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Last active February 19, 2020 18:52
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Python script to fast switch platforms in Unity for Windows 10, relies in symlinks
#!/usr/bin/env python3-64
# Windows 10
# You can associate this file in Windows in order to avoid calling the Python interpreter
# right click -> Open With -> Choose Another App, and then choose Python.
import sys
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
def RemoveLibraryDirErrorHandler(func, path, exc_info):
print("❌[Error] Cannot find or remove Library folder")
def TryKillUnityHub():
print("πŸͺ“ Trying to kill Unity Hub processes")
killHubCmd = 'wmic process where name="Unity Hub.exe" call terminate'
def find_unityprocesses():
print("⏳ Trying to find Unity Processes")
# Need improvements, any Process with the name 'Unity' will trigger this check
# wmic is a cli for Windows
with os.popen('wmic process where "name like \'%Unity%\'" get name, processid /format:table') as textfile:
contents =
# when the (log) textfile above is 'empty' his length is 4
if (len(contents) > 4):
# processes found
print (contents)
return True
return False
return 0
sys.stdout.write("πŸ±β€πŸ‘“--== Windows Unity Platform Switcher! ==--\n🐍 Powered by Python %s\n\n" % (sys.version))
platformToSwitch = ''
if (len(sys.argv) == 2):
if (sys.argv[1] == 'ios'):
platformToSwitch = 'ios'
elif (sys.argv[1] == 'android'):
platformToSwitch = 'android'
print("❌[Error] Invalid argument.")
print(" USAGE")
print("$ <android>|<ios>")
else :
print("❌[Error] Wrong number of arguments.")
print(" USAGE")
print("$ <android>|<ios>")
found = find_unityprocesses()
if found:
found = find_unityprocesses()
if found:
print("πŸ€— Please close Unity Processess manually and run it again.")
print("βœ… All Unity processes are closed")
# `path.parents[1]` is the same as `path.parent.parent`
# we start this script 2 levels bellow projectDir, we can improve this part
projectDir = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2]
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(projectDir, 'ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt')):
print("βœ… Find project root directory ", projectDir)
print("❌[Error] Cannot find project root directory", projectDir)
libraryDir = os.path.join(projectDir, 'Library')
platformDir = os.path.join(projectDir, platformToSwitch + 'Library')
if os.path.islink(libraryDir):
print("βœ… Old Library symlink found, deactivating it", libraryDir)
print("βœ… Trying to remove Library folder")
shutil.rmtree(libraryDir, onerror = RemoveLibraryDirErrorHandler)
if (os.path.isdir(platformDir)):
print("βœ… Find target platform library: ", platformDir)
print("βœ… Creating target platform library: ", platformDir)
print("βœ… Creating new Library symlink", platformDir)
os.symlink(platformDir, libraryDir, target_is_directory = True)
print("πŸŽ‰ Platform switched!")
# Force kill Unity Hub
# wmic process where name="Unity Hub.exe" call terminate
# find all processes with the name 'Unity' and export to a csv file
# wmic process where "name like '%Unity%'" get name, processid /format:csv > unity.txt
#wmic process where name='Unity.exe' call terminate
#wmic process where name='Unity Hub.exe' call terminate
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