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Created July 17, 2019 23:04
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add any number of views to your Elmish program
// a cheesy workaround to pass the resulting view as a message to a view program, then vice versa
// call this last because it starts 2 listener threads.
let WithViewSub
(vprog :Program<'vinit,'vstate,'vmsg,'vview>)
(prog :Program<'init,'state,'msg,'view>)
let vmsgagent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
// the message processing function
let rec messageLoop () = async{
// loop to top
return! messageLoop ()
// start the loop
messageLoop ()
let pmsgagent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
// the message processing function
let rec messageLoop () = async{
// loop to top
return! messageLoop ()
// start the loop
messageLoop ()
|> Program.withSetState (fun state vdisp -> pmsgagent.Post (viewToPMsg ((vprog|>Program.view) state vdisp ) ) )
|> Program.withSubscription (fun state -> Cmd.ofSub(fun disp -> while true do (disp ( Async.RunSynchronously (vmsgagent.Receive 10000) ))))
|> Program.runWith vargs
|> Program.withSetState (fun m d -> vmsgagent.Post ( viewToVMsg ((prog |> Program.view) m d ) ))
|> Program.withSubscription (fun state -> Cmd.ofSub(fun disp -> while true do (disp ( Async.RunSynchronously (pmsgagent.Receive 10000) ))))
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