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Last active October 26, 2017 05:42
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@function gcd($a, $b) {
@return if($b > 0, gcd($b, $a % $b), $a);
@function get-steps($elements, $page-size) {
@return $elements / gcd($page-size, $elements);
@function is-active($n, $step, $elements, $page-size) {
@return $n > ($step * $page-size % $elements);
@function step-percentage($step, $steps) {
@return $step * 100% / $steps;
@mixin animate-pages($elements, $page-size, $page-duration, $delay: 0s) {
$steps: get-steps($elements, $page-size);
$total-duration: $steps * $page-duration;
animation: $total-duration step-end $delay infinite;
@for $n from 1 through $elements {
&:nth-child(#{$n}) {
animation-name: animate-page-#{$n};
@keyframes animate-page-#{$n} {
@for $step from 0 to $steps {
@if is-active($n, $step, $elements, $page-size) {
#{step-percentage($step, $steps)} { order: -1; }
@if not is-active($n, $step + 1, $elements, $page-size) {
#{step-percentage($step + 1, $steps)} { order: 0; }
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