, provides a framework of Bash scripts and directory structure for working with a collection of multiple stones.
  • Bash scripts

    • createStone
    • deleteStone
    • startStone
    • stopStone
    • upgradeStone
  • $GS_HOME points to the root directory of a GsDevKit_home installation:

    ▸ bin/
    ▸ dev/
      ▸ clients/
      ▸ todeClient/
    ▸ etc/
    ▾ server/
      ▸ snapshots/
      ▸ stones/
    ▾ shared/
      ▸ downloads/
      ▸ repos/
    ▾ sys/
      ▸ bin/
      ▸ default/
      ▸ local/
      ▸ stones/ 
  1. tODE, the Object (centric) Development Environment, is a development environment for GemStone/S 64 that features:
  • a Smalltalk powered command line interface, inspired by Bash

  • a hierarchical directory structure that functions as a virtual file system for navigation by the tODE Shell console

 ▸ /_home@/        --> $GS_HOME
 ▸ /home@/
 ▸ /projects@/
 ▾ /sys/
   ▸ default@/      --> $Gs_HOME/sys/default
   ▸ local@/        --> $Gs_HOME/sys/local
   ▾ stone@/
      ▸ /home/      --> $GS_HOME/sys/stones/<stone-name>/home
      ▸ /projects/  --> $GS_HOME/sys/stones/<stone-name>/projects
   ▸ stones@/       --> $Gs_HOME/sys/stones
 ▾ /tmp/
  • a GUI that provides access to the classic Smalltalk tools like the class browser and debugger

  • built-in support for using git to manage Smalltalk code stored in FileTree repositories.

  1. Seaside3 project entry

^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new comment: ''; projectUrl: ''; baseline: 'Seaside3' repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:3.1.?/repository' loads: #('Development' 'Zinc' 'Examples'); installScript: ' project clone --https --local Seaside3 project install --local --url= project install --local --url='; gitCheckout: 'gs_master'; status: #(#'inactive'); locked: false; yourself

- sharing doits between images
- cli vs menus
- bootstrapping images
  - project entries
  - standard process
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