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Last active September 28, 2017 15:55
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Decode russian words entered in wrong layout
# If you use `xbindkeys` + `xsel`, here's how to make use of this script
# (it should be chmod +x and in your path, obviously)
# "xsel -o | | xsel -i"
# Mod4 + q
# This maps the Super key (aka Win) + Q to this script and transcodes
# text in the clipboard
# So if you start typing in wrong kb layout,
# select the text you just entered and press Super+Q
# and paste the text with russian keys replaced with latin and vice-versa.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
# letters and signs are separated so that we can UC them
# then I wash my keyb left to right, in English and Russian layout, respectively
my $lat = 'qwertyuiop'.'asdfghjkl'.'zxcvbnm';
my $lat_p = '@#$%^&*_+'.'`[]\\;\',./'.'~{}|:"<>?';
my $rus = 'йцукенгшщз'.'фывапролд'.'ячсмить';
my $rus_p = '"№;%:?*_+'.'ёхъ\\жэбю.' .'ЁХЪ/ЖЭБЮ,';
$lat .= $lat_p. uc $lat;
$rus .= $rus_p. uc $rus;
# yep, this is what `perldoc perlop` suggests
eval "sub conv { /[а-яё]/i ? y($rus)($lat) : y($lat)($rus) for \@_; \@_; }";
die $@ if $@;
while (<>) {
print join "", conv(split /(\s+)/, $_);
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