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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Datahowler reanalysis of Fredrickson et al. (2013)
# you will need to install the package RR53 to run this script
# to download and install, use the following two commands:
# library(devtools)
# install_github("RR53", "dalejbarr")
# download Brown et al.'s version of the data from PNAS
# you need only do this once to store a local copy
# comment out from the script after first use
# load in and preprocess the data from the local copy
datalist <- readTidyData("rr53.csv")
# perform original analysis
betas <- rr53(datalist$Genetics,
betas %>% group_by(Pred) %>% do(oneSampTest(.))
# gene independence analysis
# reshape the gene data into a matrix
# we need this to calculate correlations using cor()
gmx <- datalist$Genetics %>% group_by(SID) %>% spread(Gene, Value) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-SID) %>% as.matrix
# cor(gmx) # uncomment to compute the correlation matrix
orig.mac <- meanAbsCor(gmx)
geneIndependenceTest <- replicate(10000, shuffleAndRecomputeMAC(gmx))
# calculate p, the probability of the original data under independence
p.data_under_ind <-
sum(c(orig.mac, geneIndependenceTest) >= orig.mac) /
(length(geneIndependenceTest) + 1)
print(round(p.data_under_ind, 4))
# permutation test
# merge the tables so we can fit the models
# also, apply gene contrast codes before residulization
dat <- inner_join(datalist$Genetics, datalist$Predictors, "SID") %>%
inner_join(datalist$GeneSigns, by="Gene") %>%
mutate(Value=Value*Sign) %>% select(-Sign)
datr <- dat %>% group_by(Gene) %>% do(getGeneResids(.)) %>%
arrange(SID, Gene)
pred2 <- select(datalist$Predictors, SID, ZScore_Hed, ZScore_Eud)
# calculate original test statistic
orig <- rr53Resids(datr, pred2, datalist$GeneSigns)
# warning! takes a long time...
ptest <- replicate(10000,
ptest.pval <-
sum(abs(c(orig, ptest))>=abs(orig))/
length(c(orig, ptest))
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