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Created June 18, 2016 02:54
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Small photo archiving script for personal use
import Tkinter
import tkFileDialog
import os
import hashlib
import datetime
import pytz
import shutil
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
UK_TIME_ZONE = pytz.timezone("Europe/London")
SEATTLE_TIME_ZONE = pytz.timezone("US/Pacific")
IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ["png","bmp","raw","jpg","jpeg","tiff"]
def get_md5(file_path):
return hashlib.md5(open(file_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
def get_directory(prompt, initial_directory="/"):
tk_root = Tkinter.Tk()
directory = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=tk_root, initialdir=initial_directory, title=prompt)
if len(directory) > 0:
return directory
return None
def get_photos(directory):
for dir_name, subdir_list, file_list in os.walk(directory):
for filename in file_list:
ext = filename.split(".")[-1]
if ext.lower() in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS:
yield os.path.join(dir_name, filename)
def parse_exif_datetime(value):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')
def get_exif(photo_path):
photo =
exif_data = {}
# Populate Exif Data
exif_raw_data = photo._getexif()
for tag, value in exif_raw_data.items():
decoded = TAGS.get(tag, tag)
exif_data[decoded] = value
if len(exif_data.keys()) == 0:
return {}
# Normalise Exif Data
for key, value in exif_data.items():
if type(key) != str:
exif_data[str(key)] = exif_data[key]
del exif_data[key]
key = str(key)
if type(value) == str or type(value) == unicode:
exif_data[key] = value.strip()
if key.startswith("DateTime"):
exif_data[key] = parse_exif_datetime(value)
if "MakerNote" in exif_data.keys():
del exif_data["MakerNote"]
return exif_data
def set_date_info(photo_info):
new_time = None
for key in ["DateTimeOriginal", "DateTimeDigitized", "DateTime"]:
new_time = photo_info["exif"][key]
if new_time == None:
new_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(photo_info["raw_name"], '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S')
return False
photo_info["new_name"] = new_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S')
photo_info["year"] = "%02d" % (new_time.year,)
photo_info["month"] = "%02d" % (new_time.month,)
photo_info["day"] = "%02d" % (,)
photo_info["hour"] = "%02d" % (new_time.hour,)
photo_info["minute"] = "%02d" % (new_time.minute,)
photo_info["second"] = "%02d" % (new_time.second,)
return True
def get_name_and_extension(photo_info):
photo_info["extension"] = photo_info["path"].split(".")[-1]
tempname = photo_info["path"]
tempname = tempname.replace("\\","/")
tempname = tempname.split("/")[-1]
tempname = tempname[:-len("." + photo_info["extension"])]
photo_info["raw_name"] = tempname
def get_photo_info(photos, directory):
for photo in get_photos(directory):
photo_info = {"path":photo}
photo_info["exif"] = get_exif(photo_info["path"])
if not set_date_info(photo_info):
print "Unable to find date: " + photo_info["path"]
photo_info["md5"] = get_md5(photo)
#print photo_info
def get_name_count(file_path, name, file_hash):
test_name = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
matches = 0
for existing_file in os.listdir(file_path):
if existing_file.startswith(name):
if get_md5(os.path.join(file_path,existing_file)) == file_hash:
print "Existing: " + os.path.join(file_path,existing_file)
return -1
matches += 1
return matches + 1
def add_extension(filename, extension):
temp_name = filename
temp_ext = extension
if temp_name[-1] == "/" or temp_name[-1] == "\\":
temp_name = temp_name[:-1]
if extension[0] == ".":
temp_ext = extension[1:]
return temp_name + "." + temp_ext.lower()
def move(photo_info, photos_dir):
# Check if photos_dir exists
if not os.path.isdir(photos_dir):
# Check if full dir with year and month exists
full_dir = os.path.join(photos_dir, photo_info["year"], photo_info["month"])
if not os.path.isdir(full_dir):
# Check if file with same name exists
count = get_name_count(full_dir, photo_info["new_name"], photo_info["md5"])
if count > 1:
photo_info["new_name"] += "_" + str(count)
if count == -1:
# There is an identical file so don't bother moving, and just delete
print "Deleting file due to already existing: ",
full_path = os.path.join(full_dir, photo_info["new_name"])
# Add extension back in
full_path = add_extension(full_path, photo_info["extension"])
# Copy the file
shutil.move(photo_info["path"], full_path)
def main():
photos_dir = get_directory('Where should the photos be moved to?')
new_dir = get_directory("Where are the photos to be moved?")
photos = []
get_photo_info(photos, new_dir)
print "Found all info. Beginning move..."
for photo in photos:
move(photo, photos_dir)
print photos
if __name__ == "__main__":
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