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Last active July 3, 2017 11:24
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metaseq demo
# From
# "What I want to do is to plot reads of my histone marks (in bam file)
# around TSS with CpG and TSS without CpG (Essentially a coverage profile)."
# To install metaseq and dependencies, see:
# To download the example data used here, make sure you're in the directory
# this script is saved in, and then use:
# git clone demo_data
# (Or see and download the
# files individually)
import metaseq
import pybedtools
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
bam = metaseq.genomic_signal('demo_data/h3k4me3-chr21.bam', 'bam')
cpg = pybedtools.BedTool('demo_data/cpg-chr21.bed.gz')
tss = pybedtools.BedTool('demo_data/tss-chr21.bed.gz')
# extend by 5 kb up/downstream
tss = tss.slop(b=5000, genome='hg19')
tss_with_cpg = tss.intersect(cpg, u=True)
tss_without_cpg = tss.intersect(cpg, v=True)
# change this to as many CPUs as you have in order to run in parallel
processes = 1
# each read will be extended 3' to a total size of this many bp
fragment_size = 200
# the region +/-5kb around each TSS will be split into a total of 100 bins,
# change as needed
bins = 100
x = np.linspace(-5000, 5000, bins)
# most of the work happens here
y1 = bam.array(tss_with_cpg, bins=bins, processes=processes, fragment_size=fragment_size)
y2 = bam.array(tss_without_cpg, bins=bins, processes=processes, fragment_size=fragment_size)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 11
plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial'
plt.plot(x, y1.mean(axis=0), label='with cpg', color='k')
plt.plot(x, y2.mean(axis=0), label='without cpg', color='r', linestyle='--')
plt.xlabel('Distance from TSS (bp)')
plt.ylabel('Mean H3K4me3 read density')
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@daler @ryan Dale , Could you provide me tss-hg19.bed.gz file from Gencode19 or how can i find it? Any link is great appreciated. I've googled it but what i want is from Gencode hg19. Besides, why did you divide tss file into TSS with CpG and TSS without CpG? I just want to all TSS file.

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