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Created March 3, 2021 14:53
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Partition-by re-implementation
; Partition by "identity"
(def sdta [1 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4])
(if (= (last (flatten sdata)) 3)
(conj (pop sdata) (conj (peek sdata) 4))
(conj sdata [3]))
(defn -partition-by []
(fn [acc v]
(if (= (last (flatten acc)) v)
(conj (pop acc) (conj (peek acc) v))
(conj acc [v]))))
(reduce (-partition-by)
;=> [[1 1] [2 2] [3 3] [2] [3] [4 4]]
(reduce (-partition-by)
(vec "hello world"))
;=> [[\h] [\e] [\l \l] [\o] [\space] [\w] [\o] [\r] [\l] [\d]]
(defn -partition-by [f]
(fn [acc v]
(letfn [(logic [f acc v]
(if-not (empty? acc)
(if (= (f (last (flatten acc))) (f v))
(conj (pop acc) (conj (peek acc) v))
(conj acc [v]))
(conj acc [v])))]
(logic f acc v)
(reduce (-partition-by odd?)
;=> [[1 1] [2 2] [3 3] [2] [3] [4 4]]
(def sdta [1 1 1 5 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4])
(reduce (-partition-by odd?)
;=> [[1 1 1 5] [2 2] [3 3] [2] [3] [4 4]]
(reduce (-partition-by identity)
;=> [[1 1 1] [5] [2 2] [3 3] [2] [3] [4 4]]
; [pre-transducer]
(defn -rpartition-by [f]
(fn [xf]
(fn [acc v]
(letfn [(logic [xf acc v]
(if-not (empty? acc)
(if (= (xf (last (flatten acc))) (xf v))
(conj (pop acc) (conj (peek acc) v))
(conj acc [v]))
(conj acc [v])))]
(logic xf acc v)
(defn -mapping [f]
(fn [xf]
(fn [acc v]
(xf acc (f v)))))
(def rfn (comp (-mapping inc)
(-rpartition-by odd?)))
(reduce (rfn conj)
;=> [[2 2 2] [6] [3 3] [4 4] [3] [4] [5 5]]
; transducer
(defn -transduce-partition-by [f]
(fn [xf]
([] (xf))
([acc] (xf acc))
([acc v]
(letfn [(logic [xf acc v]
(if-not (empty? acc)
(if (= (xf (last (flatten acc))) (xf v))
(conj (pop acc) (conj (peek acc) v))
(conj acc [v]))
(conj acc [v])))]
(logic xf acc v)
(transduce (-transduce-partition-by odd?) conj sdta)
;=> [[1 1 1] [5] [2 2] [3 3] [2] [3] [4 4]]
(transduce (comp (map inc) (-transduce-partition-by odd?)) conj sdta)
;=> [[2 2 2] [6] [3 3] [4 4] [3] [4] [5 5]]
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