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Created October 8, 2019 02:44
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all the standard easing functions. There is room for optimization.
// Credit to lionliam96 for initial port
// t- Current Time
// b- start value
// c- change in value
// d- duration
module EasingFunctions
open System
(*---------------------------- LINEAR ---------------------------*)
let inline LinearEase b c d t = (c*t/d+b)
(*----------------------------- QUAD ----------------------------*)
let QuadEaseIn b c d t=
(c*Math.Pow( (t/d), (2.0))+b)
let QuadEaseOut b c d t=
let td = t/d
let QuadEaseInOut b c d t=
let t = (t/d*2.0)
if (t < 1.0) then (c/2.0*Math.Pow(t, 2.0)+b)
else (-c/2.0*((t-1.0)*(t-3.0)-1.0)+b)
let QuadEaseOutIn b c d t=
let qO = QuadEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let qI = QuadEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
if (t < (d/2.0)) then qO (t*2.0)
else qI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- CUBIC ---------------------------*)
let CubicEaseIn b c d t =
(c*Math.Pow( (t/d), 3.0)+b)
let CubicEaseOut b c d t=
(c*(Math.Pow((t/d-1.0), 3.0)+1.0)+b)
let CubicEaseInOut b c d t=
let t= t/d*2.0
if (t<1.0) then (c/2.0*t*t*t+b)
let t = t - 2.0
let CubicEaseOutIn b c d t=
let cO = CubicEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let cI = CubicEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
if (t<d/2.0) then cO (t*2.0)
else cI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- QUART ---------------------------*)
let QuartEaseOut b c d t=
let easeOut(t) = (-c*(Math.Pow(t, 4.0)-1.0)+b)
let QuartEaseIn b c d t=
let easeIn (t) = (c*Math.Pow(t, 4.0)+b)
let QuartEaseInOut b c d t=
let easeInOut(t) =
if (t < 1.0) then (c/2.0*Math.Pow(t, 4.0)+b)
let t = t - 2.0
(-c/2.0*(Math.Pow(t, 4.0)-2.0)+b)
let QuartEaseOutIn b c d t=
let qO = QuartEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let qI = QuartEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
if (t < (d/2.0)) then qO (t*2.0)
else qI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- QUINT ---------------------------*)
let QuintEaseOut b c d t=
let easeOut(t) = (c*(Math.Pow(t, 5.0)+1.0)+b)
let QuintEaseIn b c d t=
let easeIn (t) = (c*Math.Pow(t, 5.0)+b)
let QuintEaseInOut b c d t=
let easeInOut(t) =
if (t < 1.0) then (c/2.0*Math.Pow(t, 5.0)+b)
let t = t - 2.0
(-c/2.0*(Math.Pow(t, 5.0)+2.0)+b)
let QuintEaseOutIn b c d t=
let qO = QuintEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let qI = QuintEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
let easeOutIn (t) =
if (t < (d/2.0)) then qO (t*2.0)
else qI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- SINE ---------------------------*)
let SineEaseOut b c d t=
let SineEaseIn b c d t=
let SineEaseInOut b c d t=
let SineEaseOutIn b c d t=
let qO = QuintEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let qI = QuintEaseIn(b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
if (t < (d/2.0)) then qO (t*2.0)
else qI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- EXPO ----------------------------*)
let ExpoEaseIn b c d t=
if (t.Equals 0) then b
else (c*Math.Pow(2.0, (10.0*(t/d-1.0)))+b-c*0.001)
let ExpoEaseOut b c d t=
if (t.Equals d) then (b+c)
else (c*1.001*(-Math.Pow(2.0, (-10.0*t/d))+1.0)+b)
let ExpoEaseInOut b c d t=
if (t.Equals 0.0) then b
else if (t.Equals d) then (b+c)
let t = t/d*2.0
if (t<1.0) then (c/2.0*Math.Pow(2.0, (10.0*(t-1.0)))+b-c*0.0005)
let t = t - 1.0
(c/2.0*1.0005*(-Math.Pow(2.0, (-10.0*t))+2.0)+b)
let ExpoEaseOutIn b c d t=
let eO = ExpoEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let eI = ExpoEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
if (t<(d/2.0)) then eO (t*2.0)
else eI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- CIRC ----------------------------*)
let CircEaseIn b c d t=
let easeIn (t) = (-c*(Math.Sqrt(1.0-Math.Pow(t, 2.0))-1.0)+b)
let CircEaseOut b c d t=
let easeOut(t) = (c*Math.Sqrt(1.0-Math.Pow(t, 2.0))+b)
easeOut (t/d-1.0)
let CircEaseInOut b c d t=
let easeInOut(t) =
if (t<1.0) then (-c/2.0*(Math.Sqrt(1.0-t*t)-1.0)+b)
let t = t - 2.0
let CircEaseOutIn b c d t=
let cO = CircEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let cI = CircEaseIn(b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
if (t<d/2.0) then cO (t*2.0)
else cI ((t*2.0)-d)
(*----------------------------- BACK ----------------------------*)
let BackEaseIn b c d s t=
let s : double = 1.70158
let easeIn (t) = (c*t*t*((s+1.0)*t-s)+b)
let BackEaseOut b c d s t=
let easeOut (t) = (c*(t*t*((s+1.0)*t+s)+1.0)+b)
easeOut (t/d)
let BackEaseInOut b c d s t=
let s = s * 1.525
let easeInOut (t) =
if (t > 1.0) then (c/2.0*(t*t*((s+1.0)*t-s))+b)
let t = t - 2.0
let BackEaseOutIn b c d s t=
let bI = BackEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d s
let bO = BackEaseOut b (c/2.0) d s
if (t<(d/2.0)) then bO (t*2.0)
else bI (t*2.0)
(*---------------------------- BOUNCE ---------------------------*)
let BounceEaseOut b c d t=
let easeOut(t) =
if (t<(1.0/2.75)) then (c*(7.5625*t*t)+b)
else if (t<(2.0/2.75)) then
let t = t-(1.5/2.75)
else if (t<(2.5/2.75)) then
let t = t-(2.25/2.75)
let t = t-(2.625/2.75)
let BounceEaseIn b c d t=
let bO = BounceEaseOut 0.0 c d
(c-(bO (d-t))+b)
let BounceEaseInOut b c d t=
let bO = BounceEaseOut 0.0 c d
let bI = BounceEaseIn 0.0 c d
fun (t) ->
if (t<(d/2.0)) then (bI (t*2.0)*0.5+b)
else (bO (t*2.0-d)*0.5+c*0.5+b)
let BounceEaseOutIn b c d t=
let bO = BounceEaseOut b (c/2.0) d
let bI = BounceEaseIn (b+c/2.0) (c/2.0) d
fun (t) ->
if (t<(d/2.0)) then bO (t*2.0) else bI (t*2.0-d)
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