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Created January 31, 2017 18:02
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task dependenciesGraphDot {
mustRunAfter "clean"
def graphBuildDir = "build/dependenciesGraph"
def dotFile = file "$graphBuildDir/"
doLast {
delete graphBuildDir
mkdir graphBuildDir
dotFile << "digraph dependencies {\n"
project.subprojects.forEach { Project subProject ->
try {
Configuration compileConfig = subProject.configurations["compile"]
.grep { it.respondsTo("getDependencyProject") }
.forEach { dotFile << """ "$" -> "$"\n""" }
} catch (UnknownConfigurationException ignored) {
dotFile << "}\n"
configure(dependenciesGraphDot) {
group = 'DependenciesGraph'
description = 'Generate DOT file'
task dependenciesGraph(dependsOn: "dependenciesGraphDot", type: Exec) {
workingDir "$project.buildDir/dependenciesGraph"
commandLine "dot", "-O", "-Tpng", ""
configure(dependenciesGraph) {
group = 'DependenciesGraph'
description = 'Generate PNG file'
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