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Created December 15, 2019 17:12
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helper to do the boring stuff of
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# helper to do the boring stuff of
# usage : ```python utils/```
# use redbaron (pip install redbaron)
# have a look to :
# perhaps some engine specific QA could be done using redbaron, libcst, ast or similar libraries.
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import redbaron
# the output will contains features = { .... "key": value, ... }
def kv_features_id(key, value):
return 'features', key, str(value)
# the output will contains metadata = { .... "key": value, ... }
def kv_metadata_id(key, value):
return 'metadata', key, str(value)
def kv_using_api(key, value):
if value is not None:
value = value.strip()
if value.lower().startswith('\"no'):
value = 'False'
elif value.lower().startswith('\"yes'):
value = 'True'
return 'metadata', 'use_api', value
# list of global variables to map to something else
# value of the map : lambda(key,value): (map_name, new_key, new_value_as_string)
global_map = {
'categories': kv_features_id,
'paging': kv_features_id,
# remove the _support suffix
'language_support': lambda k,v : ('features', 'language', str(v)),
# remove the _support suffix
'time_range_support': lambda k,v : ('features', 'time_range', str(v)),
'safesearch': kv_features_id,
# comments with @website, @using-api, ...
comment_map = {
'website': kv_metadata_id,
'using-api': kv_using_api,
def dict_to_python(name, dictionary):
result = name + ' = {\n'
for k, value in dictionary.items():
if value is not None:
result += ' "' + str(k) + '": ' + str(value) + "\n"
result += '}'
return result
def insert_after_with_comment(node, comment, code):
node.insert_after('# ' + comment)
def set_comment_value(new_values, line):
for k,m in comment_map.items():
if line.startswith('@' + k):
v = '"' + line[len(k) + 1:].strip() + '"'
d, k, v = m(k,v)
new_values[d][k] = v + ','
return True
return False
def update_red(red):
# get the data for the new nodes, get the nodes to remove
new_values = {
'features': {},
'metadata': {}
insert_code_after = 0
nodes_to_remove = []
for i, node in enumerate(red):
if isinstance(node, redbaron.StringNode) and i == 0:
# parse string aka multiline comment
for line in node.value.splitlines():
set_comment_value(new_values, line.strip())
elif isinstance(node, redbaron.CommentNode):
# parse comment
if 'engine dependent config' in node.value.strip().lower():
set_comment_value(new_values, node.value[1:].strip())
elif isinstance(node, (redbaron.ImportNode, redbaron.FromImportNode, redbaron.TryNode)):
# insert the new variables after last import including the pattern "try: import ... except: ..."
insert_code_after = i
elif isinstance(node, redbaron.AssignmentNode):
# parse global variable
name = str(
if name in global_map:
d, k, v = global_map[name](name, node.value)
v = v + ','
# add trailing comments (anything actually) until the end of the line.
while True:
node =
if isinstance(node, redbaron.EndlNode):
v += node.dumps()
new_values[d][k] = v
if name == 'logger':
# insert the new variables after "logger"
insert_code_after = i
# remove nodes
for node in nodes_to_remove:
nodes_to_remove = []
# remove double endl
first_endl = None
endl_count = 0
for i, node in enumerate(red):
if isinstance(node, redbaron.EndlNode):
endl_count += 1
if endl_count == 1:
first_endl = node
elif isinstance(node, redbaron.StringNode):
# comment
first_endl = None
endl_count = 0
elif isinstance(node, redbaron.CommentNode):
if isinstance(node, redbaron.DefNode):
if endl_count>2:
# stop on first function
elif endl_count>1:
first_endl = None
endl_count = 0
# remove nodes
for node in nodes_to_remove:
nodes_to_remove = []
# default values
new_values['features'].setdefault('categories', "['general'],")
new_values['features'].setdefault('paging', 'False,')
new_values['features'].setdefault('language', 'False,')
new_values['features'].setdefault('time_range', 'False,')
new_values['features'].setdefault('safesearch', 'False,')
new_values['features'].setdefault('allow_http', 'False,')
new_values['features'].setdefault('session_required', 'False,')
new_values['features'].setdefault('multiple_requests', 'False,')
# new_values['features'].setdefault('special_search_syntax', 'None,')
new_values['metadata'].setdefault('website', '"FIXME",')
new_values['metadata'].setdefault('use_api', 'False,')
new_values['metadata'].setdefault('require_api_key', 'False,')
# new_values['metadata'].setdefault('query_example', 'None,')
# insert new nodes
insert_after_with_comment(red[insert_code_after], 'metadata', dict_to_python('metadata', new_values['metadata']))
insert_after_with_comment(red[insert_code_after], 'features', dict_to_python('features', new_values['features']))
def parse_content(content):
red = redbaron.RedBaron(content)
return red.dumps()
def parse_file(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
content =
new_content = parse_content(content)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def engine_file_names():
engines_path = 'searx/engines'
for f in listdir(engines_path):
filename = join(engines_path, f)
if isfile(filename) and filename.endswith('.py') and f != '':
yield filename
for f in engine_file_names():
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