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Last active October 12, 2023 07:39
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set up a truststore for Kafka clients connecting to the Event Gateway in Event Endpoint Management (using the keystore retrieved from the API Manager)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# update these to match your Event Endpoint Management instance
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n\033[1;33m getting SSL/TLS details for Event Gateway in...\033[0m"
echo "namespace : $NAMESPACE"
echo "instance : $INSTANCE"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# verify dependencies are all available
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n\033[1;33m checking for script dependencies...\033[0m"
check_dependency () {
if hash $1 2>/dev/null; then
echo "verified $1"
echo "$1 could not be found"
check_dependency "apic"
check_dependency "curl"
check_dependency "jq"
check_dependency "keytool"
check_dependency "oc"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# cleanup from previous runs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
rm my.p12
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# log into apic CLI
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n\033[1;33m logging into apic CLI...\033[0m"
CP4I_NAMESPACE=$(oc get zenservice -A -o jsonpath='{..namespace}')
echo "creating IAM token"
CS_HOST=https://$(oc -n kube-public get cm ibmcloud-cluster-info -o jsonpath='{.data.cluster_address}')
IAM_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret -n ibm-common-services platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{..admin_password}' | base64 -d)
IAM_TOKEN=$(curl -k -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=${IAM_PASSWORD}&scope=openid" "${CS_HOST}"/v1/auth/identitytoken | jq -r .access_token)
echo "creating Zen token"
ZEN_HOST=https://$(oc get route -n $CP4I_NAMESPACE cpd -o=jsonpath='{}')
ZEN_TOKEN=$(curl -k -s "${ZEN_HOST}"/v1/preauth/validateAuth -H "username: admin" -H "iam-token: ${IAM_TOKEN}" | jq -r .accessToken)
echo "downloading apic config json file"
PLATFORM_API_URL=$(oc get eventendpointmanagers $INSTANCE -n $NAMESPACE -o=jsonpath='{.status.endpoints[?("platformApi")].uri}')
curl -k $TOOLKIT_CREDS_URL -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ZEN_TOKEN}" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -o creds.json
yes | apic client-creds:set creds.json
echo "creating apic API key"
APIC_APIKEY=$(curl -k -s -X POST "${PLATFORM_API_URL}"/cloud/api-keys -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ZEN_TOKEN}" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"client_type":"toolkit","description":"Tookit API key"}' | jq -r .api_key)
echo "logging into API manager"
APIM_ENDPOINT=$(oc -n $NAMESPACE get mgmt $INSTANCE-mgmt -o jsonpath="https://{.status.zenRoute}")
yes n | apic login --context provider --server $APIM_ENDPOINT --sso --apiKey $APIC_APIKEY
rm creds.json
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# setting up truststore
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n\033[1;33m retrieving keystore from APIC and putting into a truststore...\033[0m"
apic keystores:get \
--server $APIM_ENDPOINT \
--org admin \
--format json \
tls-server-for-gateway-services-default-keystore \
--output - | jq -r .public_certificate_entry.pem > gateway.pem
keytool -import -noprompt \
-alias gatewayca \
-file gateway.pem \
-keystore my.p12 -storetype pkcs12 \
-storepass password
rm gateway.pem
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# get Event Gateway connection address
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n\033[1;33m querying openshift for gateway connection address...\033[0m"
GATEWAY_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n $NAMESPACE$INSTANCE-egw -o name | grep gw-client)
GATEWAY_ADDRESS=$(oc get $GATEWAY_ROUTE -n $NAMESPACE -o jsonpath="{}")
echo "gateway address: $GATEWAY_ADDRESS"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# outputting results
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n\033[1;33m connection properties:\033[0m"
echo "\033[1m bootstrap.servers=$GATEWAY_ADDRESS:443\033[0m"
echo "\033[1m ssl.truststore.location=my.p12\033[0m"
echo "\033[1m ssl.truststore.type=PKCS12\033[0m"
echo "\033[1m ssl.truststore.password=password\033[0m"
echo "\033[1m ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=\033[0m"
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