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Created October 28, 2021 03:24
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beancount plugin
"""add non-leaf accounts a alias
* If you open a account `Expenses:Food:Dinner`, and then add a posting with `Expenses:Food`
* If you open a account `Expenses:Food` and `Expense:Food:Dinner`, and get incomprehensible balance in fava
Example 1:
2021-10-01 open Assets:Cash
2021-10-01 open Expenses:Food:Dinner
2021-10-01 open Expenses:Food:Blah
2021-10-10 * "I don’t know which category it should be classified into, and I’m too lazy to open an account"
Asset:Cash -100 USD
2021-10-11 * "I forgot to assign to the detailed account "
Asset:Cash -10 USD
Then this plugin will transform the transaction into:
2021-10-10 open Expenses:Food:Unspecified
2021-10-10 * "I don’t know which category it should be classified into, and I’m too lazy to open an account"
Asset:Cash -100 USD
2021-10-11 * "I forgot to assign to the detailed account "
Asset:Cash -10 USD
Example 2:
2020-10-01 open Assets:Cash
; simply opening an account
2020-10-01 open Expenses:Food
2020-10-01 * "Blah Restaurant" "Dinner"
Asset:Cash -100 USD
; ... (a large number of transactions)
; Suddenly want to open a sub-account
2021-10-01 open Expenses:Food:Blah
Then this plugin will transform the transaction into:
2020-10-01 open Expenses:Food:Unspecified
2020-10-01 * "Blah Restaurant" "Dinner"
Asset:Cash -100 USD
; ... (a large number of transactions)
You can just write it down like this. Or use other tools to move `Expenses:Food:Unspecified` to the corresponding other sub-accounts.
from typing import List
from beancount.core import account
from beancount.core import data
from beancount.core import realization
__plugins__ = ('non_leaf_account_alias',)
def load_config(config_string="", default={}):
if len(config_string) == 0:
config_obj = {}
config_obj = eval(config_string, {}, {})
if not isinstance(config_obj, dict):
config_obj = {}
return config_obj
def get_non_leaf_accounts(real_account: realization.RealAccount) -> List[str]:
accounts = []
for key, real_child in real_account.items():
if len(real_child.items()) > 0:
for real_sub_child_account in get_non_leaf_accounts(real_child):
return accounts
def non_leaf_account_alias(entries: data.Entries, options_map, config_string=""):
config = load_config(config_string)
config['account_suffix'] = config.get('account_suffix', 'Unspecified')
config['auto_open_alias_account'] = config.get('auto_open_alias_account', True)
new_entries = []
errors = []
real_root = realization.realize(entries, compute_balance=False)
# sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(real_root))
non_leaf_accounts = get_non_leaf_accounts(real_root)
# sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(non_leaf_accounts))
ready_to_modified = []
for entry in entries:
if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
posting: data.Posting
for i, posting in enumerate(entry.postings):
if posting.account in non_leaf_accounts:
# Using non_leaf accounts.
ready_to_modified.append((entry, i))
if len(ready_to_modified) > 0:
opened_accounts = {entry.account
for entry in entries
if isinstance(entry, data.Open)}
# start replace non_leaf accounts with '*:Unspecified'
for entry, i in ready_to_modified:
popped_posting: data.Posting = entry.postings.pop(i)
new_account = popped_posting.account
while new_account in non_leaf_accounts:
new_account = str.join(account.sep, [new_account, config['account_suffix']])
if config['auto_open_alias_account'] and new_account not in opened_accounts:
# open new account
meta = data.new_metadata(entry.meta['filename'], entry.meta['lineno'])
new_entries.append(data.Open(meta,, new_account, None, None))
entry.postings.insert(i, popped_posting._replace(account=new_account))
new_entries = entries
return new_entries, errors
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