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Last active November 25, 2021 01:49
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eSMR parquet file example
# load packages -----------------------------------------------------------
# download parquet file ---------------------------------------------------
## enter the URL of zip file containing parquet file(s) ----
### NOTE: be sure to replace the file name at the end of this link with the current version of the file name (you can also use the ckanr
### package's resource_show() function to retrieve the current filename -- e.g., for this dataset use:
### ckanr::resource_show(id = '8d567d61-6c07-4cd8-a2f0-3b57a9edae43', url = '')$url
data_url <- ''
## download zip file to temp directory ----
zip_file_name <- basename(data_url)
directory_name <- file_path_sans_ext(zip_file_name)
### create temp directory
temp_dir <- tempdir()
### download to temporary directory
download.file(url = data_url,
destfile = file.path(temp_dir, zip_file_name),
mode = 'wb')
## unzip to working directory ----
zip::unzip(zipfile = file.path(temp_dir, zip_file_name),
exdir = directory_name)
# read data from parquet dataset ------------------------------------------
## NOTE: to speed queries, (when possible) filter the dataset by regional board
## office (field name: region) and/or facility name (field name: facility_name)
## (because the parquet file is partitioned by these two fields).
## establish connection to parquet dataset ----
con_esmr <- open_dataset(directory_name)
## read data ----
### get region names
names_regions <- con_esmr %>%
distinct(region) %>%
### get names of all facilities in a given region
names_facilities <- con_esmr %>%
filter(region == 'Region 1 - North Coast') %>%
distinct(facility_name) %>%
### get count of samples by location for given facility
facility_locations <- con_esmr %>%
filter(region == 'Region 1 - North Coast') %>%
filter(facility_name == 'Cloverdale City WWTP') %>%
count(location) %>%
# View(facility_locations)
### get count of samples by parameter for given facility and location
location_summary <- con_esmr %>%
filter(region == 'Region 1 - North Coast') %>%
filter(facility_name == 'Cloverdale City WWTP') %>%
filter(location == 'EFF-002') %>%
count(parameter) %>%
# View(location_summary)
### get summary stats for a given parameter at given location
parameter_summary <- con_esmr %>%
filter(region == 'Region 1 - North Coast') %>%
filter(facility_name == 'Cloverdale City WWTP') %>%
filter(location == 'EFF-002') %>%
filter(parameter == 'Nitrate, Total (as N)',
units == 'mg/L') %>%
select(result) %>%
collect() %>%
summary() %>%
### extract all data for given facility and location
facility_all_data <- con_esmr %>%
filter(region == 'Region 1 - North Coast') %>%
filter(facility_name == 'Cloverdale City WWTP') %>%
filter(location == 'EFF-002') %>%
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