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Last active February 19, 2022 18:43
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""This is the implementation of the google images engine.
.. admonition:: Content-Security-Policy (CSP)
This engine needs to allow images from the `data URLs`_ (prefixed with the
``data:`` scheme)::
Header set Content-Security-Policy "img-src 'self' data: ;"
.. _data URLs:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import re
import json
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import eval_xpath_getindex
from import (
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from import supported_languages_url, _fetch_supported_languages
# pylint: enable=unused-import
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q521550',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['images', 'web']
paging = False
use_locale_domain = True
time_range_support = True
safesearch = True
filter_mapping = {0: 'images', 1: 'active', 2: 'active'}
quote_keys_regex = re.compile(r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)')
def js_variable_to_python(js_variable):
"""Convert a javascript variable into JSON and then load the value"""
# when in_string is not None, it contains the character that has opened the string
# either simple quote or double quote
in_string = None
# cut the string:
# r"""{ a:"f\"irst", c:'sec"ond'}"""
# becomes
# ['{ a:', '"', 'f\\', '"', 'irst', '"', ', c:', "'", 'sec', '"', 'ond', "'", '}']
l = re.split(r'(["\'])', js_variable)
# previous part (to check the escape character antislash)
previous_p = ""
for i, p in enumerate(l):
# parse characters inside a ECMA string
if in_string:
# we are in a JS string: replace the colon by a temporary character
# so quote_keys_regex doesn't have to deal with colon inside the JS strings
l[i] = l[i].replace(':', chr(1))
if in_string == "'":
# the JS string is delimited by simple quote.
# This is not supported by JSON.
# simple quote delimited string are converted to double quote delimited string
# here, inside a JS string, we escape the double quote
l[i] = l[i].replace('"', r'\"')
# deal with delimieters and escape character
if not in_string and p in ('"', "'"):
# we are not in string
# but p is double or simple quote
# that's the start of a new string
# replace simple quote by double quote
# (JSON doesn't support simple quote)
l[i] = '"'
in_string = p
if p == in_string:
# we are in a string and the current part MAY close the string
if len(previous_p) > 0 and previous_p[-1] == '\\':
# there is an antislash just before: the ECMA string continue
# the current p close the string
# replace simple quote by double quote
l[i] = '"'
in_string = None
# update previous_p
previous_p = p
# join the string
s = ''.join(l)
# add quote arround the key
# { a: 12 }
# becomes
# { "a": 12 }
s = quote_keys_regex.sub(r'\1"\2"\3', s)
# replace the surogate character by colon
s = s.replace(chr(1), ':')
# load the JSON and return the result
return json.loads(s)
def request(query, params):
"""Google-Video search request"""
lang_info = get_lang_info(params, supported_languages, language_aliases, False)
logger.debug("HTTP header Accept-Language --> %s", lang_info['headers']['Accept-Language'])
query_url = (
+ lang_info['subdomain']
+ '/search'
+ "?"
+ urlencode(
'q': query,
'tbm': "isch",
'ie': "utf8",
'oe': "utf8",
'num': 30,
if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict:
query_url += '&' + urlencode({'tbs': 'qdr:' + time_range_dict[params['time_range']]})
if params['safesearch']:
query_url += '&' + urlencode({'safe': filter_mapping[params['safesearch']]})
params['url'] = query_url
params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'
return params
def force_https(url):
if url.startswith('http://'):
return 'https://' + url[7:]
return url
def response(resp):
"""Get response from google's search request"""
results = []
# convert the text to dom
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
img_src_script = eval_xpath_getindex(dom, '//script[contains(., "AF_initDataCallback({key: ")]', 1).text
data = js_variable_to_python(img_src_script.strip().replace('AF_initDataCallback(', '')[:-2])
# there are not suggestions, rather subqueries
#for suggestion in data['data'][1][0][0][1]:
# results.append({'suggestion': suggestion[0]})
for img in data['data'][31][0][12][2]:
if not isinstance(img, list) or len(img) == 0:
if not isinstance(img[1], list) or len(img[1]) == 0:
if len(img[1]) < 9:
if not isinstance(img[1][9].get("2003"), list):
img_1_9_2003 = img[1][9]["2003"]
img_fullsize = img[1][3]
img_thumbnail = img[1][2]
'url': img_1_9_2003[2],
'title': img_1_9_2003[3],
'source': img_1_9_2003[12],
'img_format': str(img_fullsize[2]) + ' x ' + str(img_fullsize[1]),
'img_src': force_https(img_fullsize[0]),
'thumbnail_src': force_https(img_thumbnail[0]),
'template': 'images.html',
return results
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