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Created March 12, 2021 10:01
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open class GreetResource
* Using constructor injection to get a configuration property.
* By default this gets the value from META-INF/microprofile-config
*/ @Inject constructor(
* The greeting message provider.
private val greetingProvider: GreetingProvider) {
* Return a worldly greeting message.
* @return [JsonObject]
open val defaultMessage: JsonObject
get() = createResponse("World")
* Return a greeting message using the name that was provided.
* @param name the name to greet
* @return [JsonObject]
open fun getMessage(@PathParam("name") name: String): JsonObject {
return createResponse(name)
* Set the greeting to use in future messages.
* @param jsonObject JSON containing the new greeting
* @return [Response]
@RequestBody(name = "greeting", required = true, content = [Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = Schema(type = SchemaType.STRING, example = "{\"greeting\" : \"Hola\"}"))])
@APIResponses(APIResponse(name = "normal", responseCode = "204", description = "Greeting updated"), APIResponse(name = "missing 'greeting'", responseCode = "400", description = "JSON did not contain setting for 'greeting'"))
open fun updateGreeting(jsonObject: JsonObject): Response {
if (!jsonObject.containsKey("greeting")) {
val entity = JSON.createObjectBuilder()
.add("error", "No greeting provided")
return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(entity).build()
val newGreeting = jsonObject.getString("greeting")
return Response.status(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT).build()
private fun createResponse(who: String): JsonObject {
val msg = String.format("%s %s!", greetingProvider.getMessage(), who)
return JSON.createObjectBuilder()
.add("message", msg)
companion object {
private val JSON = Json.createBuilderFactory(emptyMap<String, Any>())
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