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Created June 18, 2012 16:05
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get genotypes from 1000genomes
#!/usr/bin/env python
Given a file containing a table of genes and their coordinates (see "Inputs"), get their genotypes from 1000genomes.
This in reality is a wrapper to tabix. You need to have tabix installed in the .bin folder, and you also need to have a ./data/tabix_indexes folder on your file system.
$: python -l data/n-glycan.coords
the coordinates file must contain the coordinates of each gene in the analysis, in the following format:
DOLK N-glycan substrates chr9 131707808 131710012
RPN1 N-glycan ost_complex chr3 128338812 128399918
ALG8 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr11 77811987 77850699
ALG9 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr11 111652918 111750181
UAP1 N-glycan substrates chr1 162531295 162569633
ST6GAL1 N-glycan branching2 chr3 186648314 186796341
ALG2 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr9 101978706 101984246
ALG3 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr3 183960116 183967313
ALG1 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr16 5083702 5137380
ALG6 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr1 63833260 63904233
GANAB N-glycan cnx_crt chr11 62392297 62414104
Note that SNPs in the 1000genomes project are encoded to hg19, so the coordinates must be all refSeq hg19. You can use the script to retrieve the coordinates automatically.
import optparse
import subprocess
import os
def get_options():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="python -l genes_coords.txt")
parser.add_option('-l', '-g', '-f', '--list', '--list_of_genes', '--genes', dest='genes',
help='file containing the list of gene. One symbol per line', default=False)
parser.add_option('-i', '--index', '--force-generate-index', dest='force_index', action='store_true',
help='Force generation of tabix index file', default=False)
parser.add_option('-d', '--download', '--force-download', dest='force_download', action='store_true',
help='Force download of vcf files', default=False)
parser.add_option('-u', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=True)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.debug is True:
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename='get_genotypes.log')
if (options.genes is False) and (len(args) == 0):
parser.error(' genes file not defined.')
# print args
# print options.genes
genes_path = ''
if options.genes is not False:
genes_path = options.genes
elif args != '':
genes_path = args[0]
# print genes_path
if genes_path != '': #TODO: I don't remember why I put this instruction here.
genes_h = open(genes_path, 'r')
print __doc__
parser.error("Can not open genes file")
genes = read_genes_file(genes_path)
return (genes, options)
def read_genes_file(genes_path):
DOLK N-glycan substrates chr9 131707808 131710012
RPN1 N-glycan ost_complex chr3 128338812 128399918
ALG8 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr11 77811987 77850699
ALG9 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr11 111652918 111750181
UAP1 N-glycan substrates chr1 162531295 162569633
ST6GAL1 N-glycan branching2 chr3 186648314 186796341
ALG2 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr9 101978706 101984246
ALG3 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr3 183960116 183967313
ALG1 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr16 5083702 5137380
ALG6 N-glycan precursor_biosynthesis chr1 63833260 63904233
GANAB N-glycan cnx_crt chr11 62392297 62414104
genes = [line.split() for line in open(genes_path, 'r')]
return genes
def get_genotypes(genes, force_index=False, force_download=False, get_individuals=False):
Call tabix on 1000genomes server to get coordinates.
Note: the URL to 1000genomes may change over time. If something doesn't work, check it.
# tabix_1000genomes_url = ""
tabix_1000genomes_url = "{0}.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz"
individuals_file = "phase1_integrated_calls.20101123.ALL.panel"
individuals_url = tabix_1000genomes_url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' + individuals_file
# Get individuals' info
if get_individuals is True:
print "\nDownloading individual infos\n"
print("wget {}".format(individuals_url))"wget {}".format(individuals_url).split())
print("mv {} data/individuals/{}.individuals".format(individuals_file, individuals_file))"mv {} data/individuals/{}.individuals".format(individuals_file, individuals_file).split())
# report_table_content = 'gene\tpathway\tsubpathway\tchromosome\tstart\tend\ttot_snps\tgene_length\tsnp_per_kb\n'
report_table_content = 'gene\tpathway\tsubpathway\tchromosome\tstart\tend\tgene_length\n'
for fields in genes:
(gene,pathway,subpathway,chromosome,start,end) = fields[:6]
chromosome = chromosome.replace('chr', '')
command = "./bin/tabix -h {0} {1}:{2}-{3}".format(tabix_1000genomes_url.format(chromosome), chromosome, start, end)
print "\nDownloading genotypes for gene {}, {}:{}-{}".format(gene, chromosome, start,end)
outputfilepath = './data/vcf/' + gene + '.vcf'
gzoutputfilepath = './data/vcf/' + gene + '.vcf.gz'
if (os.path.isfile(gzoutputfilepath)) and (os.stat(gzoutputfilepath).st_size > 0) and (force_download is not True):
print "- skipping download, as genotypes for gene {} are already available in data/vcf/{}.vcf. Use --force-download option to download again.".format(gene, gene)
print "- executing command: " + command
outputfile = open(outputfilepath, 'w'), cwd='./data/tabix_indexes', stdout=outputfile)["gzip", "-f",])
# Calculate how many SNPs correspond to the gene, and update Table S1
gene_length = int(end) - int(start)
# number_snps = len(open(outputfilepath,'r').readlines()) - 30
# if number_snps <= 0:
# number_snps = 'NA'
# density = 'NA'
# else:
# density = 1000. * number_snps / gene_length
# report_table_content += "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format('\t'.join(fields), number_snps, gene_length, density)
report_table_content += "{}\t{}\n".format('\t'.join(fields), gene_length)
return report_table_content
def main():
(genes, options) = get_options()
report_table_content = get_genotypes(genes, options.force_index, options.force_download)
print report_table_content
pathway = options.genes.split('/')[-1].rsplit('.')[0]
report_outputfilepath = "report_{}_number_snps.txt".format(pathway)
report_outputfile = open(report_outputfilepath, 'w')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import logging
import doctest
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