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Created October 14, 2018 01:17
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SOLID Code - Interface Segregation Principle
public class AttackProcessor
public void ProcessMelee(IHaveStats attacker, IHaveHealth target)
int amount = CalculateAttackAmount(attacker);
ProcessAttack(target, amount);
public void CalculateAttackAmount(IHaveStats attacker)
return attacker.STR * 2;
public void ProcessAttack(IHaveHealth target, int amount)
public class Door : IHaveHealth
float Health { get; set; }
int HealthMax { get; }
int ModifyHealth(int amount)
Health -= amount;
// Do some door death
// A nice video about this Solid Principle
// I put all interfaces in a single file for simplicity
public interface IHaveBuffs
BuffController BuffController { get; }
public interface ICanBeMermerized
void Mesmerize(Entity ownerEntity);
// Interface inheritance
public interface IHaveStats : IHaveHealth
int STR { get; }
int STA { get; }
int CON { get; }
int WIS { get; }
int INT { get; }
int CHA { get; }
FloatStack<object> AttackSpeedStack { get; }
public interface IHaveHealth
float Health { get; set; }
int HealthMax { get; }
int ModifyHealth(int amount);
public interface IHaveDamageShield
DamageShieldController DamageShieldController { get; }
public class NPC : IHaveStats
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