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Created March 25, 2009 00:22
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Super-primitive Bespin integration
name: "bespin",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: {name: "Atul Varma", email: "",
homepage: ""},
license: "MIT",
description: "Super-primitive Bespin integration.",
help: "You can run any Bespin command-line command via Ubiquity; just make sure you're on a tab with the Bespin editor when you use the command.",
takes: {"command": /.*/},
preview: function(pblock, dobj) {
var fullCommand = dobj.text;
var parts = fullCommand.split(" ");
var inputCmd;
if (parts.length)
inputCmd = parts[0];
var esc = Utils.escapeHtml;
// Hmm, hopefully this isn't too horribly insecure.
var win = XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(context.focusedWindow.wrappedJSObject);
var commandLine = win.bespin.get('commandLine');
if (win.bespin && commandLine) {
var commands = commandLine.commands;
var html = "";
for (name in commands) {
if (!inputCmd || name.indexOf(inputCmd) == 0) {
var cmd = commands[name];
var takes = "";
if (cmd.takes)
function(arg) { takes += "[" + esc(arg) + "] "; }
html += esc(name) + " " + takes + ' <span style="color: gray">' + esc(cmd.preview) + "</span><br>";
pblock.innerHTML = html;
} else
pblock.innerHTML = "<b>You do not have Bespin in the current tab/window.</b>";
execute: function(dobj) {
var fullCommand = dobj.text;
var parts = fullCommand.split(" ");
if (!parts.length) {
displayMessage("No command entered!");
// Dynamically generate a <script> tag and inject it into the page.
// (I tried just using an XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper to call the command,
// but some commands seemed to have issues with it.)
var name = parts[0];
args = parts.slice(1);
var argList = Utils.encodeJson(args).slice(1, -1);
var script = context.focusedWindow.document.createElement("script");
var code = "bespin.get('commandLine').executeCommand('" + fullCommand + "');";
script.textContent = code;
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