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Last active May 23, 2024 03:58
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data I = T | F
data TreeF :: (I -> Type) -> (I -> Type) where
Tip :: Int -> TreeF f T
Forest :: f F -> TreeF f T
Nil :: TreeF f F
Cons :: f T -> f F -> TreeF f F
data Tree :: I -> Type where
Fold :: TreeF Tree i -> Tree i
mapTreeF :: forall (f :: I -> Type) (g :: I -> Type).
(forall i. f i -> g i) -> (forall i. TreeF f i -> TreeF g i)
mapTreeF phi (Tip n) = Tip n
mapTreeF phi (Forest f) = Forest (phi f)
mapTreeF phi (Nil) = Nil
mapTreeF phi (Cons t f) = Cons (phi t) (phi f)
recTree :: forall (f :: I -> Type).
(forall i. TreeF f i -> f i) -> (forall i. Tree i -> f i)
recTree alg (Fold t) = alg (mapTreeF (recTree alg) t)
data I = T | F
data Tree :: I -> Type where
Tip :: Int -> Tree T
Forest :: Tree F -> Tree T
Nil :: Tree F
Cons :: Tree T -> Tree F -> Tree F
recTree :: forall (a :: I -> Type). (Int -> a T) -> (a F -> a T) -> (a F) -> (a T -> a F -> a F) -> forall i. Tree i -> a i
recTree tip forest nil cons (Tip n) = tip n
recTree tip forest nil cons (Forest f) = forest (recTree tip forest nil cons f)
recTree tip forest nil cons (Nil) = nil
recTree tip forest nil cons (Cons t f) = cons (recTree tip forest nil cons t) (recTree tip forest nil cons f)
data Tree = Tip Int | Forest Forest
data Forest = Nil | Cons Tree Forest
recTree :: (Int -> a) -> (b -> a) -> b -> (a -> b -> b) -> Tree -> a
recTree tip forest nil cons (Tip n) = tip n
recTree tip forest nil cons (Forest f) = forest (recForest tip forest nil cons f)
recForest :: (Int -> a) -> (b -> a) -> b -> (a -> b -> b) -> Forest -> b
recForest tip forest nil cons Nil = nil
recForest tip forest nil cons (Cons t f) = cons (recTree tip forest nil cons t) (recForest tip forest nil cons f)
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