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Last active December 29, 2015 19:49
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Save dalelane/7720269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An alternative to java.lang.Double.parseDouble which isn't synchronised like the Java implementation is. Explanation in
* An alternative to java.lang.Double.parseDouble which isn't synchronised like
* the Java implementation is.
* Explanation in
* @author Dale Lane (
public class DoubleParser {
// String representations of special case numbers documented at
private static final String INFINITY = "Infinity";
private static final String NEGINFINITY = "-Infinity";
private static final String NAN = "NaN";
public static double parseDouble(String str)
// special case handling
if (str.equals(INFINITY)){
if (str.equals(NEGINFINITY)){
if (str.equals(NAN)){
return Double.NaN;
int exp = 0;
// cleanup
str = stripUnnecessaryPlus(str);
// handle exponents included in the number
int expStrIdx = getExponentIdx(str);
if (expStrIdx >= 0) {
String expStr = stripUnnecessaryPlus(str.substring(expStrIdx + 1));
exp = Short.parseShort(expStr);
if (exp > 100 || exp < -100){
// too small/large for this modified implementation
// to handle, so give up and fallback to built-in
// implementation
return Double.parseDouble(str);
str = str.substring(0, expStrIdx);
// handle fractions
int decPointIdx = str.indexOf(".");
int numDigits = str.length();
if (decPointIdx >= 0) {
// we found a decimal point - we want to parse a whole number, so we
// move the decimal point to the end, and update the exponent to
// cancel out the change
// e.g.
// instead of trying to parse 1234.5678
// it's easier to parse 12345678 with exp of -4
// update exponent
exp -= (numDigits - decPointIdx - 1); // if there is already an exponent - add the difference
// convert to whole number
str = str.substring(0, decPointIdx) + str.substring(decPointIdx + 1);
// removing the decimal point character has shrunk the string by 1 character
numDigits -= 1;
// use the length of the number to guess it's size - choose data type
// that can fit (integer for numbers under 9 characters long, long for
// numbers under 18 characters long)
if (numDigits <= LEN_INT){
return Integer.parseInt(str) * getExponentValue(exp);
else if (numDigits <= LEN_LONG){
return Long.parseLong(str) * getExponentValue(exp);
else {
// number is too long to be parsed using Long.parseLong
// so we only parse the most significant digits and drop the rest
final String mostSignificantDigitsStr = str.substring(0, LEN_LONG);
final int expToAdd = numDigits - LEN_LONG;
return Long.parseLong(mostSignificantDigitsStr) * getExponentValue(exp + expToAdd);
// To save time calling Math.pow, we calculate values between
// Math.pow(10.0, -256) and Math.pow(10.0, 256) so that we
// can reuse the results
private final static int PRE_COMPUTED_EXP_RANGE = 256;
private final static double[] POS_EXPS = new double[PRE_COMPUTED_EXP_RANGE];
private final static double[] NEG_EXPS = new double[PRE_COMPUTED_EXP_RANGE];
static {
for (int i=0; i < PRE_COMPUTED_EXP_RANGE; i++){
POS_EXPS[i] = Math.pow(10.0, i);
NEG_EXPS[i] = Math.pow(10.0, -i);
// The longest number that we can reliably fit in an int is 9 digits long
// as the biggest int is 2147483647 which is 10 digits long.
// Some 10 digit numbers can fit in an int (e.g. 2000000000) but others can't (e.g. 3000000000)
// so only numbers with 9 or fewer digits can definitely be fit into an int
private final static int LEN_INT = 9;
// The longest number that we can reliably fit in a long is 18 digits long
// as the biggest long is 9223372036854775807 which is 19 digits long.
// Some 10 digit numbers can fit in a long (e.g. 9000000000000000000) but others can't (e.g. 9999999999999999999)
// so only numbers with 18 or fewer digits can definitely be fit into a long
private final static int LEN_LONG = 18;
// Calculate the value of the specified exponent - reuse a precalculated value if possible
private final static double getExponentValue(int exp){
if (exp <= 0){
return NEG_EXPS[-exp];
else if (exp < PRE_COMPUTED_EXP_RANGE){
return POS_EXPS[exp];
return Math.pow(10.0, exp);
// A number can be prefixed with a "+" but this makes no difference, so we can remove it
private final static String stripUnnecessaryPlus(String str){
if (str.startsWith("+")){
return str.substring(1);
return str;
// Returns the location of an 'e' or 'E' in the provided string
private final static int getExponentIdx(String str){
int expIdx = str.indexOf("E");
if (expIdx < 0){
expIdx = str.indexOf("e");
return expIdx;
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